Who wants to hang out in Ferguson tonite

Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day.
Give him a fish every day, and he may threaten your life the day you stop giving it to him.
Teach him to fish. He will feed himself and his family and live with dignity.

Handouts steal a man's dignity. A man without dignity is bitter and often dangerous.
I feel for the blacks, the natives, the illegal immigrants, and all who have become dependent on handouts. They have allowed themselves to be destroyed by liberals who benefit from their dependence. The worst of them are the profiteers like Sharpton who feed on the destruction of their own people.

The president's support for this man is devastating to race relations. As a black president he is in a position to improve race relations and help restore dignity where it has been lost. He has done the opposite.

This country was built on principles, not hate. One of those principles is respect for those in authority, even when they abuse it. Those who violate this principle with name-calling etc. become part of the problem. Truth can be told without stooping to hateful speech.

Many died to give us the power to express ourselves by voting. I hope and pray this nation will wake up and stop voting for handouts.
Family is the root of the problem. I would love to expound in great detail, had 2nd shoulder surgery thursday of last week and can barely type.


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Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day.
Give him a fish every day, and he may threaten your life the day you stop giving it to him.
Teach him to fish. He will feed himself and his family and live with dignity.

Handouts steal a man's dignity. A man without dignity is bitter and often dangerous.
I feel for the blacks, the natives, the illegal immigrants, and all who have become dependent on handouts. They have allowed themselves to be destroyed by liberals who benefit from their dependence. The worst of them are the profiteers like Sharpton who feed on the destruction of their own people.

The president's support for this man is devastating to race relations. As a black president he is in a position to improve race relations and help restore dignity where it has been lost. He has done the opposite.

This country was built on principles, not hate. One of those principles is respect for those in authority, even when they abuse it. Those who violate this principle with name-calling etc. become part of the problem. Truth can be told without stooping to hateful speech.

Many died to give us the power to express ourselves by voting. I hope and pray this nation will wake up and stop voting for handouts.

That is a good point! But, what about the obese white/black people with the handicap sign riding in a roller in Wal-Mart! (Government check) or the X meth head, who is now paranoid.( Drawing a government check).I got messed up in the War, and I'm still fighting the VA. I volunteered, and would do it again! But truth be told. People get paid to sit at home and see how fat they can get!
I'm not sure where we would disagree. Unwarranted disability benefits are just another handout. I have no beef with those who are truly disabled getting some help. Veterans should get good care. What they get now is a disgrace.
My thanks to you for your military service and sacrifice.
Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day.
Give him a fish every day, and he may threaten your life the day you stop giving it to him.
Teach him to fish. He will feed himself and his family and live with dignity.

Handouts steal a man's dignity. A man without dignity is bitter and often dangerous.
I feel for the blacks, the natives, the illegal immigrants, and all who have become dependent on handouts. They have allowed themselves to be destroyed by liberals who benefit from their dependence. The worst of them are the profiteers like Sharpton who feed on the destruction of their own people.

The president's support for this man is devastating to race relations. As a black president he is in a position to improve race relations and help restore dignity where it has been lost. He has done the opposite.

This country was built on principles, not hate. One of those principles is respect for those in authority, even when they abuse it. Those who violate this principle with name-calling etc. become part of the problem. Truth can be told without stooping to hateful speech.

Many died to give us the power to express ourselves by voting. I hope and pray this nation will wake up and stop voting for handouts.

I agree with some of this, but what's left out is that nobody is forced to take government handouts! I was raised to work hard and be self sufficient. Raised that way by my FAMILY! Who not only instilled these values upon me through their words, but by the example they set for me as I grew up. Handouts don't "steal" a mans dignity... These men are raised without dignity!
My grandfather needed government assistance during the Great Depression because there was NO work for anyone. He used it till he got on his feet and then paid every cent back to the Govt that he took! He then went on to serve in WWII honorably and came back to raise his family. That man had dignity... And passed it to his children and grandchildren through the examples he set for them.
Do you think Michael Brown's family raised him this way? Doubtful. This is the problem.
I agree with some of this, but what's left out is that nobody is forced to take government handouts! I was raised to work hard and be self sufficient. Raised that way by my FAMILY! Who not only instilled these values upon me through their words, but by the example they set for me as I grew up. Handouts don't "steal" a mans dignity... These men are raised without dignity!
My grandfather needed government assistance during the Great Depression because there was NO work for anyone. He used it till he got on his feet and then paid every cent back to the Govt that he took! He then went on to serve in WWII honorably and came back to raise his family. That man had dignity... And passed it to his children and grandchildren through the examples he set for them.
Do you think Michael Brown's family raised him this way? Doubtful. This is the problem.

