what to do to prevent ticks on my dog

I've heard Cedar Spray works, but haven't checked it out yet. Anybody know about this?
My dog and the horses get them all the time. Get them on me all the time too. I just pick them off and burn them with a lighter.
Just a helpful reminder, when a tic pops and has lymes I was told never to do this, even though I have seen this dun many time, doc said never do this, the tic pops and lymes can be carried to your skin by the gasses

I've heard Cedar Spray works, but haven't checked it out yet. Anybody know about this?
I have never seen a cedar spray and will look for it, I keep Buddy's dog house floor covered with cedar and it repels allot of bugs.
My dogs use trifexis without any problems. Also, contact your local Avon rep and get some Skin so Soft. Put a 50/50 solution of water and SSS in a spray bottle and liberally spray it on your dog. It is very effective at repelling ticks ,Mosquitos and many other little pests. It also works on people.
I`ve used frontline on my rottweiler and it doesn`t work. flea collars are useless on him got some new stuff and it doesn`t work either.
my yard is an acre that used to be a prarie. think I`ll try the sevin dust next time. not supposed to do anything for 36 days w/ this new stuff that already don`t work. SUCKS TO SEE HIM SCRATCHING ALL THE TIME!:thumbdow:

I agree flea collars are useless. But there is stuff you can do in addition to the new stuff your trying.

Fleas are more difficult (I think) because they can go dormant for long periods of time in several stages of their life cycle. IIRC, Frontline lasts about 4 weeks on the dog and is good for about 90% flea kill while Advantage is about 3 weeks with 99% kill but then drops the fourth week. If the problem is real bad, then the perscription stuff may be needed.
BUT the point is dormant ones are still around to emerge when conditions become favorable to them. Also, what they don't often state is that these two topicals don't stop the fleas from biting. So, the topical alones will not solve the problem. In addition to killing the fleas that get on your pets, in a bad situation (and it doesn't take much time to become that) you need to do a more comprehensive approach.

One trick I like is using a flea trap to locate 'hot spots' and kill a bunch while at it. :D I use a gooseneck lamp but any other heat source wil do. Place it over a cookie sheet or pizza tin with a 1/4" of water and drop of detergent. Put this in differnt locations where the buggers may be attacking from. I'll leave the traps set up until no more fleas show up in the water. It won't get 'em all, but will identify the locations of the biggest problems.

The reason it won't get them all is twofold. One is that it only attracks adults. The second is fleas can move around, and some fleas - especially if desperate will latch onto less prefered hosts.

Inside I've used chemicals that stop the growth of the immature fleas (when the pets are not around) on things that aren't washable. Outside, I use diatamaceous earth - the version that is rough ground so it teats up the bodies of soft insects.

Whatever you do, you have to keep it up until all the eggs laid and all the developing ones are dead or can't reproduce.

Again, the extension office and state Ag schools often have good info.
The following bulletins have good information on which you can base a strategy. The Florida one particularly how the various chemicals work, so you can figure out how to combine them effectively with other methods of control.
Light a wood match let it burn to get good and hot. Blow it out and stick it on the tick's back. Out he comes. You should talk to your vet about stuff to prevent ticks. Lots of stuff on the market and some of it is dangerous.

I have had good luck coating them with Vaseline, they unhook and back out because they cant breathe. Like any other arachnid or insect, they breathe thru their abdomen. The vaseline starts to smother them, and they back out thinking they are suffocating, a bit better than burning em off, thi it takes a bit longer.

I use frontline on my Sadie Mae. For ticks it only lasts a month, for fleas i think 2 or 3 months. If you apply it dont apply it within 24 hours of either before or after giving your pet a bath. And apply it between the shoulderblades.

I have never seen a tick or a flea on Sadie yet.

Hope this helps.
If you get ticks this is a great tool to remove them.


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advantix`II We have 8 dogs never a flea or tic. My wife works for a shelter. used on cat's and dog's. Frontline and hartz attack the animals nervous system.


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