Who wants to hang out in Ferguson tonite



Active Member
Sep 2, 2011
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Just less than an hour till the grand jury announcement.
Streets are blocked off. Schools are closed tomorrow. Everybody getting off the streets.
Really gives the St. Louis area a great image. More protesters from outside Ferguson than from it.
Should be a wild night. Just glad I live far enough away !
I heard they loaded the choppers a few hours ago with "protester dispersant " to drop on any violent protesters.

20,000 job applications per chopper should do the job.
I should point out I don't live in St. Louis but close by. I do field service work all through the city. Except Ferguson tomorrow.
They did not indict the Ferguson police officer... I am staying on the hill for awhile :coffee2:
Fergistan is on fire. all hell is breaking loose.
I love the fact that we live in a country that we can protest. But, there are some real idiots ruining the people rights to peacefully protest.
Hope this isn't spreading to other citys.
I heard they loaded the choppers a few hours ago with "protester dispersant " to drop on any violent protesters.

20,000 job applications per chopper should do the job.

Comments like this are exactly why there is a problem in the first place.
Fergistan is on fire. all hell is breaking loose.
I love the fact that we live in a country that we can protest. But, there are some real idiots ruining the people rights to peacefully protest.
Hope this isn't spreading to other citys.

From what I have seen and heard so far, there are other protests from coast to coast, but the majority of them are peaceful. Ferguson has the only violent protests that I have heard about so far.
Maybe if more of the younger population were employed there wouldn’t be as much crime in our cities, more and more crimes are committed by younger people today then ever. It seems like it is easier to commit crimes like stealing, robbery, then to get a real job and pay for what is being taken from others. Looting is not the answer, all that is doing is showing the media that they are still thuds out there wanting to take it into there own hands to solve the issue. But cities, neighbor hood are being ruined because people aren’t happy with the outcome of what the answer was that was handed down from our justice system. Their will always be a un-happy crowd when people are killed for a crime, or sometimes for un-know reasons. But it is unfair to the public, business owners, home owners when the un-happy crowd takes out their revenge on their property.
Comments like this are exactly why there is a problem in the first place.

Maybe you should turn on the TV and you will see the problem. People that feel entitled to everything and have no respect for others. It's just me, me, me!
Comments like this are exactly why there is a problem in the first place.

SOoooo... we should all ignore the big white elephant in the room. Political correctness has started, perpetuated and fuelled this fire for a long time. It's unfortunate but true. The reaction of the few reflects on the whole.
After burning the stores out they will ***** because the owners decide to re-open in another town. I just dont understand why burn your local store so you can drive further away and complain your locals now have no job.
After burning the stores out they will ***** because the owners decide to re-open in another town. I just dont understand why burn your local store so you can drive further away and complain your locals now have no job.

ya can't fix stupid man.
breaking news: several helicopters dropped thousands of "work boots". crowd left. streets totally clear!!!?????? HUH????????
Comments like this are exactly why there is a problem in the first place.

Comments like this have nothing to do with it.
The commentary that people have made, are in reaction to the protests, and riots, not the cause of them. There is one thing that is certain, the riots are not the affect of the Brown shooting, they are the affect of Criminals and thugs coopting the event for the purpose of attempting to excuse their criminal behavior.

The issues are race relations (which have deteriorated over the last 6 years) and that deterioration has been aided by people Like Sharpton, Jackson, Holder, Obama, and others who continually and repeated use the "race card" when they don't have a valid argument, or defense. From "The police acted stupidly", to "If I had a son he'd look like Travon". Obama has stupidly and wrongfully interjected in local and state criminal issues when the victim was black, and the defendant was white. The DoJ has completely ignored the fact that most (approximately 80%) of black victims are victims of black aggressors. And black on white crime takes place at a ratio of 9:1 over white on black crime. The president has not addressed black on black, nor black on white crime. He has never sent Eric Holder to a black on black, or black on white crime scene. Has never sent federal prosecutors, or investigators to a black on black, or black on white crime scene. He has never instructed the Dept. Of Justice to consider Federal Hate Crime Charges" against any suspect of black on black, or black on white crimes. He has done all these things in a number of cases of "suspected" white on black crime, though. In the case of Ferguson, the president immediately sent 3 prosecutors to Ferguson, instead of sending 3 investigators. A president who also sent encouragement to the protestors, telling them to "Stay the Course", a president who sent Eric Holder to Ferguson to "coordinate demonstrations with Al Sharpton"( why would a POTUS do any of these things?).

He and Eric Holder have ignored the federal crime of voter intimidation at a voting place by the New Black Panther Party. He has ignored federal crime of calling for the murder of a private citizen and the crime of offering a bounty for Zimmerman, and Officer Wilson, also by the New Black Panther Party.

Outside agitators ( Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson jumping on another opportunity of notoriety and publicity, for the purpose of placating their own egos, and padding their own pockets). AL Sharpton has been the president's guest at the White House some 80 times in 6 years. Sharpton is a fraud, he's a known and proven liar, he's a open racist, an known opportunist, a tax cheat, a thief, and a known race baiter. His repeated stays at the White House serve to legitimize him, and at the same time embolden him to create far more racial tension than has existed since the 1960's.

The 24 hour News programs that sensationalize these things, and while doing so, stir the pot, to fill their air time, with news, innuendo, speculation, and roust the emotions of protestors. People have a tendency to do crazy, stupid, and unimaginable things for these cameras.
I know one thing, they sure were thirsty. It is all just an excuse to get free stuff and light **** on fire
I know one thing, they sure were thirsty. It is all just an excuse to get free stuff and light **** on fire

AGREE W/ FRANKIE ALL THE WAY !!!!!!!!! if those people would actually raise their kids right, and teach them right from wrong, the police wouldn`t have to use deadly force on them, because they woUld have some respect for authority. WHICH THEY ABSOLUTELY DON`T!
agree w/ frankie all the way !!!!!!!!! If those people would actually raise their kids right, and teach them right from wrong, the police wouldn`t have to use deadly force on them, because they would have some respect for authority. Which they absolutely don`t!

6 foot+ guy was up in the car beating on the cop. he walked away then charged back at the officer.

if any one of us, be it hispanic, white, black, asian or whatever did that we'd probably get shot.

the race thing is just an excuse for looting. i'm white and have met very few actual racist white people in my 51 year lifetime. just sayin'
Half the Clowns demonstrating were all Bused in courtesy of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and their Race Wars Cronies. We hope to see Al Sharpton go the way of Wesley Snipes and spend some major time behind bars. That's about the only way we can get him off MSNBC. :twisted:
I used to live in this area. It has some of the worst Black Neighborhoods in the US. Like nothing you've ever seen. East St. Louis is an area a White Guy can not even drive through.
:angry5: :pukel: :angry4: :pain10: :cwm10::axe:
MLK would be so proud! Poor guy is just looking down thinking WTF is wrong with these people!

Frankie, I think you said it best in your whole post!

I have my own feelings about this, but I will just keep them to myself.. Im sure I would piss off the human rights activists...