What to do with Old Mopar Magazines.....???



FABO Member #3649
Nov 20, 2006
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I have several old Mopar mags, some going back to the late 1980's all the way to present, Mopar Muscle, Mopar Action, High Performance Mopar, Mopar Collectors Guide, sevaral are complete years, 100's, probably 1000's of them!! What should I do with them? I have boxes of them, taking up several shelves of storage. Should I sell them? Do people collect them? Toss them away? Any input would help, Thanks!! :read::read2::study::read2::study::read:
I threw mine out a few weeks back. We cleaned up so we could have room to work on the Duster....it was the same weekend I tossed everything from the ole Valiant that nobody wanted
I leave em in the dr.'s office....really freaks out the old geyser's.....they so used to seein family circle and **** like that............
One of our members here is looking for a Mopar Muscle from 2003 with his car featured in it. And it's not me haha

i gave a **** load of them away to a member here. he stopped by in his big rig and picked them all up.. had magazines back to the 80's. got tired of moving and working around them..
I was actually looking for some reference to rebuilding six pack carbs... thought maybe mopar action had something... but i have a factory service manual.. but it does not cover the mechanical linkage carbs.
Maybe your library could use them, they probably got shelf space back in the periodicals or your high school auto shop? Show the kids what a V8 looks like...and maybe even a carburetor!
i have hundreds of them too...I finally bought a filing cabinet to store them in, as every now and again I'll thumb through them looking for articals and stuff.
I will take the september 2011 issue!

I bet you would LOL!!

I only get Mopar Collectors Guide, I wouldn't renew Mopar Muscle, especially after 50+ tellamarketer calls asking why I wouldn't renew, I finally told them ther magazine sucked!! :finga:
Take them to the next local Mopar show/swap or car club meeting and put them out for $1-2 each. You WILL sell some.
You hit a raw nerve with me. Love my mopar mags, but we are packing to move and I can't believe how hard it is for me to decide what to keep and what not to. I did leave a bunch at our local VA center and they seemed to appreciate them. Still have a ton though.
I bet you would LOL!!

I only get Mopar Collectors Guide, I wouldn't renew Mopar Muscle, especially after 50+ tellamarketer calls asking why I wouldn't renew, I finally told them ther magazine sucked!! :finga:

Haha I totally understand. I am not a huge fan of that mag myself. But that one issue I really have a soft spot for. Lol
You hit a raw nerve with me. Love my mopar mags, but we are packing to move and I can't believe how hard it is for me to decide what to keep and what not to. I did leave a bunch at our local VA center and they seemed to appreciate them. Still have a ton though.

Thats a good idea, I have a VA just minutes from my house! Maybe I should call them and ask if they would have any interest in them, Thanks!
Sounds crazy but people are selling just single page ads out of magazines for $3 to $30 and more. Take your time & figure out if you've got any valuable issues/pages in any of them. Check Ebay to see some of what I'm talking about. It's a bit of work but there's a definite market for it. Here's an example. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1957-MOPAR-...032?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19c54cc890

Sure. Those are from magazines from the 50's, 60's and 70's.

The OP has mags from the late 80's, 90's, 2000's. I don't see anyone paying for cut out ads from those years.
I have several old Mopar mags, some going back to the late 1980's all the way to present, Mopar Muscle, Mopar Action, High Performance Mopar, Mopar Collectors Guide, sevaral are complete years, 100's, probably 1000's of them!! What should I do with them? I have boxes of them, taking up several shelves of storage. Should I sell them? Do people collect them? Toss them away? Any input would help, Thanks!! :read::read2::study::read2::study::read:

You're a hoarder ain't ya, come on admit it, I bet you can't even get into your house cuss it's full to the rafters with stuff. Hell you could even have a dead body in their and but for the smell wouldn't know it. Actually I got that off C.S.I., I'm all mixed up. I like Waggin's idea, take them to doctors, dentists and Dodge dealers waiting areas, where ever "men" mingle and don't forget the local nudey bar.:D Hell ya.
i went through my mag. and picked the 1's i use for ref. and put them all in a box for tech info..
Sure. Those are from magazines from the 50's, 60's and 70's.

The OP has mags from the late 80's, 90's, 2000's. I don't see anyone paying for cut out ads from those years.
I can't see paying anything for magazine ads from any year but people do it. Especially if it has a picture of something they own or want to own or used to own etc... Trust me 70's & 80's ads are selling. I cut all the ads out and at least stick them in a box. I myself purchased some older mag's from a thrift store because they had pic's of Cars I liked in them. I am buying some other stuff right now with Mopar pictures.
Issue is December 2003 with a sunfire 440 Cuda in it..

PM me if you find it, I'll drop a few $$ to have you ship it to him

I'm looking for any Mopar Action Magazines (or any others) concerning the 1991 One Lap of America, especially about a certain Pink 1970 Dodge Charger R/T.

It might also be in a 1993 and a1995 issue as well.