To keep or not to keep that is the question...



Life is an experiment
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Oklahoma
I am sitting on a pretty decent bunch of A-Body parts. Things include 14" Rally wheel covers for a 1966 Barracuda, 273 V8 radiator for thye same car, assorted 1967 Barracuda parts cars, 1969 Barracuda parts car pretty gone, 68, 69, 75 Darts, Rally dash with 150 MPH speedo out of a 70 model A-Body, 4 speed column out of same car, manual steering gear box still attached to the 340 K frame, boxes of parts that I bought just to get one item and etc....

I just don't know what I should do with all this stuff. I like it but my only two keeper cars are a nice original 4 door 69 Dart and a 68 Barracuda convertible. I still have boxes of parts that I bought and haven't opened. I keep opening boxes to find 1968 Barracuda tail lights I have bought. I kept finding better ones so I kept buying them. I have totally lost track of what I have bought. I was hunting a trunk fish all over the place and I bought a NOS one to find that I already had two nice used ones. I opened a box to find 2 new but old stock 10 brake drums that will fit either of my cars I am keeping. Should I cut the remove the parts that could be used on my convertible and store them so they are no longer in the weather. Outdoor space is no big deal since I have plenty. Indoor space is getting limited. I am getting down to the point that this is just becoming stuff. Give me your opinions of what you would do in my shoes. I have a bad back and my nerves are shot because of my limitations. This sounds weird some days I want this stuff and some days I don't want any of it. I need some input to get me moving in a direction. What should I keep and what should I get rid of if anything?
hay man just keep me in mind bud ..... its really what u need to do to make u happy if u keep the stuff thats fine ..... if not look me up ...... but dont just get mad one day and get rid of it ..... if u think u mite want it then u mite keep the stuff ..... think to ur self will i ever use this stuff one my car/s if its a no then sell it if is a maybe keep it
hay man just keep me in mind bud ..... its really what u need to do to make u happy if u keep the stuff thats fine ..... if not look me up ...... but dont just get mad one day and get rid of it ..... if u think u mite want it then u mite keep the stuff ..... think to ur self will i ever use this stuff one my car/s if its a no then sell it if is a maybe keep it

I have to face reality and you have first chance at the 66 Barracuda radiator if it goes any place because we had talked about it before.
keep only the best parts,
that includes the parts on your cars
and only if they fit one of your cars,

then sell the rest
that includes anything you have multiples of
or parts for cars you no longer have
keep only the best parts,
that includes the parts on your cars
and only if they fit one of your cars,

then sell the rest
that includes anything you have multiples of
or parts for cars you no longer have

I know that is what I should do but I am attached to it. It worries me if I get rid of something and then buy a car that it would have fit. I don't want to buy another car but I am addicted. I am a car-aholic and it not just Mopars. Buying stuff makes me happy and that is the most enjoyment I get out of life since I got hurt but it is out of control. I have a 99.9% rust and dent free 67 Barracuda fastback that I need to cut up to save panels for the vert just in case something happens to it. I kept thinking I would put a drive train in it and drive it but I already have 7 cars and trucks insured counting the old rv. I have cut off 4 because I used to insure 11.
Yes, I know. I have a tough time knowing if I can get rid of it. Too many what ifs.
man take ur time it aint eating nothing setting there relax ya i need some of them parts but it aint worth loseing ur mind over it man its all ok .... i will be here and i aint asking any one diff but u so i will mostl liky still need them lol :fart:
I would sort the parts:
1. the stuff for my current cars
separated into groups
2. future projects
3. grade the items you have -- if you have triples of some items--- sell off to members here--- it would be like an adopted car-- you don't own it but it has some parts from your stash!!

