whats the most strangest thing you have seen in public

Over the summer I was walking through the parking lot at work and a stone cold dead sparrow falls out of the sky and hits the ground about 5 feet in front of me.
Does this qualify as strange?


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Heres a mopar strange fact.
When i was in school I had a 72 plymouth satellite.I never had a problem with it not starting besides the common things(flooded,cold weather).But one night I had this strange dream that my hotwire or distibuter wire had come off the coil,it was one of those push on connectors.i wake up running late and sure enuff my car won't start I start to get frustated but after about 5 mins. I remember my dream so I pop the hood and what do you know the wire is off so I put it back on and the car fires up and I'm on my way.That wire never came off before or since that one time.The mopar gods were smileing on me that day.Completely true story.
How about a Volkshonda? This old gray-bearded guy drove up on this one day. The front end from a Honda Goldwing and the back half from a Volkswagon Beetle. He drove it to Texas from Ohio!!


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Coming home one day.It is raining hard.Pulling up to an intersection on a red light.I look up at the power pole. A seagull lands on the transformer and...BOOM! Fried the damn thing, Only thing left was a bunch of feathers floating down, One of the craziest things I ever saw.
Coming home one day.It is raining hard.Pulling up to an intersection on a red light.I look up at the power pole. A seagull lands on the transformer and...BOOM! Fried the damn thing, Only thing left was a bunch of feathers floating down, One of the craziest things I ever saw.

That's funny! I saw a squirrel do the same thing...jumped on the transformer behind our house and BOOM....a flash of light and the smell of burnt squirrel meat. LOL! Little bastard made the power go out for several hours.
A short school bus avoiding getting cut off by a minivan by going up on the guardrail, straight up in the air like a killer whale.
A VW bug completely on fire on a dark road in West Virginia, the week Elvis died. Had that BBQ smell.
Me and a buddie were driveing my 72 dart heading to a town 15mi away to hopefully to get some street races. We got about 5mi down the highway when this truck going the opposite direction started slowly drifting towards me and a ford pulling a camper the truck went between me the the ford went into the ditch jumped a barbed wire fence and kept going about 1/2mi out into a feild. Me and my buddy pulled over and waited for the guy to come by because he was looking for a way out since he jumped the fence he had no way and once he got up to us he stopped we asked what happend he said he was just listening to tunes lol never did find out how he got out
a long time ago, at an airport... i was on my way back to school after winter break. i saw two men french kissing and crying saying goodbye to each other all heartbroken looking. i got sick to my stomach.
Many moons ago, back in the early 70's I was at a rock concert at the Cumberland County Civic Center in Maine, and as some may be aware there was usually a boof or two being passed around, so I'm standing there getting into the band and got a tap on my shoulder. Turned around to a doob being passed to me by get this, a cop! In uniform no less.
How about this...Made it hard to leave the bathroom

Ma Snart


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I was driving down highway 401 on my way to work early one morning, when I spotted a dead deer lying on the shoulder of the road. Something wasn't right about the deer, but I couldn't figure out exactly what it was. Then I noticed what appeared to be a blood trail running along the side of the road for approx. 40 feet. As the trail seemed to grow darker and wider, there sat the deer's head sitting perfectly upright with its eyes wide open seemingly watching traffic pass by on the highway.

When I got to work, I mentioned something about what I had seen in the breakroom and a couple of others who also travel the highway to get to work said they had noticed it too, but were still too grossed out to say anything about it....
I was driving one night on a two lane blacktop road in Montana. One of the really dark ones. A wet drizzly snow was falling so it was especially dark. All of a sudden I saw an old Jeep pulled off the road in the ditch. I slowed to see what was the deal. As I got closer I could make out a low, moving form right in the center of the road. As I slowed more to figure out if there was something I needed to be involved with I could see a human squatted down straddling the center line. All of a sudden I was close enough to see a pair of butt cheeks with about an eight inch turd hanging out. I quickly realized THAT was NOT something I needed to be involved with so I swept wide and went around the sicko man who decided the center of the highway was a toilet!!!
I lived in New Orleans for 12 years. Where do I start.......
How about the dude running down the street with a woman's arm while there was a hubbub half a block away. She was walking down Poydras street when a window fell out of a building and hit her in the shoulder, severing her arm. The dude wanted her rings.
while serving a subpoena to a robbery victim in the pj's near chinatown NYC I knocked on the apartment door ,door opens and the victims roomate answers wearing a light blue button down collared shirt with the shirt tails tucked thru a lime green bananna hammock. I was speechless
I was driving down I-35W headed into Fort Worth one morning and noticed the driver of the Ford Explorer in the adjacent lane working on his laptop that he had propped up on his steering wheel.

Then I noticed the logo on the Explorer: He was a claims adjuster for Progressive Insurance!!!
In longview wa I've saw everything from popping in their yard, a full grown man being raped by a dog ,a guy eating a pinecone,some lady with an electric cord hanging out of her dress and lots more lmfao sitting on porch is like watching Jerry Springer
I've seen a few things..

I was prob 8 or 9 years old. My mom and I were sitting at the traffic light waiting to exit the walmart parking lot. A car slowed down to make the right turn into the parking lot but the car behind them didn't. The impact sent the car making the turn into the curb and it vaulted into the air. It made 2 complete barrel rolls before landing way way too close for comfort to the front of our car. I can can still remember watching it play out like it was in slow motion. One more roll and it would have landed on our car.

Another when I was a kid story. We had this brush pile that would collect over time and we would burn a few times a year. Just the stuff that accumulates on a property with several large trees. I was always the go drag it over here crew. Not the light it on fire "technician". So mom tells me to go light it up one day. I grab the gas can and a box of matches. I douse what seems like a safe amount of gas and strike a match... nothing. Strike a match.. nothing. Pour a little more gas and strike a match.. nothing. Repeat. Finally I get frustrated and use what surely will be enough gas. Strike a match and Woof. Just like the flipping car I can remember exactly in my mind's eye being completely surrounded by flame.. looking down and seeing my shoes but flames completely around me. The fireball subsided and I walked away unscathed.

As an adult looking back it seems that it was hot enough that day that the gas was evaporating and when it lit a substantial vapor cloud had formed. I'm not sure why at least my hair didn't get singed though.