Weight loss and perseverance

Hey @Ddaddy, this thread crossed my mind today and I just wanted to reach out and see what your progress has been.
Sorry for the delayed reply, I have been away on vacation for the past month.

I am still going strong, I have kept the weight off and have been focused on building muscle. This Winter I plan to spend a lot more time in the basement gym building up even more muscle.

I just turned 60 years old and feel like I am 30…by the end of this Winter, I hope to feel like I am 20!

Still going!
Sorry for the delayed reply, I have been away on vacation for the past month.

I am still going strong, I have kept the weight off and have been focused on building muscle. This Winter I plan to spend a lot more time in the basement gym building up even more muscle.

I just turned 60 years old and feel like I am 30…by the end of this Winter, I hope to feel like I am 20!

Still going!
It takes a lot of determination, that's for sure. Why did God have to make food so delicious?

Well, it has been just over 5 years since I started this thread and I am happy to say that I am still keeping the weight off after dropping over 100 lbs.

The changes I made in my life have stuck and become a new lifestyle from which I will never turn back. At 60 years old I am now fitter and more capable than I was in my 30’s.

My only advice I have to anyone starting on this journey for themself is that perseverance is the key. Start small, keep going, and never stop. Setbacks are just bumps in the road that you need to keep traveling down.

Life is what you make of it and YOU are all you have to make it what you want it to be.

Be your own best friend…and not your own worst enemy.

The only thing standing between you and what you want to be…is you.
Here is an example of what I mean about being more capable.

These are 100 retaining wall blocks weighing 22 lbs each. I made 4 trips to the home center last week to get them, loading 550 lbs on a cart, pushing it 100 yards and then loading them into my vehicle. Once home, I unloaded them and stacked them on the pile.

Rinse and repeat 4 times. That is 2200 lbs moved 3 times and pushed on a cart over 100 yards along the way.

Sure, I felt the effort…but it only invigorated me in anticipation of hauling them up and down across the yard several more times in a few weeks to building the retaining wall that they will become.

I never thought I would be so excited to work this hard and look forward to doing even more…but I like it!

Here is an example of what I mean about being more capable.

These are 100 retaining wall blocks weighing 22 lbs each. I made 4 trips to the home center last week to get them, loading 550 lbs on a cart, pushing it 100 yards and then loading them into my vehicle. Once home, I unloaded them and stacked them on the pile.

Rinse and repeat 4 times. That is 2200 lbs moved 3 times and pushed on a cart over 100 yards along the way.

Sure, I felt the effort…but it only invigorated me in anticipation of hauling them up and down across the yard several more times in a few weeks to building the retaining wall that they will become.

I never thought I would be so excited to work this hard and look forward to doing even more…but I like it!

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Nice job David and happy to see your doing good. Been missing your art work and still proudly display it on my old truck.

Here is an example of what I mean about being more capable.

These are 100 retaining wall blocks weighing 22 lbs each. I made 4 trips to the home center last week to get them, loading 550 lbs on a cart, pushing it 100 yards and then loading them into my vehicle. Once home, I unloaded them and stacked them on the pile.

Rinse and repeat 4 times. That is 2200 lbs moved 3 times and pushed on a cart over 100 yards along the way.

Sure, I felt the effort…but it only invigorated me in anticipation of hauling them up and down across the yard several more times in a few weeks to building the retaining wall that they will become.

I never thought I would be so excited to work this hard and look forward to doing even more…but I like it!

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Miss ya buddy, sure hope the biz is going as you want it to. Nice job on the bricks! Being comfortable in your own skin is a very good feeling. Your art is proudly hung in our new shop. As always it generates a lot of comments. Of course I had to add a touch of Sublime to @Frodee truck! Man you should see the truck now! Be safe @Ddaddy



I’ve been trying to manage my weight too, and hearing about your progress makes me feel more motivated.
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