Which branch should I join?

Gunbunny nailed it. I was in the Suck (Marine Corps, would do it again in a heartbeat because I know I could, and it FEELS better to call yourself a Marine rather than have a kid ask you what bus you drive when he sees you wearing your Alphas...) Marines ate what the Army didnt want.. ha ha, it was an adventure! Air Force just kicked out a career 0-5 friend of mine on BOG with like 2 years left until full retirement, that is whack! I believe Air Force is a fine branch as an officer, spend the 2500 bucks and get your eyes lazed, it will open up loads of job classes, Flight being one. Join the Navy and make SeAL's after 3 years and they will laze your eyes for free! Marine Recon does too, but that is another story in itself. Off we go, into the wild...........sing it!
Gunbunny nailed it. I was in the Suck (Marine Corps, would do it again in a heartbeat because I know I could, and it FEELS better to call yourself a Marine rather than have a kid ask you what bus you drive when he sees you wearing your Alphas...) Marines ate what the Army didnt want.. ha ha, it was an adventure! Air Force just kicked out a career 0-5 friend of mine on BOG with like 2 years left until full retirement, that is whack! I believe Air Force is a fine branch as an officer, spend the 2500 bucks and get your eyes lazed, it will open up loads of job classes, Flight being one. Join the Navy and make SeAL's after 3 years and they will laze your eyes for free! Marine Recon does too, but that is another story in itself. Off we go, into the wild...........sing it!

BOG? What is that?
I spent 9 years in the Air Force and it was very fulfilling i got to see places that i would never have gotten to see and learned a trade to boot.I joined in 1979 after bouncing from job to job,i had a family to support and no money don't mix so i talked to the recruter and was seeking vehicle maintance but there was a waiting line for that job so the recruter talked me into jet aircraft mechanics [crew chief] i have always been good at fixing stuff so i went for it. I highly recomend aircraft mechanics if you work on cars it's not that difficult to learn to do and you can go to commercal aircraft when you retire/seperate [getting your A/P licence is not hard just some tests,your airforce time in service job is just like going to school] that's what i did i wish you the best of luck in your decision and thank you for joining the military.
the air force..i spend almost 6 yrs on active duty with the AF....always slept in a bed every night along with having HOT showers. Plus alway ate in a chow hall ...never had to eat MRE or any of that stuff.

AF is more like a 8-5 job...go to work...get off and go home..
As far as rank goes, with the Army unless you have a combat MOS, it comes at the same rate as Air Force. Combat MOS's will promote you much faster. I saw E-7 in 72 months.
Aviation in the Army is interesting. As an officer you will fly, but you are also placed into leadership roles. Most Army pilots are Warrant Officers to avoid the leadership path and continue to fly. Having said that, UAV pilots are enlisted in the Army where the Air Force requires officers to fly. In short, the Air Force is officer heavy.
I can very easily see how a AF officer would be QMP'd (Quality Management Program) when you have more chiefs than you have indians, things do get bad.
I wouldn't trade my Army time for anything, but I truly think, knowing what I know now, I'd been better off in the Air Force.
20 years in the Air Force, my Dad 22 years in the Air Force, oldest son was in the Air Force for a short while - Air Force all the way.
Go air force the skill set and training will benefit you better in the long run, having been in the Army food sucked, barracks just as bad and the places I went were not anywhere you would want too see. And don't believe the recuriter
Join the Army if you like to go camping with the Guys...LOL

In the Air Force..once you go thru basic and tech school...on your permanent duty station the barracks, the rooms are semi private...one room mate..and you will share a bath room with another room and two guys....the rooms usually open up to the outdoors like a apartment....great recreational facilities like golf courses...swimming pools..gyms...
Hell, maybe Ill go back in Air Force, sounds cush! Na, too old.....BOG is Barracuda Owners Group on Yahoo groups. I sent him a PM to check this thread out and pipe in if he had any input. E-7 in 72 months! I BARELY made E-4 in 48!!! (cutting score for E-4 was 999 forever, basically unattainable due to glut in 0351 MOS NCO's)
I served in the Army, but going in as an Officer, I would choose the Air Force.
Stay out. Go to college. Get a degree in mech engineering/aviation. You will earn more pay, and travel with your company, with better benes, also.

