Uh Oh, What Happened to Rani???

I like her and all and think it's cool we have a female member that loves to work on cars but this is kinda like the Danica thing. If her name was Randy, would yall be worried as much?

Not to mention that this site has a bunch of old dudes, here.
Not to mention that this site has a bunch of old dudes, here.

Well I know first hand that most of these "old dudes" have really helped her out and helped prevent another kid from wasting her talent on something stupid and getting in trouble. Just about everything on the web pertaining to A-bodies leads to this site so this site is awesome and these old cars are more than just "old" cars no matter what your walk of life is.
now that you guys got the Rani mystery solved.
where is Waldo?
Waldo hasn't logged in this year.
I like her and all and think it's cool we have a female member that loves to work on cars but this is kinda like the Danica thing. If her name was Randy, would yall be worried as much?

To me Rani is remarkable, coming from such a vastly different culture, of all things she could have done, she learned how to build old Mopars. She contributes and is helpful, and she speaks perfect English. She is living the American dream by working hard and getting educated and being respectful. That's not so common nowadays. Where she comes from, females are pretty much treated like property, so yes, I am worried when she's over there.
Maybe we should get a posse together and go to India.
My first encounter with "our" Rani dart was from e body parts that she had for sale on here, which I bought. From there she commented on a thread I started about a problem I had with my slant 6. She like others responded to my questions. BUT... she later sent me a PM (the only person)and gave me more in depth advice. We have corresponded a few times. And yes I am an old man and I did think of sending her a craftsman tool box (I know her love for them)for Christmas but only because I consider her a friend (I see her a daughter figure) on here. There is only one other guy that has written and created a friendship beyond a thread. So even if her name were Randy...I would be concerned with her background. AND if and when I get to Colorado me and MY woman are going to ask her for dinner and get to meet her personally. I am concerned and I miss her outlook on life and her creative threads.
I know Rani about as well as one can without actually meeting her. We have had long talks (chats) including much more than cars. Pictures of her India life, etc.... and yes I miss her in the chat room.... BUT, BUT, But RustyRatRod is correct. Many of good folk on here are not heard from in a long time, and nothing mentioned. It is sort of like the "Danica" thing. Let me inform some of what she has told me: quoting her "I don't want to be thought of as a girl, but as a car enthusiast".
Well RRR,'if you disappeared without so much as an explanation, I would certainly post a thread about your whereabouts because I would be concerned about you as we'll! Maybe some of the other members like dartnabout may not receive a thread,'but it wouldn't be because I didn't care what happened to them, but only because they are not as prolific as some of the other members who post a lot, like you and Rani!

I wonder a lot what happened to some of our members, like Demon Seed and some others, but they have been covered in some of the "what ever happened to" threads! Yes, members come and go, but the ones who post a lot are missed more than the occasional posters like myself! Members like 66340 Keith, RRR, Memike and Leanna, and yes, Rani, are missed because they post a lot, and start a lot of threads about a lot of different stuff and Mopars too. Boy or girl, young or old, that doesn't matter to me, I just got worried that she wasn't on for awhile and got concerned! Sorry if it ruffled any feathers, ill go now!! Geof
kids are kids no matter if boy or girl or where they are from. I am a Colorado native and related to Rani through marriage and here in Colorado as well as the rest of the country we live in a society where too many kids go down the wrong path so if "old cars" can teach and foster a productive life for kids without direction then we should be using them as a tool to bring our kids up.

Rani has a few boy cousins who were not mechanically inclined and one of those boys chose to go down the wrong path, even amongst Rani's girl cousins many did not "get it". Rani was the only one in her family who had interest and ability in the car world, so who are we to have held her back just because she is what she is. There is no "Danica" anything, just a kid who likes cars and has done passed up her teachers.
There is no "Danica" anything, just a kid who likes cars and has done passed up her teachers.

Well said, BUT I will disagree with her being a "kid" she may be looked upon as one because she is a girl, but she is far beyond her years with her knowledge of mopars and life in general.

BTW some people are frequent "posters" and some are frequent CONTRIBUTORS. She is a CONTRIBUTOR in my eyes.
Well said, BUT I will disagree with her being a "kid" she may be looked upon as one because she is a girl, but she is far beyond her years with her knowledge of mopars and life in general.

BTW some people are frequent "posters" and some are frequent CONTRIBUTORS. She is a CONTRIBUTOR in my eyes.

Well said Steve!! I would worry if you jus disappeared also, and would certainly start a "Where's Steve" thread in your absence!!
BUT I will disagree with her being a "kid"

LOL maybe its just me then, to me she will always be a kid because I still remember like it was yesterday when I first met her and she was a pre-teen and a quiet kid. At that time none of us ever would have guessed what would become of her, the odds were not in her favor.
Well said, BUT I will disagree with her being a "kid" she may be looked upon as one because she is a girl, but she is far beyond her years with her knowledge of mopars and life in general.

BTW some people are frequent "posters" and some are frequent CONTRIBUTORS. She is a CONTRIBUTOR in my eyes.

Well said in both responces 4spdragtop!!!! She's MOPAR smart way beyond her years!!!!!
AND if and when I get to Colorado me and MY woman are going to ask her for dinner and get to meet her personally.

And you would probably end up at Sonic getting her a burger and an order of tater tots and a Mountain Dew... Or two orders of tater tots and a Mountain Dew. :D

I bet she's craving some Sonic tater tots by now. She's probably going to "gobble" her first order like Cookie Monster when she gets back... LOL! :D
She's MOPAR smart way beyond her years!!!!!

here is why: Kid who is always home and never parties + Roll away chest full of tools + unlimited access to a salvage yard. = Mopar kid

sure kept her busy
oops, I think I am an enabler :burnout:


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here is why: Kid who is always home and never parties + Roll away chest full of tools + unlimited access to a salvage yard. = Mopar kid

oops, I think I am an enabler :burnout:

Tell you what, I'll be happier than a kid in a candy shop at a place like that...
well rrr,'if you disappeared without so much as an explanation, i would certainly post a thread about your whereabouts because i would be concerned about you as we'll! Maybe some of the other members like dartnabout may not receive a thread,'but it wouldn't be because i didn't care what happened to them, but only because they are not as prolific as some of the other members who post a lot, like you and rani!

I wonder a lot what happened to some of our members, like demon seed and some others, but they have been covered in some of the "what ever happened to" threads! Yes, members come and go, but the ones who post a lot are missed more than the occasional posters like myself! Members like 66340 keith, rrr, memike and leanna, and yes, rani, are missed because they post a lot, and start a lot of threads about a lot of different stuff and mopars too. Boy or girl, young or old, that doesn't matter to me, i just got worried that she wasn't on for awhile and got concerned! Sorry if it ruffled any feathers, ill go now!! Geof

here is why: Kid who is always home and never parties + Roll away chest full of tools + unlimited access to a salvage yard. = Mopar kid

sure kept her busy
oops, I think I am an enabler :burnout:

Were some of those pictures from your yard out by the airport?

You do a mighty fine job of posting pictures!!
Were some of those pictures from your yard out by the airport?

You do a mighty fine job of posting pictures!!

I wouldn't call myself a computer guy but this site makes it easy to upload pictures. Just click the paper clip button and select the picture after you resize it with the paint program. That is the easy part, the hard part is how to change the avatar. Rani set my avatar for me long time ago and now I cant figure out how to change it, I don't even have a Demon.

The yard that was by the airport was dismantled a few years before any of these pictures but picture number five is a yard that is still there now but all that is left is cars from the 50s which Rani has no interest in because she likes late 60s and early 70s only.