Keep the juices flowing!! You never know when the next car might appear.
I decided a couple of years ago I was done restoring Mopars
and sold off most of my parts.Well I guess I wasn't because
I'm doing another one having to chase parts that I once had.
Only you can decide that
I struggle with a similar debate. I honesty beleive the best time to sell parts has past.
A used plastic instrument bezel can't be restored for less than the price of the brand new reproduction. Most of the business of restoring those parts has dissapeared. That's just one example of how reproductions from China have lowered the value of various decent used pieces.
Back in 2005 there were plenty of buyers willing to bid 250 or more for the Barracudas rear window reveal mouldings. Todays economy has turned the majority of those bidders into frowning,growling shoppers. Do we sit on these parts waitings of money to flow again ? Will reproductions of this part also appear on the market ? Who knows ?
I've seen the lack of 13 inch tires hurt the value of 13 inch wheels and wheel covers.
The modern muscle cars ( Challenger, Mustang, Camaro ) have hurt the resale value of their predicessors. Not the rare limited number models but the general production models.
There are days when I consider selling everything A-body I own from cars to pictures of cars before the value goes the way of the metal oil can spout.
Good luck
I struggle with a similar debate. I honesty beleive the best time to sell parts has past.
A used plastic instrument bezel can't be restored for less than the price of the brand new reproduction. Most of the business of restoring those parts has dissapeared. That's just one example of how reproductions from China have lowered the value of various decent used pieces.
Back in 2005 there were plenty of buyers willing to bid 250 or more for the Barracudas rear window reveal mouldings. Todays economy has turned the majority of those bidders into frowning,growling shoppers. Do we sit on these parts waitings of money to flow again ? Will reproductions of this part also appear on the market ? Who knows ?
I've seen the lack of 13 inch tires hurt the value of 13 inch wheels and wheel covers.
The modern muscle cars ( Challenger, Mustang, Camaro ) have hurt the resale value of their predicessors. Not the rare limited number models but the general production models.
There are days when I consider selling everything A-body I own from cars to pictures of cars before the value goes the way of the metal oil can spout.
Good luck

Damn that is spot on what I see and feel happening in our A body market!

Here in California about the only thing going for the pre 75 cars is no annual smog inspections. Other than that the old cars get **** for mileage, They don't have good brakes, They handle like crap, and compared to later model cars there not even that fast.

There is however some things that I really enjoy about our old cars. Like the experiance of pumping the gas peddle to start a car. Holding it to the floor to start a flooded car. I like riding the brakes in the rain to dry the linings so the car will stop next time I want it to. I like only using a lap belt. Yea I know it's not very protective but it gives me a feeling of freedom. Most of all I enjoy the attention and the experiance of driving a car that is different from most people on the road. Guess thats why I like these old A bodies.
You are a car part/tool junkie. I sometimes buy a part because it's a good deal not because I need it but I might need it someday and they are getting hard to come by. Now how smart is that hell I don't want to flip it just keep it. If you put parts outside you will lose them to rust and they will lose value you got to sell those parts while they are good or get them inside. Hard part is you don't own the stuff you really need.
I had and still have extra parts for 67-9 cudas, as I was accumulating them for my 69 rag and although those 3 years are similar, there are limitations as to what you can use for a specific year. Dont cut up the 67 fastback!! Too hard to find even if you planned on it being a donor car. You say that you have 2 projects, the 68 vert and the dart. When you can go thru your stuff bit by bit and get them organized and post them in the "for trade" section, and trade for parts you need for the vert cuda and the dart. That way you are getting rid of parts that you wont ever use but will be getting better parts for your projects. Just an the way I am still interested in your 69 cuda tail lights, so maybe there is something I have for your 68 that we could work in trade??

i got tired of walking around the crap i had. been selling little by little. you missed the great time to sell but if you have good stuff it will still sell and bring decent money. i just see no reason to keep stuff i'll probably never use. you buying stuff then finding you have perfectly usable stuff already in stock tells me you have too much and have no idea what you have. time to thinn out. keep what you think you'll need and sell the rest.
I had and still have extra parts for 67-9 cudas, as I was accumulating them for my 69 rag and although those 3 years are similar, there are limitations as to what you can use for a specific year. Dont cut up the 67 fastback!! Too hard to find even if you planned on it being a donor car. You say that you have 2 projects, the 68 vert and the dart. When you can go thru your stuff bit by bit and get them organized and post them in the "for trade" section, and trade for parts you need for the vert cuda and the dart. That way you are getting rid of parts that you wont ever use but will be getting better parts for your projects. Just an the way I am still interested in your 69 cuda tail lights, so maybe there is something I have for your 68 that we could work in trade??


