Total knee replacement



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FABO Gold Member
Dec 26, 2006
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The Warden is going in tomorrow @0500 and is Skeared!I told her she'd be ok.she is getting snappy.Im trying nit to say anything as she has had some botch surgerys.This doctor does this surgery a long time and I have looked him up on several sources and he has 5 stars!Say some prayers for comfort for her and success.I wanna thank everyone in advance cause this is a really nice group of folks and we support each other.God Bless all of you and keep you safe.
Wishing her the best and a speedy recovery. Not to worry, these surgeons and their staff are professionals and do this sort of thing every day. Just another day at the office for them.
Good luck to her... Tell her the surgery is just a walk in the park to her Doctor...
Wifey had the first one done two years ago and the second one two months ago. Rousing success on both counts. Yeah, things can go wrong but her surgeon has done over 800 replacements with only one that he had to redo.
Good luck! Wife was a rehab nurse for a while, said afterwards most people say they should have done it years ago
My wife had them both done 6 months apart and now went from extreme pain every time she got up and never could even walk around the block to walking 3 to 5 mi a day and is completely transformed her life...
6 months from now she'll be damn happy and looking to get the other one done if needed...
Prayers sent and I do wish her a speedy recovery.

I have a horse trainer friend, he had one done maybe 3 weeks ago, he has been riding all day the past week!
For the mechanic type guy, the doc adds a zert or two.
Prayers and best wishes for your Lady.
I have multiple friends that have had one or both knees done. In ALL cases the only complaint is they waited too long to have it done.
My girlfriend (one done,, one waiting)says it makes a difference who does the surgery, but everyone who has had it done by Kaiser is happy (six knees that I know personally there.)
My girlfriend walked in the house within four hours of her surgery, but she was still drugged to her eyeballs. And her pain tolerance is thru the roof.....
Best advice? DO THE REHAB exactly as ordered!
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Prayers sent for peace of mind and trust in the doctor. Also for a relatively pain free and speedy recovery.
I had a good friend go through a knee replacement. The surgery went fine. He did tell me that the recovery...therapy sessions were torture. They made him work the new knee to build up the muscles. The knee was fine but they made him work the new knee pretty hard. In the end all that therapy paid off. The new knee works great and he can walk for a very long time with no issues!!! Luck to your wife!!!!
Best wishes to both of you. I'm gonna sound like a broken record here, but I've also had friends who had the surgery done with zero issues whatsoever. They just followed the doctors instructions and did the physical therapy, couldn't be happier.
I wish her the best for a speedy recovery. I second sticking to the therapy regiment to a tee.
Nothing but positive vibes & thoughts of calm for her (& you). Thoughts of steady hands for her surgical team!!
Well yesterday I put just over 24,000 steps on rough terrain with my total knee replacement. Zero pain yesterday or today. I worked a State youth event and walked non stop. She will be so thankful she had it done. Be sure she really works the rehab, it makes all the difference. Like virtually everyone I know that has had it done, my only regret is waiting so long to do it.
Tell her Kitty and I send our love and prayers. I have a good friend on the Sheriff's department who had one and although it took a little time to get back on his feet, he said there was really nothin to it. Keep reminding her what an awesome husband and support partner she has. lol
for a speedy recovery and complete success.
My Orthopedic surgeon told me when my knee grenaded, a tendon issue, that a total knee replacement was easier to do than what he had in store with me :lol:. I didn't care for the Oxywhatever pain killer they prescribed, found that Alieve and ice aided my recovery nicely.
PS ... Frozen Peas in the bag make an excellent ice pack :D
You are gonna have to be the home-based physical therapist, and make SURE she does the therapy. They have done probably hundreds of thousands of these replacements, and they KNOW what is necessary for a good outcome.
The rehab is tough, it'll hurt for a bit..... but in the long run it will make for the best results!
God bless you both.
I just remembered this, but rent, buy, steal, beg or borrow the cold machine thingy. It is like a itty bitty water pump and radiator. I have no idea what it is called but it was a god send. Like so many others on here I wanted no part of the heavy pain pills. This machine has a Velcro wrap you put around your knee, it has a water reservoir you put ice or frozen water bottles in and it circulates the cold water thru the knee wrap. Really really reduces pain and swelling. For the life of me I do not remember what it is called. Talk to her PA or do a Amazon search, it is seriously good for the recovery process.
Wishing her a speedy recovery with much success! My own mother put it off for 15 years and finally had it done at age 80!! That was almost 8 years ago - she too wishes she had done it sooner.
You are gonna have to be the home-based physical therapist, and make SURE she does the therapy. They have done probably hundreds of thousands of these replacements, and they KNOW what is necessary for a good outcome.
The rehab is tough, it'll hurt for a bit..... but in the long run it will make for the best results!
God bless you both.
Doc said starting tomorrow every 30 min she is supposed to stretch and bend and he wants her to take shirt trips like to the bathroom and kitchen to get a sip of water.He wants her to work it out and I. 2 to 3 weeks she'll be ready for hopscotch!