Yep I may be swapping springs as well. Piston at tdc and rope will work to help keep valve up. PITA cut should work.
I'm looking for one also so I'm following this! I been thinking about making one. I love making my own tools for me it's part of the fun of the hobby iv made about 3/4 of my gunsmithing tools including an action wrench, barrel vice, recoil pad fixture, scope mount jigs. Alot of other jigs also. So I'm considering making one. I do have a stupid question about changing them with the heads on what keeps the valve from just falling inside the cylinder. Doesn't seem like a very safe way of doing it. I guess you would have to do them one at a time and rotate the engine around to let the piston up on the one your working on? I'm thinking of making or buying a clamp type.