Westboro shitheads,Hells Angels and Cops



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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They are everywhere up here for the firefighter memorial service.
Westboro church is protesting the memorial saying that they thank God for killing the firefighters, because the town they were trying to save had Gays living in it.
Thousands of cops all over town from what looks like all over the state at every intersection, as well as thousands of motorcycles.
Hells Angels are here to do thier thing with the Westboro group, as well a the VP landing at 10am.

My internet access is very glitchy and I have to go.
Will chk in later if possible.
Not sure one is much better'n the other, but there HAS to be a solution to these Alpha Hotels

Anytime someone starts a political protest, the police aren't afraid to step in with clubs pepper spray and more. Yet these a-holes seem to have the "right" to yell fire in a crowded theater.
Since the Angels starting attending the funerals that are being protested by these un-Christian, Christians, things seem to have calm down.

The Angels aren't afraid to kick *** and take name, and they're not afraid to go to jail. The Westboro buttheads are intimidated by the Angels, and are afraid to get their heads cracked, and are afraid to go to jail.

The cops are there to act as a buffer. the three different factions have a tendency to cancel each other out. Hence the funeral goers can go about their business relatively undisturbed.
I absolutely despise westboro and what they try to do turns my stomach but they do have the right to do what they do... with that said I wouldn't be upset if the hells angles knocked some sense into them.

That's hard to say as the hells angles areny my favorite group either but man the westboro people just make me sick.
May the Westboro Baptist Church leader (Fred Phelps) and his followers rot in hell for eternity.

Oklahoma has taken action to stop this type of stuff from happening. Who knows if it will hold up in court if it is ever challenged....

New Oklahoma Law Restricts Funeral Protests
From NewsOn6.com 28 May 2013 -

New Oklahoma law restricts funeral protests. Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin signed a bill into law Monday that adds restrictions to funeral protests.

Under Senate Bill 406, protests would not be allowed two hours before or after a funeral. Protests would also not be allowed to take place within 1,000 feet of a funeral. Under the previous law, protests were allowed to take place within 500 feet.

“Protesting a funeral for political purposes is an abhorrent and dis-gusting practice,” Fallin said. “While such distasteful protests have been ruled constitutionally protected and cannot be legally prohibited, this legislation will help protect grieving families from people who are looking to exploit their suffering.”

The bill was authored by Senator Josh Brecheen of Coalgate and Representative Dustin Roberts of Durant.
What they are doing is NOT "free speach". What they are doing is disturbing funerals, and causing distress to the family of the fallen. That's illegal.

The left in this country seem to think that anyone, anywhere can say/do whatever they want and defend that action by calling it free speach.

The local Hell's Angels here in Bridgeport have their clubhouse not 2 blocks from where I work, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that these guys will take NO **** from anyone.

Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?...Matthew 7:1-3

Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you....Matthew 7:6

Just saying, lol. Those westboro folks make me sick and are a pestilence to the name of Christianity.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_vouoE-DhE"]Westboro Baptist Church meets BACA and other bikers McAlester, OK - YouTube[/ame]