Vintage shots from days gone by!

That good bye kiss at the bus station touches me. A bus load of young men heading off to the Nam. Could be me on the bus. Still kissing the young men good bye even today. We never learn from our mistakes. I felt good looking at the pictures until I saw that one. Too many bad memories. Sorry. Dan


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September 20, 1944

View attachment Greenfield Sept 20 1944.jpg

Found some really cool ones with a quick history search. A lot of these places are still there and recognizable.

Broad Street (Greenfield's Main Street) ...

View attachment BroadSt2.jpg

1920s Hearse ...

View attachment greenfield_hearse.jpg

Greenfield Train Depot ...

View attachment greenfield_train_depot.jpg

View attachment Horse_Buggy.jpg

Milk maids from 1927 ...View attachment MilkMaids1927.jpg

Local auction barn, 1911 ...

View attachment MuleBarnSoupSt.jpg

Our Shell Station (we still have one, not sure if this is it) ...

View attachment Shell_Station.jpg

One of a few pics of a Greenfield parade -- no idea what year ...

View attachment SoupStreetParade.jpg

And I'd guess one of my few local customers' dads (?) maybe grandpa? ... anyway, he's got a '66 Catalina convertible so easy to see how he got into cars. :-D This pic is from 1953.

View attachment truck_1953.jpg
Cool thread, theres some great pics!
We did a series on the website asking our friends to send in vintage pics of their families with cars - got some great ones sent in.


My best mate's grandmother with the family Caddillac in Venezuela


Hard day at work, 1978.


My grandfather with his brother and the Model A that turned all my family in to Ford haters..

Heaps more on the website if you're interested.
If you have a couple hours to kill, click here.

Some fine internet'n right there, yesiree bob.
Here is a pic of our family's delivery truck. We had a hardware store in downtown Jacksonville from the early 1900's to 1939. The last shot has my Great Great Grandfather, my Great Grandfather, my Grandfather and my oldest living uncle who is the baby. He is in his 80's now and I think the picture was taken in 1928. My aunt who is not in the picture but was the next child born, passed away at home yesterday morning July 26 2011, she was 80.

Not sure what year or make the delivery truck is, anyone know?



thank you-- those are great pictures--- back when common sense had some pull !!