What do you do besides wrench?

Ah shoot I forgot about fitin, but I prefer ketchin.

Lets add some eye candy to this thread.

Here's my EVO 90 undressed for all the mechanics out there.

The rest of my heli fleet, All Hirobo nitro kits.
From left to right the GHP 50, The Freya Evolution 90 and the old Shuttle ZXX 30-50.



I tryed the heli thing. I still have a Blade CP Pro somewhere, I just couldn't get it to fly :angry7:
Deer and goose hunting in the cold months. Tae Kwon Do and ofcourse my Duster.
Long weekends and all summer long, no wrenching just serious vegetating. My sons a wus, doesn't like getting dumped.


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Besides? Look for a job, try to help people in here, and try to finish the 70, at minimal cost(LOL on that). Haven't made thread, but in here, and on BBD, under name coors00, have pics, somewhere.
I did p/w the house last week, and helped a bud install a 350 chebby for beer.
and this kicked my ***; new engine, 350 chebby.add pic

I'll trade ya my 2 kids for your property!
Very nice property!
Ah shoot I forgot about fitin, but I prefer ketchin.

Lets add some eye candy to this thread.

Here's my EVO 90 undressed for all the mechanics out there.

he rest of my heli fleet, All Hirobo nitro kits.
From left to right the GHP 50, The Freya Evolution 90 and the old Shuttle ZXX 30-50.



Cope: I give up. What the hell are those??
I enjoy the out doors and tracking, I am learning more all the time know that I have this computer :read2:eek:n habitat :happy10:
Fishing is on the top of the list with hunting so I can eat more fish and fresh food =P~ That way I can drink more beer 8)
I spend time playing music when I can and go watch my son play in the best band in my area.=P~=P~=P~
I enjoy building models but that is seasonal (winter)
My old hobby was shooting pool and know that it's harder on me to throw lurers fishing I am looking in to joining a team close by and start shooting pool again.
It's not a hobby but I try and make it fun doing house work and listening to music, I can't believe I said that :profilel: but true.



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I,m into the outdoor sports..
Fishing,Ice fishing.

With all these outdoor hobbies comes wrenching!LOL
I,ve also got my hands full with my 3 year old daughter HaeLee



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I am retired from 24 years of Law Enforcement (had to take early retirement due to loss of vision in my left eye). I have been organizing Cruise-Ins for a local Diner for 3 years, and organized 3 shows for my local Mopar Club this year. I also have picked back up on my photography and graphic design, catching up on 20+ years of technology.
It took me awhile to adjust to retirement, but my new Dart has made it FUN again!
Guitar, drums, piano, harmonica, and just about anything that makes noise.
drawing, painting, watercolors, oils.
Model cars.
Fishing, hunting, reading, welding and fabbing stuff.
Shooting sports, martial arts, fighting sticks, krav- maga.
Time with Wife, kids, dogs and Mopars!!!!
Somme of the "Hobby's" I enjoy are Sailing, Rock climbing, RC Helicopters & Airplanes, Dogs and Salt water reef keeping.

So far I've seen dogs and paint ball, Just what do you do to enjoy your self besides burn outs and busted knuckles?

I used to be very very very into salt water tanks when I was younger, like 16 or 17 yo. I wish i had pictures of my tank still. Do you have any pictures of your tank? I had a 35gh with 20g sump and 450watt MH. With beautiful sps and lps!

dirt bikes :)



and 4wheeling
I have the 4 legged horsepower also. Nothing like a good ride in the country to clear the brain cells...nice perspective from horseback. I am such a NASCAR geek, go to Darlington every year and try to do Michigan every other year. Have gotten back into swimming, our atheletic club has big bubble they put up over pool so we can swim year round
Do I have picks of my tank you ask?

oh boy now you've done it.

My "Spotted demon" a marine Beta.

Manderian Dragonette

LPS Galaxia

LPS flaming lip "Arcane?"


Giant carpet anemone and mated pair of clown.

LPS Sun Coral


one of my favorite climbing picks


Nice picks everyone. It's neat to see what other folks enjoy when there not in the garage.

EDIT 70 swinger, your from my old hood!! Where you at in the O? I lived in the Haystack and freemont. My room mate and cousin are both from the area around grand lake. I use to work on Broadway and Eleventh at "Glass on the move"

Small word....