Unreal intake manifold cost

Way too many comments here leaning towards politics. Take it to the N&P fellas.
I noticed the intake prices skyrocketing way before covid or Biden. They just keep bumping prices and as long as sales dont slump suddenly they continue to bump the price up. I saw this happen with 70-71 340 air cleaners and exhaust manifolds. Someone sells a nicer than average set for a higher than average price then suddenly that is what everyone thinks all of them are worth. The next guy sells his for $50 more and so on.
I literally saw this trend with the air cleaners so I bought one to have as a spare. I paid $225 for it. Within a couple months the price was double. It all stems from greed. Now I wont sell mine for below average market but its not because of greed. I know if I want another it will probably cost me double so I would rather hold on to it.
Good lord, now anybody who sells something for market value is a crook? with that logic those same people should sell me their house for 50% of market value since they are not greedy:D
In the past that was true.
But if you have been paying attention, the world we knew and loved before Biden, is no more and it is not likely to ever come back. Evil has come to North America. The people; do not /can not /will not, see/accept it, so this evil will be the cancer that kills most of us. When you see what you need or want, buy it while you can.
Every day that you wait, is another day that your money is slipping into worthlessness. May I suggest a freezer full of meat, a cabin in the woods near a lake, with a patch of arable land, and a plow-ox.
I agree
I noticed the intake prices skyrocketing way before covid or Biden. They just keep bumping prices and as long as sales dont slump suddenly they continue to bump the price up. I saw this happen with 70-71 340 air cleaners and exhaust manifolds. Someone sells a nicer than average set for a higher than average price then suddenly that is what everyone thinks all of them are worth. The next guy sells his for $50 more and so on.
I literally saw this trend with the air cleaners so I bought one to have as a spare. I paid $225 for it. Within a couple months the price was double. It all stems from greed. Now I wont sell mine for below average market but its not because of greed. I know if I want another it will probably cost me double so I would rather hold on to it.
Greed is the problem
I noticed the intake prices skyrocketing way before covid or Biden. They just keep bumping prices and as long as sales dont slump suddenly they continue to bump the price up. I saw this happen with 70-71 340 air cleaners and exhaust manifolds. Someone sells a nicer than average set for a higher than average price then suddenly that is what everyone thinks all of them are worth. The next guy sells his for $50 more and so on.
I literally saw this trend with the air cleaners so I bought one to have as a spare. I paid $225 for it. Within a couple months the price was double. It all stems from greed. Now I wont sell mine for below average market but its not because of greed. I know if I want another it will probably cost me double so I would rather hold on to it.
Parts for mopars are just more expensive than the other brands, for what door panels cost you for a mopar you can just about redo the whole interior of a mustang or a nova
Why not, if you don't need or want them
Well, I want em. It's a complete 74 HP ( steel crank, fat rod) motor w/ and different set of ported heads, w HD springs, fresh. 030 bore, a 6 qt pan, other stuff. The 727 is a reverse manual valve body. But I don't see me getting another car, or finishing the build....
Well, I want em. It's a complete 74 HP ( steel crank, fat rod) motor w/ and different set of ported heads, w HD springs, fresh. 030 bore, a 6 qt pan, other stuff. The 727 is a reverse manual valve body. But I don't see me getting another car, or finishing the build....
It seems that a lot of guys get several project cars and for what ever reason they never get done, my dad used to say that's because they have to many irons in the fire. A good friend of mine took about 6 years to restore his 1968 440 gtx convertible, it was beautiful when he got it done and when he sold it he lost money on it. I always hear that people lose interest in their projects, I don't know if it's a money thing or they just got to much going on.
It seems that a lot of guys get several project cars and for what ever reason they never get done, my dad used to say that's because they have to many irons in the fire. A good friend of mine took about 6 years to restore his 1968 440 gtx convertible, it was beautiful when he got it done and when he sold it he lost money on it. I always hear that people lose interest in their projects, I don't know if it's a money thing or they just got to much going on.
I know Guys that do several at a time, but they got room and cash. I've got my Duster... it's pretty much done, to my standards lol
Greed is the problem

How is getting the most money for something “greed”. If you have any part (or anything else at has value which BTW is what real currency is) for sale why not sell it for the most you can? To do otherwise is stupid. And it’s not greed. It’s common sense.

