What is everyone using for a cup holder in their classic?

Remember those old cup holders you could hook in your doors. They fit perfect in old pre 73 A-body and pre 71 b-body with the metal upper door frames.
That’s why I have power steering and an automatic. Coffee in the morning sweet to in the afternoon.
I drive my 4 speed every day this summer to work with an open cup of coffee poured from home in my left hand. Only stained a couple of work shirts lol.
I did just buy the style in post 55.
Rowing the 4-speed and manual 16:1 steering. Can't do all that with one hand... no cup holders, no drinks :)
Had a conversation with my wife about that on my way home one day. (I tried to have a conversation anyway) Hard to hold the phone, shift and steer with only 2 hands. I held the phone between my cheek and shoulder and ended hanging up on her accidentally with the touch screen. Sorry dear, too busy driving, can't talk! :rofl:
Come on guys, when I was a kid, I could parallel park my 67 Coronet manual steering, manual brake car with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
Post #26 glued up a foam spacer which have not done yet so it's a little shakey but works. Just wedged between seat and console.
Come on guys, when I was a kid, I could parallel park my 67 Coronet manual steering, manual brake car with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
Yeah me too in my Dart lol but a cuffee mug has a bigger opening. Now I'm older and switched to power steering.It's just trying not to spill it that's a challenge.
Come on guys, when I was a kid, I could parallel park my 67 Coronet manual steering, manual brake car with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
Yeah, the good old days.............I kinda remember doing stuff like that. lol
I have one of these. I bought the standard size one, and I regret it. Excellent quality product, their mounting solution works, but when they say that it only fits a can, they mean it. It won’t fit even a regular cup from most places. I’d buy the jumbo or whatever they call it that fits a larger cup. All in all, it’s a great console. I made the wrong choice about which one to purchase.