has cork sides
how much is that gorgeous setup gonna run you? Walbro is some good stuff
how much is that gorgeous setup gonna run you? Walbro is some good stuff
That's cool i've been wanting to look into doing that to my 318 but i don't think i'll ever have the money to. Looks like its going to be cramped in that engine bay.
That's crazy how almost half of your cost is fittings and hose. I can't wait to see the numbers that it will make
Yeah I hear you on that one! It is too late to turn back now! This hobby is EXPENSIVE........ I feel bad because I am addicted, haaaaa:sad11:
Visa LOVES Ya!!:cheers:
Now that is one thing I don't do is finance any of my Hobbie Purchases. If I use a Visa it is an ATM card.:thumrigh:
Great thread Mad Dart thanks for keeping it updated.
If you are using the FAST dual sync distributor, I'd like to see what results you get. From what I could find around the net, it seems that the rotor is phased forward (advanced) from the factory and won't work well for boosted applications.
Louis DUDE!!!!
That motor looks soo rad sitting in the car! You gotta make the rest of the car look as pimp now!
It will be a thing of beauty, that runs like a MotherF$%^ker!
Fifty degree reference angle installation instructions:
Remove rotor to verify that module is mounted in the 50 degree position, if not, remove two module mounting screws, and shift the module to the 50 degree position, replace rotor.
Rotate engine to 50 degrees BTDC on the compression stroke.
Disconnect the negative coil (coil trigger) wire.
Reconnect the negative battery cable.
Install distributor with the rotor pointing in the general direction of the number one cylinder.
With the red wire connected to 12V, the ignition key in the run position, and the “Cam/Hall Effect” plug connected, rotate the base of the distributor counterclockwise until the cam LED illuminates, then continue counterclockwise until the next crank signal (crank LED illuminates).
Move the base of the distributor back and forth until you find the leading edge of that crank signal, lock down the distributor and you’re finished.
The distributor is now timed and phased properly for a fifty degree reference angle! Connect all spark plug and coil wires before cranking the engine!
Are they paying for the dyno time? If so I agree wait. If not I am bummed out I wanna see it run