I haven't forgot you on the tail lights. The shop is so full of parts and tools and the car is buried in a corner and I can't even get to the back of it. The whole building is a mess. I bought out a bankrupt wrecker company and tire company about 2 years ago. I have 2 tire machines and 3 tire balancing machines in the shop and another pair in the horse trailer. I have tire racks to the ceiling that are full of tires, stacks of tires on the shop floor and another building full of tires. By crushing cars I collected tires in massive quanities rather quickly. I paid help to prep the last 100+ cars because I couldn't do it so that really added to the tire pile. Normally I put the tires on Craigslist and sell them but since I have been down that hasn't happened. I have more tire racks to set up and that will help with the ones I want to keep. I need to thin out the balancers but I am keeping all the tire machines.
Here's my take since you asked. Life has changed and change is uncomfortable. The stress of owning all this stuff is outweighing the pleasure it once brought you. Your needs in this stage of your life are not the same as before you got hurt. You've already cut back on the number of vehicles you own, that is a step in the right direction, now you want to keep that momentum going. Whatever is trash, get rid of first. Then sort into three categories, keep, sell, and give away. With some objects, your emotions will kick in and tell you to keep it. Recognize this and ask yourself, does keeping this thing help me accomplish my goal of simplifying my life? Chances are, realistically, you are not going to get around to using it. If you get angry, that's normal. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you're moving forward into a new future for yourself that will work better than the way things are now. Think about your parts going to help others accomplish their projects instead of just sitting unused. This can be a very positive thing, it just takes the right attitude and a few coping skills. Good luck on clearing away the stuff that's weighing heavy on your mind!
Here's my take since you asked. Life has changed and change is uncomfortable. The stress of owning all this stuff is outweighing the pleasure it once brought you. Your needs in this stage of your life are not the same as before you got hurt. You've already cut back on the number of vehicles you own, that is a step in the right direction, now you want to keep that momentum going. Whatever is trash, get rid of first. Then sort into three categories, keep, sell, and give away. With some objects, your emotions will kick in and tell you to keep it. Recognize this and ask yourself, does keeping this thing help me accomplish my goal of simplifying my life? Chances are, realistically, you are not going to get around to using it. If you get angry, that's normal. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you're moving forward into a new future for yourself that will work better than the way things are now. Think about your parts going to help others accomplish their projects instead of just sitting unused. This can be a very positive thing, it just takes the right attitude and a few coping skills. Good luck on clearing away the stuff that's weighing heavy on your mind!

Good points.
I'd keep any convertible parts that you may need to replace down the line as the pop offs go for unrealistic prices. I've been fairly lucky finding used parts for my 68 Barracuda ragtop but it's taken some effort (and luck) finding the right people. I'm still collecting parts but I'll keep plugging along one part at a time.
I'd keep any convertible parts that you may need to replace down the line as the pop offs go for unrealistic prices. I've been fairly lucky finding used parts for my 68 Barracuda ragtop but it's taken some effort (and luck) finding the right people. I'm still collecting parts but I'll keep plugging along one part at a time.

That would be the smart move. As bad as I hate to I have to part out that 67 fastback and store the parts. Why take the chance of something happening where I would have to use aftermarket sheet metal when I have nearly perfect OEM metal on that car? I couldn't begin to buy the quality of grill and sheet metal that car has on it for what I could sell the car for. The other 67 fastback don't have any where near the quality of parts on it and that one I don't have a title for so it should be parted also.
OK, I am beginning to get a plan but first I need to see off the parts that definiately are of no use to me.
A couple other suggestions for what they're worth, from helping my Dad downsize...don't collect any more stuff! Also try finding another activity that you enjoy, to give you something new to focus on and be good at.
This is related in my mind so here it is... The stock market tanked again yesterday and the reporter stated the general concensus of traders was "If you can't sell what you want sell what you can"
My mother has reached the gap in her drug coverage so she will need about 550 per month for here meds between now and Jan 1.
Watch my 'For Sale' listings in the coming days. Good luck to all of us.