What's Your Name & How Did You Get?



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
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Aurora, IN
Hopefully someone else hasn't already did a thread on this. I am going to do it again. What is your real name and how did you get? First name is fine. I will go first:
Anna- just after a relative. Nothing exciting like my sister Amanda who was named after Kitty from Gunsmoke (Amanda Blake) or my other sister Heather who was named after a horse.
Robert, I am Jr.

I think this was donr with the screen names, not our real regular names.
Eddie, my parents named me that. :-D

I have been told that Mom had a crush on Eddie Arnold (singer) at the time.
Hopefully someone else hasn't already did a thread on this. I am going to do it again. What is your real name and how did you get? First name is fine. I will go first:
Anna- just after a relative. Nothing exciting like my sister Amanda who was named after Kitty from Gunsmoke (Amanda Blake) or my other sister Heather who was named after a horse.

So, where'd Betty come from?
Mine is Kelly My brother was going to Christopher Kelly and then the doctor told my mother she had another one in there (40 years ago they could not tell she was having twins ) 9 minutes later here I came so our parents split our names
Mine is Kelly My brother was going to Christopher Kelly and then the doctor told my mother she had another one in there (40 years ago they could not tell she was having twins ) 9 minutes later here I came so our parents split our names

Now that is funny!:toothy10:
My name was going to be Dennis,but I was born on the day John F Kennedy was buried.
So my parents named me John F.

My wifes name is Dawn and her sisters name is Sandy. They are identical twins.
Their dad was a big Dodger fan.
You guessed it,named after....Don Drysdale & Sandy Koufax !!!!!! lol
My mother and father are your typical Italian family... first born son after his father, second born son was named after him, third and forth born boys were named after the apostles! The three girls all have Italian names......
Robert. Because my mother put her foot down and named me Robert when the rest of the family wanted to name me something else.

My middle name is Powell. That was given to me in honor of my grandfather, Cyrus Powell.
Cluless as to why I was named Doug, mother wanted to name me Raymond after my dad but he wanted no part of it....Raymond ended up being my middle name....
I was expected to be a girl and my name was gonna be Jessica, but I turned out to be a boy so my parents changed it to James...LOL
Mine is easy :-D Biblical name Michael after the archangel, Middle is after my uncle Robert that ended up being a father to me when my father ran for cover when I was 6
justin: i guess it started gaining popularity in the 70s. middle name alan :thats my fathers first name.
My name is pretty boring, Timothy, from the Bible. Brother is Mathew same thing, but they only used one T, drives spellcheck nuts. My 2 uncles have better stories. Clark after Clark Gable, my Grandma had a crush on him. His middle name was Kenneth, so he insisted he was named after Superman - Clark Kent. And my youngest uncle Ricky Nelson after Ricky Nelson.

My wifes family was more interesting. Her name is Amanda after the Roling Stones song Amanda Jones about a call girl in England who caused a scandal. Her sister was named Lisa Susan Dorfi for the specific reason that her initials would be LSD, hey it was the sixties.
My name is Josh my mom was an old hippy a wild child of the 70's told me that I got my name because thats the sound the water bed made.