What does a bare small block weigh?

two middle aged reasonably fit men can pick one up off the ground and hoof it about 50 yards into the trunk of 70 dart with out being totally gassed, so i'd say about 170lbs
Not sure exactly, but I am still able to pick one up from the floor thankfully. I would guess around 175 lbs.
I did that quite often as a youngster now its easy to mak emy back hurt. Anyway I lifted a bare 340 block a few years back onto an engine stand that was fun...and I agree with 160-175 lbs. Get heavier as you get older LOL!
two middle aged reasonably fit men can pick one up off the ground and hoof it about 50 yards into the trunk of 70 dart with out being totally gassed, so i'd say about 170lbs
I'd like to meet the two dudes that could toss a block 50 yards. lol It ain't happening.
what's the over under on that? 2lb +/- 8oz?

seems like a whole bunch of work for practically zero return.
I don’t know . But some racers feel its worth it . There are even CNC programs for lightening blocks . It also makes them stronger in certain areas . Just a point of curiosity .
Just the bare block with main caps?
No caps, not even the oil filter adapter. Completely bare, just the casting. Well the freeze and galley plugs are still there. I've cleaned up the casting a little, but can't be worth more than oz or two.


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