Things I do at car shows



Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2006
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Can you relate?

lol, and the ever classic small block that they swear is a "440, and a hemi", or some bs killstory, or even the $75,000 car they took down with the sadly cobbled together/obviously schucks built mopar they're leaning up against and/or trying to sell for WAAAAAY more than it could possibly be worth
lol, and the ever classic small block that they swear is a "440, and a hemi", or some bs killstory, or even the $75,000 car they took down with the sadly cobbled together/obviously schucks built mopar they're leaning up against and/or trying to sell for WAAAAAY more than it could possibly be worth

Yeah, I love the people that are asking $60k for non-rare cars that book for $20k in top condition, just because "They have that much in it" - lol. I saw a guy trying to sell a 67 Newport 4 door for $25k when NADA top value is $5k. I've always just wanted to walk up to one of those guys with an NADA sheet and ask him to explain the difference, and to guarantee the value in writing - lol.
Don't do car shows anymore because of those reasons and the fact its much more fun doing what the cars were built for drag racing...
Oh yea, just love those "Flakes" like the one "Zero" of a dude telling me there's 2 different small blocls for moPar, the 340 and the 360 tall block.
Yep, 2 different "LA" engines, 2 different deck heights.

(Bow tie jacka$$!)
I don't see

"sit in lawn chair and drink beer while ignoring ignorant spectators asking you what year your Firebird is".

That one accounts for at least 15% of your time.

About the only car show I attend is the Farmington Mopar show. As for shows in general, I don't really bother. There is always some ignorant douchebag at a show somewhere griping to me about what I did to my car or whining about correctness. I say it's better to modify than to let it rot to the Earth. My names is on the title and they can stick thier "If you don't have $300 NOS fan belts; you dont need to talk me club" straight up thier a$$.

I thought cars were about fun, not snobbery.

I always meet cool people with Mopars at places like gas stations and super markets. Made a couple of friends buying and selling parts to.
I am new to this with my 1964 Dodge Dart Gt, and I have never been to a car show, and I am starting to dislike the idea of $300.00 fan belts too!
I like to walk around and look at everyone else's rides before I go back to my car to count the fingerprints and key marks from idiots brushing by with big *** key rings clipped to their belt.

I try to park next to the people that set up shop with the lawn chairs and tent that watch their own car like a hawk.
I compliment their car and butter them up then ask them to look out for my car so nobody starts dancing on the roof or anything.

Crap can happen easily too.

I was walking past a few cars at a show with a buddy of mine that just happened to be wearing a metal flex band watch that brushed up against a candy blue impala with what looked to be a $10-k paint job or better and my stomach turned as I heard his watch screetch across the car's clearcoat with this eery noise.
He pulled his arm back real fast and said "Oh my Gosh", then looked around to see if anyone saw.
Nobody saw, but we walked back later to look at the paint and you could see a scratch in the clear but it definitely could have been easily buffed out since the guy had what looked to be about 20 coats of clear on the car.

Just goes to show you how easily crap can happen, but I laid into him pretty good about being careful around other people's cars.

I swear more crap happens to nice cars at car shows than driving down the road.
I ran into these cats at a MOPAR car show.

Watch out for the "waggin" gang. 8)

I did notice some stuck ups while there like they were the only ones to own a MOPAR. :bootysha:

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car shows get boring after a while, and yes there are too many snobs when i go, especially the mopar guys sadly...theres usually a pack of b-body guys at this one i go to with all original hemi and 440 six pack cars, and ive tried starting friendly conversation before and even complimented their rides, and only got rudeness back.

As far as touching goes, i never touch anything, but i hate people who time some father was letting is his two kids climb on top of a MINT west coast chopper and i freaked at him for letting them...its people like that who make me worried to leave my car unattended anywhere

but car shows in general dont do it for me anymore...I go, walk around for a bit with my buddys, shoot the **** with those i know there, and then we leave and make a comotion just to piss off the resto guys LOL
I try to never touch another persons car althought I really dont care if someone touch's mine. In fact, I find it really funny and often think, (as I'm drinking my 5th beer of the day)"how did any of these guys build there cars if it wasnt, isnt touched!" So if you see me at the Nats and you lay on the ground to look under the car and your back hurts like mine feel free to reach up and grab a fender, door handle, bumber and pull yourseslf up! cheers
I always figured that if you were at a show and there was something you wanted to see, ask the owner. I'm always happy to show folks stuff or talk about it. Manners go a long way......
I enjoy seeing people and there new ideas and walk with friends and share some good old memories that pop up when they see a car that brings back old stories of there past.:happy10:
You have not lived till you walk through a swap meet with Small Block :toothy10:=D> He sure can confuse a seller and and say things like " If I pay this for that and you throw in that how low can ya go" Dang he is so funny 8)
My first car show with Victoria was allot of fun :love7: There was a bunch of very nice car's there and muscle cars, But my little 66 sedan sure got allot of attention and many stories people would share with me about there old Valiant's 8) It seemed that these old cars carried the mail and news papers back in the day for allot of carriers :glasses8:
I try and make a point to give the young guns a smile selling or showing there cars that are nice but not perfect and put a smile on there face telling then they are doing good and try and buy parts they brought to sell =D>
Then there are the folks that are there just to get out of the house and set up just to cook and talk about there racing days and the old ways they did to make there ol cars go faster before there was no such thing as NOS. gas chillers and tire size to match the track and setting up the front end for no drag, Yep Them ol farts sure had fun and enjoy hearing there stories and learning as I enjoy a good car show. :thumbrig:

Then there is always the flowers there to =P~



not to long ago i saw a Duster with a Hemi in it for sale at a show in Spokane. Kind of sad that the owner, who was trying to sell the car knew next to nothing about it. Turns out the car was built by HemiMarks friend, HemiDenny.....small world, huh?
not to long ago i saw a Duster with a Hemi in it for sale at a show in Spokane. Kind of sad that the owner, who was trying to sell the car knew next to nothing about it. Turns out the car was built by HemiMarks friend, HemiDenny.....small world, huh?

Was that the Lime Green 73 Duster?
The main thing I like to do at car shows is take pics.

I just happened to be snapping a few pics of this old Pontiac when, in my opinion, my best car show pic ever opportunity came about.
They had no idea I was taking their picture which makes this one a keeper.

This is what it's all about.


Here's the car, what a beauty.


Another neat one, optical illusion. LOL.


Like the obscure angles too.

I'm a little surprised to hear the complaints about car shows. I guess there are a few snobs but there are so many interesting cars to see and people to talk to. Here in Georgia there are a lot of car main complaint is when I can't get off work to go to them.
I always like hitting the shows when I can. I do not like the large national ones that have super high dollar cars that were all done by some company and not the owner though. I would much rather look at something that is nice but not quite perfect but the owner built it and did most of the work him/herself and knows what it is! I always take a lot of pics and get some cool ideas. I also take my 59 Suburban... it is a little beat up from hauling youth group kids around on campouts and stuff but I rarely see any others....
I love to go to car shows, and have even written stories about them for the local car rag. I have a lot of friends that take their cars to shows, but I never take any of mine. I see no fun in competing for a $5 trophy. Besides, most of them have one car that they baby, and spend endless time on. I'm not like that. I like to buy survivors and fix them up a bit, and I have quite a few. I'd rather drive a driver/survivor, than spend all my time fussing over keeping all of my screw heads lined up or fly crap off of my dash - lol. I dont worry about people touching my cars, road chips, whatever. They're cars. Made to be driven and used as intended. To each his own.