What killed my bunny ? (Graphic content warning)



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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A while ago I bought the kids some bunnies, and we let them roam free

These are silver fox rabbits and are not small, im guessing 12 pounds easy, they are definitely bigger then our cat

Anyway, I found one of them dead this morning (I'll post the pictures on the bottom of this thread, but it is not a nice sight)

Whatever did him in took the head and left the body

I know my neighbors have a golden retriever and a German shepherd, both of which roam free, but usually don't come into our yard (I found the bunny on our side of the tree line)

I have also seen coyotes around there before

So, who is the most likely suspect ?


Whatever it was had to be pretty fast to catch a rabbit, our mini Aussie shepherd is pretty fast and rabbits leave her in the dust, same way with cats.
That could be, they hunt in packs and that might do the speed of the bunny in...but why would they kill it and not eat it?
That's what they do. Classic coyote behavior. We moved out here in 2002. We raised minipins at the time and had mama, daddy and several pups. They climbed the pen fence and tore all the puppies to pieces and left them. Left mama and daddy alone.
I agree with Bodyperson, hawks are pretty aggressive. We had one the other day crash into our picture window chasing the dove laying beside it on the ground. Large crash, I thought my wife fell. Wish they get after them little annoying chipmunks.

We have Chickens and live on a hill with BLM land on 3 sides.
We got a Rhodesian Ridgeback from the shelter (HEMI)
a dozen years ago. We have not seen any Coyotes around here
much since then. These dogs were breed to hunt lions and a Coyote
is easy pickings for them. Very gentle and loving around the two-year-old twins
as well!
We have Chickens and live on a hill with BLM land on 3 sides.
We got a Rhodesian Ridgeback from the shelter (HEMI)
a dozen years ago. We have not seen any Coyotes around here
much since then. These dogs were breed to hunt lions and a Coyote
is easy pickings for them. Very gentle and loving around the two-year-old twins
as well!
Ok I'll bite....what is BLM land ? And on 3 sides, so it surrounds you. Hope it's friendly.
That's about all the BLM is good for managing desert. lol
I did many years in law enforcement and made hundreds of
fugitive felony arrests. I made a lot of enemies as I was not
gentle with perps. My brother was shot and killed by one and
I do not like uninvited guests coming by too much. You surely can
get lost easy in the big Nevada Desert!
I would suggest that your rabbit was killed by something domestic like a dog. What in nature would kill a prey animal, take its head and leave the body (where the nutrition is). Coyotes would eat the carcass unless it could break the skull to eat the brains. Wild animals kill to eat or defend themselves, something that we bred out of domestic dogs so they wouldn't eat our food unless we chose to give it to them.