What don't you understand?



Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast, CT
Why do I have to have a password to pay my electric bill online? What's the electric company afraid of? Somebody else is going to pay my bill for me?

What get's your goat?
Why do I have to have a password to pay my electric bill online? What's the electric company afraid of? Somebody else is going to pay my bill for me?

What get's your goat?

If you had an exwife like mine, she would transfer your service to another address or tell them that you were moving so shut it off on Friday afternoon if it was possible on the site. She used to get mad at someone and turn all their utilites off. Sending flowers and charging it to your account was also another one of her things. This was years ago before the internet and major credit cards while living in a town where anything could be done over the phone.

I thank God for passwords even though they can be a real PIA to remember.
Why do I have to have a password to pay my electric bill online? What's the electric company afraid of? Somebody else is going to pay my bill for me?

What get's your goat?
What are they afraid of?Maybe you saying you paid it,but they didn,t receive it.Only you know your password and should also get a confirmation # when it,s paid.
I just opened an online payment account with the utilities here in town and was quite unimpressed and it was a big waste of my time.

You can't just do a "pay now" type of payment for the month. They want you to either set up an autopay, which I hate because the payments never come out when they say they will so it messes with your checkbook, or use Western Union and charge you $1.50 to do it!!
Will never go back to that site again....the drop box will still get my business. lol
If you had an exwife like mine, she would transfer your service to another address or tell them that you were moving so shut it off on Friday afternoon if it was possible on the site. She used to get mad at someone and turn all their utilites off. Sending flowers and charging it to your account was also another one of her things. This was years ago before the internet and major credit cards while living in a town where anything could be done over the phone.

I thank God for passwords even though they can be a real PIA to remember.
Wow Bill!
Some people and what satisfaction is that. (kids stuff).
Yes it is good to have a pass word, If we never had passwords here on
this site I could post under jabdusty57 or you. No?
Wow Bill!
Some people and what satisfaction is that. (kids stuff).
Yes it is good to have a pass word, If we never had passwords here on
this site I could post under jabdusty57 or you. No?

My ex liked to cause misery and money any way she could.
You think just like I do.
This site would be so jacked up qithout passwords.
Can you imagine eBay without passwords?
I likes my passwords. Especially with online bill pay accounts.

There's something called identity theft that's pretty prevalent these days. Maybe you heard of it? A lot of sites are linked to your card or bank account and stores that information so you don't have to plug it in each month. A password helps protect your accounts.

Of course, rotating your passwords every once in a while helps, too.
Soooo many things, I wouldn't know where to begin. Nowadays most everything you try to get done, someone is toying with you.
I tried to pay my property tax online this year, they wanted $35 extra to do it. I sent them a check, no extra charge to do it that way.
We have the giant P.O.S. Avista here, and they charge you over 4 bucks U.S. if you pay with a credit or even a debit card!!!!

And like all POS companies, their website is an unhandy POS

AND AND AND!!!!! Their local office is less than a mile from my house, yet I cannot pay my bill down there as they do not accept payments at their own office!!!!
I hate someone telling me in english to press one for it.
even worse is when I press one for English and the person on the other end doesn't speak a version of it that I understand anyways.

One that bugs me is people who get out of their vehicle, walk twenty feet, turn around and hit the remote lock button to lock their vehicle (with the accompanying 'chirp' of course). Wouldn't it have been easier to do like I do, and hit the lock button as you got out? You do realize no one is impressed by you having this feature now that every frickin' vehicle on the planet comes with keyless entry, right?
I had a parking ticket awhile back and they charge a convenience fee to pay online,
how convenient is that?

even worse is when I press one for English and the person on the other end doesn't speak a version of it that I understand anyways.

One that bugs me is people who get out of their vehicle, walk twenty feet, turn around and hit the remote lock button to lock their vehicle (with the accompanying 'chirp' of course). Wouldn't it have been easier to do like I do, and hit the lock button as you got out? You do realize no one is impressed by you having this feature now that every frickin' vehicle on the planet comes with keyless entry, right?

I wonder what would happen if we pressed 2?!
Why did i have to go through 10 minutes of an automated "voice recognizing" program when i needed to transfer my ATT service. Only to be redirected to a person who made me repeat everything.
My companies up here start with a message in spanish saying to press numero ocho. Why wouldn't they ask to press something if you want english first. Over 90% of the population around here speaks english first language. If I was living where a greater percentage spoke another language I would completely expect that the first message would be in the normal language for the area and wouldn't question it. I don't really care about the spanish message first except I have to sit and listen/wait for it every time. I am a busy guy. Can you imagine the time spent by thousands of people a day around here waiting to get to the english message?
I hate someone telling me in english to press one for it.
worse, when i'm using my ATM card to get some cash, how come, with all the other info on the card, it can't let the machine know i want my menu in whatever my default language is :violent1:
There is a law, or so I have been told that you can ask to talk to someone in the USA and legally they have to transfer your call. I have asked the operator/ salesperson i was talking too and they did transfer the call.
There is a law, or so I have been told that you can ask to talk to someone in the USA and legally they have to transfer your call. I have asked the operator/ salesperson i was talking too and they did transfer the call.

Nice to know