I keep waiting for his parents to come to the realization that their son caused all this. He was not a victim, but the instigater. And when you make poor decisions in life, it has consequences and sometimes there are no do overs. It's a sad situation all the way around, but if you must put blame, them put it where it belongs.
And why is no one "outraged" at the death of the young black teen that was killed on the first night of riots? The one that testified to the grand jury and confirmed the officers story about what happened.
[QUOTi=B-onefan;1970643903]And why is no one "outraged" at the death of the young black teen that was killed on the first night of riots? The one that testified to the grand jury and confirmed the officers story about what happened.[/QUOTE]

This is on point! He and his family are the true victims.
Actually, what Johnson had to say about Brown seemed more on point with the truth, than what Wilson said went down, in their own words that were released.

Johnson didn't paint his friend in a good light at all, but officer Wilson said he tried entering the car, when Johnson told the jury that he pulled Brown up to it after pulling up on them and getting in his face about walking down the middle of the street.

I think its a shame that Michael Brown acted like a complete, reckless, posturing jackass, dragging his friend into it and I think its a shame that the officer was provoked and angered to the point of shooting him to death, during the altercation.

I also agree that family is the source of all good and evil, but I don't agree that poor people should be put down for taking benefits.

What about my case? I grew up poor. My mom, who was abused by my dad, had to leave him and there were times when her two jobs weren't enough to support us, so yeah, we got food from the food bank here and there.

I grew up, went to trade school and educated myself enough to support Amy and our son, who's dad is a recovering alcoholic. How did I manage that? Did I become dependent on food stamps? No. Do I think they are a good idea? Yeah. My mom needed them at times.

If you're gonna get angry at anyone for making people live on government sub, look at every Wal-Mart store that each cost tax payers 1mil a year in subs for employees, while the company is in the multi billion dollar profit margin.

This isn't about welfare. This is about a dipshit kid dragging his friend to witness his death by a hot headded rookie cop and no more.

Very well said my friend. Your early years mirror
my own. I'm very proud of you brother!
My path out was enlisting in the military, under age
which meant a 6 year commitment, right in the
middle of the Vietnam war. Pardon the boast but
I've turned out OK and I survived with all 10 fingers
and 10 toes. My blessing are many and I'm deeply
thankful for every meal I enjoy.

Dear Looters: How to stay out of poverty.....
1. Don't have children out of wedlock-if you can't feed them, don't breed them;
2. Don't commit crimes;
3. Don't drink and do drugs, they just cost money;
4. Finish school.
5. Get a job, any job and don't leave it until you are promoted or get a better job;

My final note is ...... by the way, anywhere there is a welfare state, there has to be a police state. After all, when people have too much idle time on their hands for being rewarded for doing nothing, a police presence will be required. There are exceptions to the rule as people fall through the cracks, and sorry to say some ethnic groups the government has absolutely no interest in helping. Especially if you are related to a famous forefather.
And why is no one "outraged" at the death of the young black teen that was killed on the first night of riots? The one that testified to the grand jury and confirmed the officers story about what happened.

If true, that is horrible.

