Veterans can be sooo cool

both my Grand father served during WWII. my Great Uncle flew B-17 in to germany. and my Grandmother was a i thinck it was called a wacke, during WWII. but i think the coolest thing was just after memorial day i was walking in to Walmart and there was this older couple in front of me and i was waiting to get around them, yes i wanted to get in and out of the store. the older genteman turned and looked at me and was wearing a ball cap that said purple heart recipient. well i stopped and thought about and asked if he had severed. well i don't think he could hear but his wife turned and looked at me and said yes with a look that if you have a problem with that i will kick your but. well i payed that no never mind walked up to him and shook his hand and said thank you. i think they where both in shock, well to shorten this up he was in the pacific on a PT boat. Rani it is a great thing that this man will share his stories with you please go and listen. sorry for highjacking!
Hey, DartDude335, are you forming your own militia? Or are you just getting ready for the Zombie Apocalypse? It is coming, you know...
Thanks for your story Rani, also the pics of the planes!!

Just something to share. Was recently on a business trip. Eating my dinner at some large chain restaurant. An old couple walked it. She looked in her late 70's early 80's. The gentlemen looked over 90, all stooped over with a walker. He was a little chili after sitting down. So he told his wife he was going to get his jacket in the car. It must have taking him 10 minutes to do so. She was very wary of him, watching to see if he was OK. I said that my mom is pretty frail like that and I do the same. I was getting ready to leave and said something to them. The gentlemen asked me if I was from around here and we started a conversation and it progressed. He said he was a pilot in the 8th Air Force flying bomb runs in Germany. I asked him "Forts or Libs". He said yeah, Liberators, "B24's". I looked at his wife briefly and she looked at me and smiled like "now you did it". We talked for another 10 minutes and then I shook his hand. His grip still like a pro athlete of 20. Thank God for these people.
Some of these guys took considerable trauma to their graves. My Uncle was on a couple of Pacific Islands, including Okinawa. He didn't really like talking about it that much. Now that I've seen some real footage, I understand why.

Sarah and I were members of a church that was made up of vets. WWII, Korea, Vietnam. Navy, Army, and Marines.

None of them talked about their experiences, either, other than to say that they had indeed served.

The only one who really talked was an Air Force vet who served during the Berlin Air Lift. And he let you know he was a vet. Repeatedly. The others? Only on Memorial Day. They just didn't talk about it or even acknowledge it.

It was a difference between those who saw a lot of combat and those who didn't.