If you want to give your junk away that’s fine. Just because someone wants the most value for what they have doesn’t make them greedy. It makes them smart.

Selling something cheap doesn’t win you any prizes, any loyalty or anything else.

When you go to work do you tell your boss hey I’ve been greedy the last 5 years so drop my pay by half? Of course not. You labor has value or at least it should have. I know when I do something I want to be paid what I’m worth and then some, because cheap assed people always over value what they have and devalue what someone else has. And then they call it greed.

I’ve noticed a pattern here. You start thread after thread bitching about the cost of cars. And now you are bitching about the cost of parts. Is there any chance, a remote possibility that the issue is you? That you don’t have the money to do this? That you don’t have the skills to do enough of your own work to have a realistic budget? Is it possible that you don’t have the proper tools or the budget to buy the proper tools to do the most you can yourself?

I’m not trying to discourage you. I’m saying maybe you need to take a look in the mirror and have a good look. This hobby/sport/industry has never been cheap. Ever. I can in fact and I do say that today guys are spoiled. You can make more horsepower for less money than you ever could. It’s cheaper to build 1200-1500 horsepower today than it was to build an honest 600 hp 35 or 40 short years go. And it’s not even close.

You can get on the phone and buy parts that guys 35-40 years ago never dreamed of, for dirt cheap money. I remember when a Pro Stock truck engine was 75k a copy and you had to buy 2 to get that price. And those things were right at 1000 hp. Today you can easily build more power than that for less than half that price.

Sometimes we don’t realize how lucky we are.

And the lie that a Chrysler is more expensive to build is just that. A lie. If you are cruising wrecking yards, bumming around at swap meets and scouring the web for OE parts then yes, the Chrysler is more expensive.

When you start building real horsepower you will see all the faults of the GM platform. All it has going for it is sheer numbers and aftermarket development.

It’s not a better platform and certainly not even close to as good a platform as the Chrysler stuff when it comes to stroker builds. You are going to buy an aftermarket block and the fact is a Ritter block isn’t any more expensive than the equivalent Dart or World Chevy block. They are the same. Of course Dart and World make “replacement” blocks that are better than an OE block but they will tell you it’s not a race piece.

Pistons cost the same. Cams cost the same. Rods cost the same. Rings don’t know the name on the valve cover and they are the same price between GM, Ferd and Chrysler. A decent set of roller lifters is the same price for any brand. And you don’t have to bore the lifter bores to get a .904 lifter in a Chrysler.

Rocker arms? Same cost. Cranks are so close in price it’s a push.

When you look at the actual numbers the Chrysler costs the same as anything else to build, unless of course you are buying and using stuff that is OE replacement.
The pandemic and rebounding economy are huge factors here. It’s a huge part of inflation as demand far outstrips supply.

The other thing that was happening anyway is that we’re losing our edge when it comes to benefiting from China’s labor and environmental practices. As they tighten up their costs, compete for resources, etc, things will continue go down hill.

They want to get rid of old cars. Foundaries don't just magically dry up materials don't just magically dry up unless they're all controlled by one entity.

Is capitalism one entity? If so, it seems a little weird to ascribe a conscious will upon it.

somebody needs to start 3d printing them or resin cast /mold. Hell dorman makes/sells replacement composite intakes for everyone.. OEM has been doing them for a while now...!! a resin airgap would be ultimate//virtually no heat transfer!!
shoot someone with a home 3d printer can make clips/door /window/guides/rear seat cams ect.... just need a good one to scan... todays tech can outweigh a 3rd world country melting soda /beer cans for a intake...

I hope you’re onto something here. Since 3D printing started becoming accessible a decade or so back, there have been huge hopes pinned on what can be done. So far, most people have some crummy looking business card holders and that’s about it. It is used in some high tech applications of course but it doesn’t seem to have fulfilled its promise yet.

