US mail just as slow as Canada

This question is for no one in particular but I do hope some answers it. Lets say your packages last known stop was Phoenix. Has not moved in a week or so. What are you planning to do with that info? Call the Phoenix Processing & Dist. Center and ask them to go look for it? FYI, good luck getting the number, the only one listed anywhere is the 1800URSCREWED number. Even if you did have the will only end up getting an employee on the phone that at best will transfer you over to the West Valley facility. I can just about guarantee you that what you will be told is that they process thousands of tens of thousands of packages daily.blah blah blah. I have said every time this topic comes up that the tracking system is a joke. Oh that's right, pretty much nobody bothers to read what I have to say. Case in point, anybody have a comment to my prior post?
Want to know how your packages are handled? will give you an idea of what the machine looks like etc.....

In all likelihood the only times your packages are touched by a human is when you hand it to the clerk and the delivery person loads it into his truck.
Your hand writing look like a doctors? If so, might want to print all of your labels. The APPS machine, as well as the afcs that cancels and starts the sorting process of your letters, have scanners and ocr software to read your handwriting. Used to be any unreadable image would go to a REC site to be read by a human. The software would then take the orange sprayed on tag and tie it into the info typed by a human so the item would be sent on its way. But the USPS has a "new & improved" software that can read damn near everything (or so they claim), couple that with the almighty budget cuts and I believe the rec sites are gone

which pretty much means that if your handwriting sucks your package very well may take the scenic route.

And being that your package travels thru the APPS machine care to guess what very well might happen to it if you are one of the folks that does not remove any and all open air space in the box? Very good chance it will end up in the repair area. The repair area used to be staffed by limited/light duty folks. But once again, thanks to the budget issues

limited/light duty folks are ushered out the door as soon as they tell there boss they are your package that got ripped open now very well may sit for a while.....

Hell, I only spent 19 long years there so maybe I do not know what I am talking about....

Hope your package arrives. If not, hope it was insured.

I read your posts.
Hell, I only spent 19 long years there so maybe I do not know what I am talking about....

Who was doubting you here? I don't think anyone here was questioning anyone's knowledge...

Maybe you "don't know" what you're talking about? - Um that's on you.

Honestly, Snake was most likely looking for an alternative way to find out why his package isn't at his home yet, or even just starting a thread for the hell of it.

Who knows?

Either way, as I said: No one was questioning what you know. It's not a big deal.

Snake, I hope your shipment arrives soon! :)
Who was doubting you here? I don't think anyone here was questioning anyone's knowledge...

Maybe you "don't know" what you're talking about? - Um that's on you.

Honestly, Snake was most likely looking for an alternative way to find out why his package isn't at his home yet, or even just starting a thread for the hell of it.

Who knows?

Either way, as I said: No one was questioning what you know. It's not a big deal.

Snake, I hope your shipment arrives soon! :)

Me to thanksssssssssssssssssss,I I will be the first to admit i am an impatient person ,were the hell is my package :protest::protest::protest::protest::toothy10::toothy10: just kidding.Also I did:eek:ccasion: not intend to afeind anyone lol.
I have waited 3 weeks for packages to arrive from the big deal...I've sent stuff to the US and it takes 2 weeks...never lost a single thing whether sending or receiving...
Also I did not intend to afeind anyone lol.

No worries! Lol.. We all have our impatient streaks, some worse than others, Lol

(Insert name here) "ME"

But I wouldn't blame you for wondering where the hell your package is going and better yet, why it's going in the wrong direction...

Does the tracking number you use tell you when the approximated time is supposed to be for arrival date?
That is because its real purpose is not to track the mail but to track the employees in an effort to eliminate jobs.....19 or so years in that rat infested toilet....The only mail that the USPS scans at every time it moves is Express Mail....

I once waited all day Sat for a package that was supposed to show up with signature required. I gave up at 5 PM and went to my box to get my regular mail. There was my package that was supposed to be signed for. :evil:

WHO SIGNED FOR IT??? My neighbor that was dead for 6 years.... WTF? :wack:
No worries! Lol.. We all have our impatient streaks, some worse than others, Lol

(Insert name here) "ME"

But I wouldn't blame you for wondering where the hell your package is going and better yet, why it's going in the wrong direction...

Does the tracking number you use tell you when the approximated time is supposed to be for arrival date?

nope not yet.
nope not yet.

That's odd... They're supposed to give you a date for the shipment to arrive by. It's usually a range of about 3 days. It might depend on the type of shipping you paid for: overnight (pricey), 1 day, 2 day, normal 3-5 business days (which i think is the cheapest and the longest time duration for waiting)

Do you know how many day shipping you paid for and how many days it has been so far?
That's odd... They're supposed to give you a date for the shipment to arrive by. It's usually a range of about 3 days. It might depend on the type of shipping you paid for: overnight (pricey), 1 day, 2 day, normal 3-5 business days (which i think is the cheapest and the longest time duration for waiting)

Estimated delivery times go out the window when stuff goes across the border.

Do you know how many day shipping you paid for and how many days it has been so far?

Anything that goes to Canada can get hung up in Customs until they decide to let it go through.
First its the trek to the Canadian Border.. Then Customs decides whats what...This alone is a Min 14 days... so you can start counting day 1 on day 15 lol
Anything that goes to Canada can get hung up in Customs until they decide to let it go through.

That's got to suck!! So, what happens if you needed to have the shipped package in your possession by a certain time, like a deadline?

I think that's wrong: For customs to just sit on your package and twiddle their thumbs for as long as they feel the need! patient...i have tracked an item and it stayed in the same US location for days.Then the next day it was here...probably just not updated.
..did you get over to the Brick Tues for Freddie Vette?
Glad your doing better Don!
Cudachick pranged the shipping its been 6 business days.Its not her fault.

I know it's not her fault...

Shipping vary's everywhere! Unfortunately, it's customs that you have to deal with with US to Canada shipping.

Hope everything is okay within the shipping processes along the travels to get your package to Canada safely. And I hope it gets to you soon!

I've heard good things about Cudachick! I doubt she did anything wrong on her end! :) patient...i have tracked an item and it stayed in the same US location for days.Then the next day it was here...probably just not updated.
..did you get over to the Brick Tues for Freddie Vette?
Glad your doing better Don!

Hi Al,na never made it but this Tuesday night is looking good,having a little problim with my blood pressure pills,no bi gee .Thanksssssssss for asking,ps i miss ya phone calls.:protest:
Living in Sarnia On Im on the border. So I have a mailbox over in Port Huron Michigan.. So yes of course all my goodies go there that are shipped in the USA... Summit and YearOne think thats my home lol... But it is so much easier for me to have it... Then its up to me to go get it and bring it over... So far I have not been nailed at customs on the Canadian side...
Hey SSssssnake. I hate to tell you this. I just got a part from Canada yesterday, eh...

Hopefully yours will get there soon!