TTI Problems - Annoyed!

Buy a Chevy. Problem solved.


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I have the exact same problem
right on this picture
I tried diferent way to install those engine mount the only thing
you can do is put shim Under them

excuse me but doesnt help at all
if I lowered the engine more the headers hit the idle arm
if I put shim Under them its worts as you can see in the pics the higher the
engine is install the tighter it gets

Id change the mount didnt help either
at the cost they are selling those Im not impress AT ALL

maybe road kill have the solution

Exhaust Header Bash! Testing Power Loss From Dents - Engine Masters Ep. 4 - YouTube

I really enjoyed that video :happy1:
Buy a Chevy. Problem solved.

If only you knew how much isues there are with headers on GM and Ford cars.

Yeah heard life's a breeze on the dark side.

Dont think this will make you feel better,but reality is that the only way to be sure a header fits right the first time is to build it yourself in the first place,these cars are absolutly horrible when it comes to production tolerances,they are all over the map so to speak,add 40years of wear and tear,use and abuse to the equation and you will be pretty close to the perfect storm. i dont think TTI are perfect,no manufacturing bussines is but they are very good in my opinion even if its almost hopeless to make a good product for these cars.
I've talked to some people, and as you can see on TTI's web site for the Abodies here, there are lots of footnotes. THat's probably a tell tail sign that in many applications things are going to be tough to fit.

Consider this, '66 valiant, denny's front end kit, and TTI's. I'm pretty much "all in" here at this point, let alone the new 340 stroker.

I had my frame modified to fit the TTI's.