Jay Leno has been advocating for 3D printing car parts for a long time and he has shared some spectacular examples. The problem is that he’s Jay Leno and he can afford to invest $15k of an engineer’s time to make a valve cover for a 1949 Packard or whatever.
I looked for an air gap intake for 5 months...ended up getting a super vic for that cost $750 Canadian...but I was happy to get it otherwise the project would sit...still waiting months for the pro-touring miladon oil pan...
Old cars are expansive now. Look at the cost of a early 70’s c10… these people are trying to get a boatload of money for a truck that millions of them were made. This is just the tip (that’s what she said) of the iceberg.

If Griping about the cost of something in the car hobby, you picked the wrong hobby. Go get yourself an RC car…

I just got an email for Amazon, those **** bags are rising the cost of Prime by 20 bucks to 139 a year… remember how it was 99 buck 5 years ago? You going to ***** about Amazon shafting you for another 20 bucks a year?
I dont have any big block intakes now...but I have a 400, 915,906,steel crank covers, non a/c pulley set, pan..
Cant buy one hardly anywhere...atm.
Small block stuff however...
Still have Ld340's,victors, street dominator, strip dominator, xcellerator, performers, iron 273 commando 4 brls. Cranks, rods,piston sets, ring sets, valves, 6 sets of diff ported heads, cams, headers,valve covers of all kinds..ect lol
Bought a new (in stock) Victor 340 for $335 shipped (average pricing elsewhere was $390) just last October. Now, four months later the same vendor lists it for $402 shipped and the average pricing is $450) but nobody has one in stock of course. About a 16% price increase. I snagged it as it was too good a price to pass up. I bet some would still complain about paying $335 for an intake.
The price of parts is what it will be. This “greed” and “fair” nonsense is 100% subjective, says more about the watcher, tire kickers, buyers than the sellers.

And then there’s the guy that thinks nothing of dropping $50k on the latest car/truck that off the lot and over time loses value. No problem. But the costs of a hobby? Oh no. Greed....not fair....It’s boo-hoo, sniff-sniff:rolleyes:
Bought a new (in stock) Victor 340 for $335 shipped (average pricing elsewhere was $390) just last October. Now, four months later the same vendor lists it for $402 shipped and the average pricing is $450) but nobody has one in stock of course. About a 16% price increase. I snagged it as it was too good a price to pass up. I bet some would still complain about paying $335 for an intake.
The price of parts is what it will be. This “greed” and “fair” nonsense is 100% subjective, says more about the watcher, tire kickers, buyers than the sellers.

And then there’s the guy that thinks nothing of dropping $50k on the latest car/truck that off the lot and over time loses value. No problem. But the costs of a hobby? Oh no. Greed....not fair....It’s boo-hoo, sniff-sniff:rolleyes:
Right. Just went on Hughes looking at the timing chain sets. I got one back in July at 159 and now they are 216. Inflation will be the killer of mankind.
How much extra does it cost to get that part made AND transport it from point of mfg to distributor since covid hit? Give yer head a shake and while yer at it open a foundry and make some lol. Hey at least the OP put it in the right forum for a change.:rolleyes:
It's nothing more than the economy...parts will sell for whatever someone is willing to pay. I bought an engine ...sold the air gap it came with, they look ugly to me and are a poor choice for the street.I bolted on an old Weiand i paid $56 for on E bay. The car runs fantastic!
... 340's properly built will run in the 10's with stock cast iron intakes. I don't know what it is about aluminum intakes?
If you must have an aluminum intake the older Torker is a great looking piece.I have used them, they run hard and can be had for chicken feed!
In the past that was true.
But if you have been paying attention, the world we knew and loved before Biden, is no more and it is not likely to ever come back. Evil has come to North America. The people; do not /can not /will not, see/accept it, so this evil will be the cancer that kills most of us. When you see what you need or want, buy it while you can.
Every day that you wait, is another day that your money is slipping into worthlessness. May I suggest a freezer full of meat, a cabin in the woods near a lake, with a patch of arable land, and a plow-ox.
And lots of [BRASS] !!!!