If true, interesting that the same groups that complain about the PD not getting rid of POS cops, have the same attitude towards those within their own ranks/communities.
Why is no one outraged at the cop shooting in Utah. A black officer shot a non black citizen. These psy ops are really obvious when you open your eyes.
had a woman I worked with for several years. she comes down and dying of cancer. can't get a disability check but , I knew, for instance, a golfer that played EVERY day and got his disability check ( bad back!) Ha!
disability should be for those that ARE disabled and can't work. welfare should be there to help people get on their feet when down, not support: all the lazy, sorry, stupid, obese, drug dependent, woman who find $$$ in having babies???? the list goes on.....
out here in the sticks ask most anyone and they will tell ya..... need food, ask me. I will offer you food.... need help... ask me... I will help YOU help yourself..... come around and steal from me..... I will shoot you. the country sherrif says: shoot the thieves, ( whats the difference in the tieif or a looter?) and don't bother calling him.... plenty of sink holes.......
Let's see, rob a convienience store, try to beat up a cop and steal his gun, and you're the hero?? I say if you stay at home, don't rob a convienience store, don't try to beat up a cop and steal his gun, you don't get shot!!! Seems simple to me!!!
Actually, what Johnson had to say about Brown seemed more on point with the truth, than what Wilson said went down, in their own words that were released.

Johnson didn't paint his friend in a good light at all, but officer Wilson said he tried entering the car, when Johnson told the jury that he pulled Brown up to it after pulling up on them and getting in his face about walking down the middle of the street.

I think its a shame that Michael Brown acted like a complete, reckless, posturing jackass, dragging his friend into it and I think its a shame that the officer was provoked and angered to the point of shooting him to death, during the altercation.

I also agree that family is the source of all good and evil, but I don't agree that poor people should be put down for taking benefits.

What about my case? I grew up poor. My mom, who was abused by my dad, had to leave him and there were times when her two jobs weren't enough to support us, so yeah, we got food from the food bank here and there.

I grew up, went to trade school and educated myself enough to support Amy and our son, who's dad is a recovering alcoholic. How did I manage that? Did I become dependent on food stamps? No. Do I think they are a good idea? Yeah. My mom needed them at times.

If you're gonna get angry at anyone for making people live on government sub, look at every Wal-Mart store that each cost tax payers 1mil a year in subs for employees, while the company is in the multi billion dollar profit margin.

This isn't about welfare. This is about a dipshit kid dragging his friend to witness his death by a hot headded rookie cop and no more.

Who is Johnson? Is this Michael Brown's accomplice in robbing the store? Yes he got involved with something he probably never intended to be involved with. In his interviews with the media, just after the shooting, he claimed that Michael was shot in the back, that he had his hands raised, and the cop just blew him away.

The young man I am talking about being murdered was DeAndre Joshua. And I was mistaken, he was 20, not a teenager. He was one of the people that testified about what happened and it was nothing like the protesters are claiming.
Let's see, rob a convienience store, try to beat up a cop and steal his gun, and you're the hero?? I say if you stay at home, don't rob a convienience store, don't try to beat up a cop and steal his gun, you don't get shot!!! Seems simple to me!!!

Exactly Cosgig, it really is THAT simple. For the life of me I don't know why it doesn't come down to that. Listening to the media, you rarely hear about Brown robbing a convenience store.

Had he not robbed the store, he would not have been shot. And...last I heard, robbing a store in a crime.
Something my son posted in Facebook,

I don't care if your skin is green like Kermit the Frog. Do something that makes a police officer feel his life is in danger you could end up dead. They are people too treat them as such. They love to hear 3 things, Yes officer, Sorry, and I can see how I was being an asshole. Any other action and your digging the hole. You would think that these shootings would put some fear in people to not be complete wastes of tax money. There is no fear for authority, these people who vandalize and burn **** obviously weren't spanked as children. Want to fix the crime problem in this country let mom and dad smack the **** out of Johnny or Leroy or Shanita's ***. How about clearing out death row? Fear of consequence keeps people in line.
You have a very wise son My 72 340!! Very wise indeed.

The Bellamy Brothers sang about a "Drug" Problem they had when they were young.

You see I was drug to Church on Sunday morning
I was drug to family reunions
I was drug to Grandpa's farm to work every summer
And I was drugged to weddings and to funerals
I was drug out the door to go to school (everyday)
I was drug by my ears when I was bad
When I disobeyed my parents or my teacher
I was drug to the wood shed by my Dad
And those drugs are still running through my veins
Still affecting everything I do and say
And if kids today had those kind of drug problems
I believe the world would be a better place.