What's Your Name & How Did You Get?

My name was supposed to be John Reginald after my Dad and Grandfather but my Mom was having no part of that. She told everyone that she was tired of getting each others mail living in the same town so she put her foot down and named me Mark, after Mark McCain. Lucus McCain's son on the old show The Rifleman. She really liked that kid from the show so that's how it went down. I also ended up with Mom's maiden name as my middle name. Hedin, if there's any hockey fans out there it's pronounced the same as the Sedin twins who play for the Canucks.
Russell. Nothing special to it. Just what my mom and dad picked out.

The name Russell is given for a red-haired or ruddy-complected baby, maybe that fits you?

I was named David for my Dad's best friend, who became a life-long drunk. You're taking a chance when you name your kid after someone.
My real name is Aida....named after my mom..who was named after the opera...Her mom loved the opera...I got it simply because mom and dad hadn't picked one before my arrival....so it was a "uh, yeah, name her after you" deal....its cool - now..but then? I grew up with 2 sisters - Susan and Jennifer.
My real name is Ward. I was named after my uncle who was killed in Italy in WW2 in late 1944. I was born in 47 so I got his name.
My mom wanted to name me Kenneth after my father but he vetoed the idea for several reasons: He didn't want anybody possibly calling me "Junior" so that was out, my mom had a brother named Kenneth, and one of my cousins middle name was Kenneth (after my dad). So, they came up with the bright idea of using the first part of my dad's name (Kenneth) and the last part of my mother's name (Ruedell) and named me Kendell. But I've always chosen to go by 'Ken'.
My mom was named by one of the nuns at the hospital where she was born - never knew the origin or why.

BTW, a person who worked for me some years ago had an aunt named "Elevena" because she was the eleventh child and the parents ran out of names!
I'm named after my Father, Robert Sr. There were five Roberts so I was called Robbie, my dad was Bob, my uncle..I can't mention that one and so on!
I got you all beat by a country mile... My name is Gary, after my Dad's brother. My middle name is Jay, after my Dad's other brother.
Gary Jay was not my initial first and second names. My Mom named me after her favorite singer....

are you sitting down...........

Englebert Humperdink......

thanks for stepping in Dad!!!!
Jared. Anyone ever watch the western, Big Valley? Yep,named after a character in a TV show. The spelling comes from the bible though.
My middle name is Kimberley and was always called Kim, as my Mom wanted a girl and wanted to name her after the old actress Kim Novak so she had me and still did. Oh well!
Tony after what they stamped on my grandpa's paperwork when he came over here on the boat!To NY
Eric...my mother wanted to name me that...
In high school my nick name was Whitey to my friends (obviously because my last name is White). My brothers friends called me 'Little Whitey' or 'Jeff's brother'. But since High school that Whitey died off. lol.
My real name is Aida....named after my mom..who was named after the opera...Her mom loved the opera...I got it simply because mom and dad hadn't picked one before my arrival....so it was a "uh, yeah, name her after you" deal....its cool - now..but then? I grew up with 2 sisters - Susan and Jennifer.
Welcome aboard Aida! My Mom-in-laws good freind is so named. I have twin sisters, Sue and Jen.

My middle name is Kimberley and was always called Kim, as my Mom wanted a girl and wanted to name her after the old actress Kim Novak so she had me and still did. Oh well!

KIMBERLY! My Brother just married one. LOL
Didn't know you were a lady.
Wheres the red face smiley. I so mis read that. I thought I read "My name is Mikberly.

Soorrry brother. LOL!
(OH! Wheres the rock!)
charles... named after the great grandfather that settled in canada on the current farm that is still in my last name ... 125 years later.

charlene ... great grandmother
Sandra ... ??
Jenelle ... a name in the local paper ... the black girl was going to jail and my mom scooped up the name lol
Kayla ... this has us all dumbfounded lol
Kayla is typical Irish around here. Does that work with the family tree?
First name Michael, after the archangel (mom is a devout christian). Middle name Lewis, because my father's family is related to Meriwether Lewis somehow (not descended as he never married or had kids), so every male has Lewis middle name for many generations.
Joseph Jacob here. The Joe is from the Bible and the Jacob was after my great grandfather. I've got seven sister and had two brothers, now down to just one brother.