What should my course of action be?



Well-Known Member
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
Southeast South Dakota
Got the Dart back from the body shop after 3 months, had it in to repair rust around battery tray, paint engine compartment, under side of hood and underside of trunk lid. I am willing to overlook the flaws: dry spots, paint over caked on grease, paint over original paint.
You can see spots were caked on grease was lefted around hole for steering shaft and master cyclinder.
Paint over cracking, peeling original.
Hacked off battery tray mount.

But what I will not overlook is the scratchs in the top of the hood and the chip in the cowl.




What course of action should I take? And what recourse do I have?
i think the biggest problem you may have is this; if it has already left their property and you have accepted it without checking it over right there in front of them and pointing all of this out, it may be too late and they can just deny the scratches. the rest of it they are responsible for , but what was the original deal? i would nicely and politely contact them and let them know of your concerns, maybe they will work with you, maybe they wont, but its worth a shot. its all going to depend on what was originally agreed upon.
at any rate , i would be pissed
Am willing to overlook everything but the scratchs, kind of think they won't do anything because the only business they care about is scratch and dent repair for car lots, hence the reason it took three months. Calling them is my first plan, have had someone tell me to stop payment on check, but that seems drastic. Definitely wished I would have gone with the more restoration oriented shop, even if it was about twice as much.
Putting a stop payment on the check is drastic ... and chances are good it's already been cashed anyway since I'm assuming you didn't just pick the car up today on Sunday. The paid party receives a dishonored check back, the holder of the account doesn't -- and if they wait a year and one day, they can present it to your bank again and get paid in full since a Stop Payment is only good for one year. Ask me how I know heh hehhhhhhhh :-D

Personally, I'd be just as upset about the painted-over grease as you are the scratches. Improper prep and cleaning makes for a really crappy paint job that won't last worth a flip, and it'll come off in chunks once it starts separating from the substrate metal. Did you have a written contract with the place outlining what work they would be doing on your behalf?

A phone call to schedule an appointment with the owner would be my first priority. Can't say I'd recommend just barging in there all upset or you'll put them on the defensive; be calm, take along photos of the defects and shoddy workmanship (or, even better, the car), explain your position and see what they're willing to do about it.

Good luck with this!
worst body job ever , i sure remember that thread I started even to this day it still pisses me of looking at the **** i got back.
I see this kind of hacked up work almost every week. There are so many shops out there that just don't care about what they put out the door. In my opinion your best bet is just ask for a refund. Thats more than likley not going to happen. But after this kind of work you recieved back from them. Do you really want them giving it another shot? Even if they agree to rework the areas I would be more than willing to bet it won't be any better.
What were you paying for?

A body restoration or a paint job?

What was the cost?

(Regardless, the scratch and chip should at least be fixed by the shop.)
Paint job. Was hoping for a little better, though, most of the underhood that I'm not happy with is just poor prep in my opinion, paint over crud and dull spots, paint over cracked/flaking original. Called shop and they are going to repaint hood(he knew exactly what the culprit was, the panel stand), will argue with him on the chip though as he said he would give me some paint to fill the chip(so I will have a chip with paint in it). Just building a cruiser so not going to get too picky. Biggest irratation is that they had the car 3 months, and all except the patch and putty was done in less than a week.
Then to add insult to injury my 10 year old nephew points to the passenger side rear floorboard and says,"we will have to fix that rust" what rust, I start poking at the paint and sure enough rust underneath, hopefully no rust through. I figure it will be a good job for him to take a wire bruch and clean it up.
Here are some before pics


Guess you live and learn.
What were you paying for?

A body restoration or a paint job?

What was the cost?

(Regardless, the scratch and chip should at least be fixed by the shop.)

Paint job. Was hoping for a little better, though, most of the underhood that I'm not happy with is just poor prep in my opinion, paint over crud and dull spots, paint over cracked/flaking original. Called shop and they are going to repaint hood(he knew exactly what the culprit was, the panel stand), will argue with him on the chip though as he said he would give me some paint to fill the chip(so I will have a chip with paint in it). Just building a cruiser so not going to get too picky. Biggest irratation is that they had the car 3 months, and all except the patch and putty was done in less than a week.
Then to add insult to injury my 10 year old nephew points to the passenger side rear floorboard and says,"we will have to fix that rust" what rust, I start poking at the paint and sure enough rust underneath, hopefully no rust through. I figure it will be a good job for him to take a wire bruch and clean it up.
Here are some before pics

Guess you live and learn.

I would think they would fix the chip also. The rest depends on what you paid for.
I see this kind of hacked up work almost every week. There are so many shops out there that just don't care about what they put out the door. In my opinion your best bet is just ask for a refund. Thats more than likley not going to happen. But after this kind of work you recieved back from them. Do you really want them giving it another shot? Even if they agree to rework the areas I would be more than willing to bet it won't be any better.
Got thinking today, and I think your right about them not touching it again. Am going to take some good closeup pics and meet with him and tell him he won't be seeing me my car or any referrals,either. Then even though it may mean another delay in finishing and more $$$, take it to the shop that I should have taken it to to begin with, and have it all redone.