Where we gonna meet for UFC event?

The problem with an arena is the sound, the food will be **** and only a couple of brands of beer. Wally likes the friar because he lives next door, but it is small. i am out numbered though.
The problem with an arena is the sound, the food will be **** and only a couple of brands of beer. Wally likes the friar because he lives next door, but it is small. i am out numbered though.
No I like the frier because the food is good (great), the beer is good, they have lots of screens, you can hear yourself talk, you are not surrounded by *** holes, its not in a high cop zone, they have crowd control and it is local.
The problem with an arena is the sound, the food will be **** and only a couple of brands of beer. Wally likes the friar because he lives next door, but it is small. i am out numbered though.
They have sound proof glass and the bar is like a restaurant,serves all beers were as friars is limited beer selection.The main ? is,will we have a DD?Or shall we all cab it to and from?Wherever we go.
I live 50km from the friar, i disagree with Wally, the food is fair. If i travel out there i have no choice but not to drink.
Im heading out to fat camp Wed and wont be back until friday night, so whatever you guys decide....Scott I will give you a call on Friday night???
I am in for the G Frier or Ice Dogs or ?. Make it your call Scott. I offered Mike to stay at my place. Someone has to make the call .may as well be the guy with the most Mopars:tongue3:. Where ever we go it should be early to get a table. Bill loves wings remember that.
Go early or someone make a reservation. Better pick a place with cute waitresses and chicken wings!! Oh ya beer too
Holy Crap Scott!! You are supposed to narrow it down, not add choices.:toothy5:

I'm gonna side with Wally, just because I like him better than you other knuckleheads\\:D/
Holy Crap Scott!! You are supposed to narrow it down, not add choices.:toothy5:

I'm gonna side with Wally, just because I like him better than you other knuckleheads\\:D/
The thing with the Friars is it,s a pretty small place to go watch the biggest event in UFC history.It,s gonna be like standing in a closet:angry2:.(No big deal for Steve)LOL:tongue3:I,m gonna need some elbow room for tiltin.8-[Come on guys,toss out some better/bigger Bars with multiple HUGE screen TV,s
The ice rink how big is the bar, how good is the food, wings, nachos etc.

how big is wendles, is there a hockey game on, it might be on more screens because of background. Wendles web page says they take reservations, it may be to late. is there any other sports bars, i don't know the area so i can't be much help. Maybe wally can go at lunch and hold a table till we all show up. What time are we showing up, are we there for diner?
so is what its going to be like trying to make plans when i get older like all you guys? :sleepy1: joking :salute:

lol how have you all been doing, wish i didn't have kids this weekend or i'd be there
so is what its going to be like trying to make plans when i get older like all you guys? :sleepy1: joking :salute:

Randy, you don't ever want to get like us. :tongue3:

You should be out, racking up scores like a buck-in-rut.

Hope you had a good winter. Lots of snowplowing?

O.K this is the plan.I,ve reserved a table at Arnold,s Sports bar(for 5)can always add more.Anyway it,s a bigger bar with lots of TV,s and big screen.There,s a $10 cover charge(Pay-Per View has up the prices at bars).So I paid in advance to reserve the table,they,re also drawing for UFC shirts and hats.This place is the biggest place I could come up with,that isn,t to far for most of us going.I will PM directions to all who want to go.Anybodyelse that wants to meet,let me know and I,ll get more seats.So far I have 5 for..

Talk to me boys!!!

Oh,it,s just south of the QEW and Dorval drive.Oakville