Where Do People Get Their Nerve


Sir Thomas

Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2012
Reaction score
Terre Haute
Was at the nationals this past weekend and had a great time. Saturday cruise in Heath was nuts but still a great time. Then on Sunday sitting with freinds BS"ing and getting rady to leave and this guy comes up to me and wants to talk about the black chrome wheels on the valiant. As we are talking this other guy comes up and buts into our talk to tell me how much he loves the car, how he is building one, wants his to sit just like mine and so on. Then I get the "But" I dont like the big cap gm ignition you are running, and wants to know how I could not run Petronix its only one wire. I tied to explain my choice till one of my buddies yelled out for him to get F""""" and to leave.
I build my cars for me, if people like my cars thats great. I enjoy talking to people and the car has gotten a lot of attention but sometimes people are just nuts.
Did you ask him to see his car? I would be willing to bet that he is driving a Honda Civic with a big fart can on the back!! I agree with you 100%- it's your car and you built it the way you wanted it.
Did you ask him to see his car? I would be willing to bet that he is driving a Honda Civic with a big fart can on the back!! I agree with you 100%- it's your car and you built it the way you wanted it.
... with tinted windows you can't see inside ... and see all the led decorations lol
Everyone is a critic. I see it on here all the time.

Adam, I see it more as everyone on this board has an opinion and feels comfortable enough to express it occasionally :)...that is what I am doing <RBG>

That is probably one reason why this board exists.

However, the receiver may consider it criticism. I just see it as not my opinion.

Now, about the arsholes at car shows...different breed of animal. I haven't showed my car since '09 because I was fed up but the kids want to do a couple next year...

Adam, I see it more as everyone on this board has an opinion and feels comfortable enough to express it occasionally :)...that is what I am doing <RBG>

That is probably one reason why this board exists.

However, the receiver may consider it criticism. I just see it as not my opinion.

Now, about the arsholes at car shows...different breed of animal. I haven't showed my car since '09 because I was fed up but the kids want to do a couple next year...


Your right everyone has an opinion, and has the right to not like the way someones car has been modified. How many threads are currently on this site about cars on craigslist or "ugliest car" or "what was this thinking" I can remember at least 5 in the past week. And Im just as guilty as everyone else.

I was thinking more about my posts (and others) where some folks say stop messing with that and just go buy this...or for example, I hate side vented exhausts. I actually had a guy kick mine at a car show because he didn't like them. That, I took offense to...

Oddly enough, except for some examples on this board, this form is relatively mild and why I like it so much.. and there is so much valuable information passed to folks that need it..

i think another parts of it is that we communicate via our keyboards and not face to face...and much of what we are trying to get though is lost.. I think I saw a post of "grumpy old farts" today..

When my pain level is up and I am feeling crappy, I try to stay away from the keyboard..

Anyway, time to go back out wrenching..the car isn't going to put itself back together.

Hey Adam,
The way I see it auto restorations are up to the individual. We all come from different backgrounds, with different amounts of money to play with etc. I'm currently working on a car with my son for his first ride. There are perhaps many ways to criticize it, but its our car, its what we can afford, and we are both excited. Everyone on this website loves old MOPARS, and that's cool.
I understand about people out in the world at car shows and places giving there thoughts on things, but do not jump in the middle of a conversation and ruddily interrupt a conversation :wack: I am not wanting to build a pavement ponder V8 car, A person can set back and wait/listen before they jump in with a remark like... Scrap that 6 banger and get a real engine!! I can not believe you dun spent all of that cash on that old /6!! :shock:
Hay! I am a grown man and if you think you can tell me what I need to do to My car, don't expect me to even look him in the eyes with a reply:thumblef: some times less is more, even when speaking :hello2:.
The world is made up of many different kinds of people, and they are so full of there self (self absorbed) they don't even need friend's :D I have been there also Sir Thomas.
I remember plenty of time when show goers would take exception to something I've done with my car. Of course they were far out numbered by people who admired my cars, and freely stated that, also.
I always made it a policy to never argue with any of those who took exception to something I've done, whehter it was the fact that the car was a MoPar, or they didn't like the color, or the wheels, or whatever. It was nothing to be concerned about. I usually just shrugged it off.
I never challenged them with things like, Where's your car", or "I built it my why, not yous", or any such nonsense, because that would just prolong the conversation or argument.
When these people appear at your location, say as little as possible to them usually gets them to move along quicker.
...Oh, and NEVER lose your temper with them, ever. That goes for your buddies, too. That's usually exactly what they want.

On the other side of the coin, when I go to car shows, I also like to talk with the owners. Ask questions, and even ask how or why they did something that way. That's not to be a critic, it's just that I'm interested in what they've done and how and why they did it. It's an interrogatory not a derogatory.

next time, just smile at them, and tell them why you did what they did. Most of the "critic" types are merely dreamers, anyway, or they "know someone who.." Don't let them get under your skin, either explain your logic or simply smile and nod at them, either way the conversation will be shorter and much more pleasant.

Over 40 years of entering cars in shows, and I can count on one hand the number of times I had arguments with show goers.
...and don't let your friends start them for you either. You're supposed to be enjoying yourself, remember?
I loves questions, and I love to talk about cars in general, and have been held hostage by the "car show talkers" and really don't mind that even. At monster mopar my wife took crap from some guy about my ignition system while I was gone to the Vans Booth with a guy from ill whose duster died right in front of us with a bad controller.
Im with you tom its your car... do what u want . Maybe he doesnt understand everyone makes their own choice on every part they put on their car thats what makes them different and unique. I got their kinda late on Sunday and didnt get a chance to see you're car. Are taking it to the ivy tech car show.
Ouch! My heart! ...Still no Folger's crystal can though...

Anybody makes fun of your Honda and I'll kick their ***. That thing is good transportation and you beat the everlovin hell out of it. I've seen it in action. lol
X2! Its part of the job, it just comes with the territory of shows and cruises. There will always be that one weirdo or guy that has a beef with your car, just let it roll and enjoy the moments.

personally i don't let those guys bother me.
Was at the nationals this past weekend and had a great time. Saturday cruise in Heath was nuts but still a great time. Then on Sunday sitting with freinds BS"ing and getting rady to leave and this guy comes up to me and wants to talk about the black chrome wheels on the valiant. As we are talking this other guy comes up and buts into our talk to tell me how much he loves the car, how he is building one, wants his to sit just like mine and so on. Then I get the "But" I dont like the big cap gm ignition you are running, and wants to know how I could not run Petronix its only one wire. I tied to explain my choice till one of my buddies yelled out for him to get F""""" and to leave.
I build my cars for me, if people like my cars thats great. I enjoy talking to people and the car has gotten a lot of attention but sometimes people are just nuts.

Been there, and i just ignore them. Last time i had a guy giving me praise for my duster, then literally started chanting "the 904 is junk" when i told him what i had for a tranny.

I spent the rest of my time in the lanes talking with the guys racing hondas, because they just wanted to talk about building cars.
Two words: cowl hood.

Now watch the s***storm begin.

Hey! Don't start!
Please elaborate for the ignorant, how does cowl hood cause a ship storm?

Is that the chevy raised center portion of the hood? ??

Or one of the hood scoop options that I can't seem to put a picture to from a name?
Cowl Induction is a chebbie thing.