Who has their CCW Permit?

I don't know guys, but honestly, I just can't get into that mind frame. No such thing has home invasions around here. I guess it's all about how and where we grew up or politics or...But something is sure not right there!
If you folks feel that you need to carry a weapon to get through a regular day's living, then so be it. I sure don't want to be in your shoes.
The stress and paranoia alone would kill me.

Then you my friend are nothing more than a victum, you don't thing this sort of thing could happen to you? No stress just a Kimber 45.
Then you my friend are nothing more than a victum, you don't thing this sort of thing could happen to you? No stress just a Kimber 45.

Call me a victim, when in fact it happens to me, but odds are weighing heavily in my favor that it won't.
I have nothing against weapons, in fact I was a sharp shooter in competition, and I believe that's where weapons belong, unless you want to hunt.
Call me a victim, when in fact it happens to me, but odds are weighing heavily in my favor that it won't.
I have nothing against weapons, in fact I was a sharp shooter in competition, and I believe that's where weapons belong, unless you want to hunt.

Hey I'm not judging you. Just curious as to why. We know the bad guys have them, you by your history know guns. I equat it to the same reason we buy car insurance or homeowners. Or like I tell my friends why I have always had 4 wheel drive in every truck I have owed. You may never need it, but if you do it's there. At the time you need it is not the time to be without it. I do believe just as strongly in gun safety,especially around minors.
Hey I'm not judging you. Just curious as to why. We know the bad guys have them, you by your history know guns. I equat it to the same reason we buy car insurance or homeowners. Or like I tell my friends why I have always had 4 wheel drive in every truck I have owed. You may never need it, but if you do it's there. At the time you need it is not the time to be without it. I do believe just as strongly in gun safety,especially around minors.

I didn't feel you were judging me, not for a second. The point I was making, is that weapon's are being made too easily accessible, hence the dilemma.

For the most part, if you don't hunt, or don't use your weapon for competition purposes or for law protection, then why would you need one.

There is something wrong there, and it's beyond rights and freedom.
I'd hate to take a hands-up, to any other country in the world (there's not many out there), were people are legally entitled to carry weapons.
It's just not right, my .02.
I wish I could get one, unfortunately they are next to impossible to get in this county, let alone this state (California). It's stupid, violent crime in this area has been skyrocketing even just this year, almost every night on the news there's another shooting, robbery or home invasion in the county, and quite often committed by non citizens. Yet the rules and restrictions for the law abiding only become stricter, and every year the police and sheriffs dept. are being downsized due to budget cuts...man, i need to move outta this state!
I live in San Bernardino, CA, and I've had a CCW for about twenty years now, with four different sheriffs. All our sheriffs so far have been card carrying NRA members. Thank God I don't live in the city limits, I'm in a county "island". No special reason other than 'personal protection' is needed here. I favor the 9mm's, my favorite being a Daewoo DP51 triple action, 13+1.

I'm in San Luis Obispo County, Unless you work at the prison, mental hospital or something similar your outta luck trying to get one here.
I didn't feel you were judging me, not for a second. The point I was making, is that weapon's are being made too easily accessible, hence the dilemma.

For the most part, if you don't hunt, or don't use your weapon for competition purposes or for law protection, then why would you need one.

There is something wrong there, and it's beyond rights and freedom.
I'd hate to take a hands-up, to any other country in the world (there's not many out there), were people are legally entitled to carry weapons.
It's just not right, my .02.