My son works as an aircraft mech, and he gets sent all over the world in his job, he pulls in $90,000.00/yr. Hes 26 yrs old. Started with an associate degree, and an A&P License.

Me, Im medically Navy Retired. I was an aircraft mech in the Navy, was on flat tops, air stations, air sqadrons, and an airforce base. They were all fine when I was young. Moved around alot. I don't recomend the service to anyone. Just my 02.

I think it depends on "why" you are deciding to join. If you want an easy life in the military and a more technical skill set join the Air Force hands down. Marine Corps boot camp can be downright brutal in terms of mental and physical training if you have a weak mind. That's one of the the reasons I joined. I wanted to challenge myself. Without a doubt he toughest of all the branches in terms of basic boot camp. I wouldn't trade it for nothing in the world! As I've all gotten older I see the benefits of joining the Air Force. At the time I looked at the Air Force as weak. I wish I had the forethought you have. Good luck whatever you decide. :salut:
Do you really think there's going to be much choice with any of the services once Bronco Bama finishes with his cuts in Military spending ??
Air Force. I was in the Army and in VN, guess who had the only air conditioned cubicle I ever saw? The AF guy :) My daughter is in the AF, and though not a panacea, it is the best of the branches. You go where they send you (pretty much) in any of he branches. She just came off a great 4 year assignment, but is now in a suck-hole for the next several years. So it can happen in branch. They are your best chance for skills and experience that transfers to civilian life IMO. Good luck.
I was in the Active Army for 4.5 years. Joined when I got out of high school back in 2005. My MOS was a 19Kilo, M1A2 Abrams Armor Crew member. In 2 years and 10 months, I got promoted to SGT; E-5. It was good stuff for the most part. But yea, alot of hurry up and wait. Served 2 deployments in Iraq. Seen some ****, got blown up, lost a couple friends, who I will never forget. :( Anyways, wouldn't trade it for anything. I am glad I did what I did. I guess initially, the Air force to me was weak. I wanted to be an actual combat soldier, so the Army fit my needs. I agree in the Air force, the pay is better, living conditions, food, is all better...
I think it depends on "why" you are deciding to join. If you want an easy life in the military and a more technical skill set join the Air Force hands down. Marine Corps boot camp can be downright brutal in terms of mental and physical training if you have a weak mind. That's one of the the reasons I joined. I wanted to challenge myself. Without a doubt he toughest of all the branches in terms of basic boot camp. I wouldn't trade it for nothing in the world! As I've all gotten older I see the benefits of joining the Air Force. At the time I looked at the Air Force as weak. I wish I had the forethought you have. Good luck whatever you decide. :salut:

First off,...God bless you for thinking about signing up,...If I was king, everyone and I mean EVERYONE would do military time right outa school. You'll learn respect, discipline, teamwork and patience. You will get a boot inna *** when you mess up. It ain't fun or pretty, but you'll see some cool **** and travel outside your comfort zone. I joined the Navy cause I didn't wanna walk or get shot at. My son joined the army and has been to some friggin scary places (unbeknowest to his momma),...learned a good trade, has become a man that I'm proud of,...and has decided to re-up. Best thing I ever did.

Whatever you chose, you will have to support of a grateful nation and most if not all of the members here. Good Luck in your decision.
Airforce is my suggestion... I made the same recommendation to my son who has been in for 5 years and looks like he will be making a career of it.

They offer more jobs than flying and fixing airplanes...
My son is moving to a position that manages the payload on the drones. It is great for him as he he will be getting combat pay while "deployed" at his home base. This lets him be in the fight and go home and play in the box his kids came in in the evening. Lots of other opportunities as well.

I think it really all depends on what kind of a person you are. I'm currently serving in the Air Force but I think if I had it over to again I would have gone Army. Not for some macho gotta kill someone BS but because I think it would've fit with my personallity better. In the end it is your choice. But I will say this, if you're serious about being an officer consider going enlisted first and going to Officer Training School. It gives you a perspective you don't get coming right out of the academy. All the best officers I've known have been prior enlisted. Yes the Air Force is a little cushier but it's also more political then the other branches. Don't listen to the ONE person who advised you to stay out and go to college. Obviously this was the wrong thread for him to be on. The military will pay for your college and you get to hold your head up in pride and say you served your country when others wouldn't. Anyhow sorry for being so long winded. Just my 2c.