VIN Rivets

Don, are they acceptable for a Mopar if they were painted black for dash tags instead of door tags?
The product description says they are for GM,Ford, Chrysler and others. I don’t have any late 60’s/70’s cars to compare then to, I seem to recall the Vin rivets for those were shaped somewhat different,
None of the cheap rivets are flush on the top when installed, like the factory ones were.
I still have a set form factory way back when I worked at a Chrysler stashed in my toolbox some where I guess saving for next project to come along that needs them they were hard to get back then that is why I saved them I guess
I still have a set form factory way back when I worked at a Chrysler stashed in my toolbox some where I guess saving for next project to come along that needs them they were hard to get back then that is why I saved them I guess
Well I bought 4 off Amazon n I think once they’re popped on the vin plate they’ll be ok. My original ones were black so after they on I’ll touch them up black.
Cray thing about there special rosette rivets is when I see them for sale it’s always in pairs of two. And folks that are selling them must have a Vendor they buy them from and buy them by 100-1000 at a time. So anyone know who the vendor is ? It’d be nice to have a bunch n give the away to my Mopar buddies here on ABodies n at car shows
Can you post a pic of you factory rosette rivets so I can compare with the ones I bought off Amazon.
Well I bought 4 off Amazon n I think once they’re popped on the vin plate they’ll be ok. My original ones were black so after they on I’ll touch them up black.
Cray thing about there special rosette rivets is when I see them for sale it’s always in pairs of two. And folks that are selling them must have a Vendor they buy them from and buy them by 100-1000 at a time. So anyone know who the vendor is ? It’d be nice to have a bunch n give the away to my Mopar buddies here on ABodies n at car shows
If you can find out where to buy them in bulk, I'd be happy to split the cost of a box with you. I'd need a dozen or so to cover all my projects and have one or two to practice with before going
If you can find out where to buy them in bulk, I'd be happy to split the cost of a box with you. I'd need a dozen or so to cover all my projects and have one or two to practice with before going
If I fined them in bulk I’ll share my source. The price of the rosette rivets will go way down
I might make a man’s necklace outta one rivet
Can you post a pic of you factory rosette rivets so I can compare with the ones I bought off Amazon.
They are shaped like a mopar penastar not the type with lumpy humps I will see if I can find them or you can look at a older vin tag and see I will be at the garage soon
They are shaped like a mopar penastar not the type with lumpy humps I will see if I can find them or you can look at a older vin tag and see I will be at the garage soon
Wow that’ll be neat to see a Penstar rivet

When I did my Barracuda (2006) I found a pair of NOS on eBay. They were exact, shape, thickness, domed, material.

You get what you pay for.

In the end any of these will do the job if they are being looked at.

I put this in the you are spending thousands on the car and you are going to cheap out on a cheap part?

$6 a set off Ebay with FREE SHIPPING and they do look official. Or spend more somewhere else.
$5.99 for two on Ebay with FREE shipping.....

All manufactures used the same Federally mandated rivits so they should all be the same. At the time I posted this they had 15 sets. Now they have 13 sets. Better hurry. Better to be safe and just buy and install them.

A friend of mine is thinking of buying 1965 Dart that is in pretty good shape. Owner removed the vin tag from the door pillar when car was repainted. Vin tag is now held in place with sheet metal screws. Checked vin tag using decoder and everything appears to be in order.
I know that in 1965 the vin tag was spot welded but how should this vin tag be attached to pillar post? Could rosette rivets be used or a strong adhesive?
Line up the holes and use 2 part jb weld smear light amount on back and use masking tape to hold for a while and it will stay
These have dried up. eBay has probably killed em. Any sources other than ecs for $30 plus shipping?
Original mopar was penastar shaped Im still looking for the ones I stashed very long ago here is a picture from another member

Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 12.56.46 PM.png
Pentagonal rivets??? That's one I've never heard. Do you have a picture of one?
Me either. They’re called Rosette Rivets. They’re for sale on Amazon
Wonder where all the EBay n other sales web sites got them in bulk to resell.
Maybe had them remade but then who n where are they made??
