Put the new line lock in and didn't like how the directions said to put a bunch of adapters on the master and lock for the lines to fit, so I found out that the steel compression unions threads are the same thread in the line lock.
Used sealer on the threads of one end of the union and screwed them directly into the lock, cut the line and fed it right into the unions.
Nice, clean and done deal.
Added the line lock light into the guage pod I made out of a computer side cover.
Have the carbon fiber now, but still need the aluminum J trim to put it in and cover the holes in the dash.
Pulled the exhaust and fixed a leak in the collector right inbetween the four tubes, added the bung for my air/fuel ratio guage and now need to order some jets to get the secondaries in range.
Idles at 900 rpm's and approx 14.5 to one but into the secondaries it drops to 11 or so.
Pulled both door panels and replaced some rollers, got the windows adjusted and rolling up and down straght, replaced the upper door trims and new windows sweeps for the outside. (Pricey little mothers) but worth it.
Washed the seats and vacumed it out..
It's a running driver, so this was interupted here than there with work trips and grocery store runs.
This was over the weekend and yesterday so the priorities were the car, not telling you guys what was going on when this thread started.