The guns here in the us are not that easily acessable to a law abididng citizen but crimanals do not / will not care if they get them legally because they would not be able to get them through the propper channels so even if we the people were without firearms the crimanals would still have them. the problem is the importing of illegal wepons and stolen wepons that never get found until a violent crime or bust that is the reality we face here so that is why we the people must be prepared to be vigliant when nessicary that is why I own firearms and am waiting on IL to pass ccw in my state.
I have mine and carry every day. The best thing would be that I never have to use my gun, BUT, if I can't get away from the bad guys then I will.
" It's better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6 "
Up here the only people that have carry permits are law enforcement types and high security people. I don't think it's right but that's the way it is. One of the things that always bothered me is the fact I can't carry a firearm of any type if I go in the woods scouting during none hunting season times. Sure I can take a .22 all but 10 days of the year but it won't help me much. I have been attacked by a bear and a deer. Luckily it was during hunting season both times and they don't exist anymore. A third time I was confronted by a cougar, nothing in my hands but my trusty USMC knife, the cougar backed down and left. I know this has little to do with CCW, but I just wanted everybody to know, it is not only urban animals that are dangerous.

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

The police are there to interview the victims. I don't intend on being a victim.

Butterduster is not wrong, he just comes from a different country and a different mindset. I live in a decent area, but work sometimes takes me to a less desirable area. I like having something in my console if it's needed.

Aim for center mass and shoot til the threat is stopped.
i still have 9 months left till I'm 21 but I intend to carry when/where I can. Looking at a Kimber Ultra Carry II. I work with the police department here and I don't intend to be the victim. I know how and when to use a firearm and fully excerise my right to carry one.

This thread has made me want to go sling some lead this afternoon!
I have had mine since I turned 18. Just recently I recieved a Lifetime permit. It sure beats re-newing every 4 years. Only had to "draw" once. Two idiots followed me and my ex for over 5 miles playing games. I pulled down my long driveway and they followed. When I stepped out of my car and headed towards their truck they got out with bats, bad move. Two well placed rounds into their radiator sent them packing. I never knew a little s-10 truck could go 60mph in reverse!
I live way out in the country, with no neighbors within eyesight. I carry everyday I can and hope that the Indiana bill passes this Sunday that will make employers allow me to keep my gun locked in my vechicle at work! No more coming home from work at 11PM and going to the shop to get my gun before I enter a dark and empty house!
Taurus PT-40, great compact .40.:-D
I have had mine since I turned 18. Just recently I recieved a Lifetime permit. It sure beats re-newing every 4 years. Only had to "draw" once. Two idiots followed me and my ex for over 5 miles playing games. I pulled down my long driveway and they followed. When I stepped out of my car and headed towards their truck they got out with bats, bad move. Two well placed rounds into their radiator sent them packing. I never knew a little s-10 truck could go 60mph in reverse!
I live way out in the country, with no neighbors within eyesight. I carry everyday I can and hope that the Indiana bill passes this Sunday that will make employers allow me to keep my gun locked in my vechicle at work! No more coming home from work at 11PM and going to the shop to get my gun before I enter a dark and empty house!
Taurus PT-40, great compact .40.:-D

You don't carry a gun in your locked vehicle at work? It is against our SOG's at work but I've had three in my truck since I've work there. To hell with there rules!
My mom is the sweetest lady you'd every meet (you probably have a mom just like her lol) but when I gave here a 9mm for xmas she loved it. I thought she was going to blow a gasket but she loves her 9mm laying on her counter during the day and on the night stand at night. She lives by herself so I feel a little bit better now that she has some sort of protection.

My dear mom wouldn't harm anyone unless she really had too. I believe it won't be long she will get her CWP. What I'm trying to say is she has always been the one to say I don't need a gun (let the law handle it) but the way the world is getting here lately she has changed her mind about that.
My mom is the sweetest lady you'd every meet (you probably have a mom just like her lol) but when I gave here a 9mm for xmas she loved it. I thought she was going to blow a gasket but she loves her 9mm laying on her counter during the day and on the night stand at night. She lives by herself so I feel a little bit better now that she has some sort of protection.

My dear mom wouldn't harm anyone unless she really had too. I believe it won't be long she will get her CWP. What I'm trying to say is she has always been the one to say I don't need a gun (let the law handle it) but the way the world is getting here lately she has changed her mind about that.
I hope your mom is always safe. I too am glad she now has some protection against the evil that exhists in this world.