Windows 10



Everybody's Fool
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Hot Springs AR
Have they got most of the problems with windows 10 worked out yet? Would like to get rid of 8.1, but do not want more problems....
The huge issue for me with Whinehoared flem is the intrusiveness, and there was a thread here on that. It has become MUCH more difficult to figure out how to turn off "intrusive." You have to realize "it is free." Well, is it? "free?"
This is the operating system designed for "the cloud" The cloud is the system being built right now to put ALL storage on Cloud servers, NO info will be stored locally. NO pics, no banking info, NOTHING will be secret. You ever wonder what LTE stand for on your phone? Long Term Enterprise. This will be the backbone of the gigabit wieless network that will enable this. I am recently retired from AT&T in the part of the company that is implementing this plan. It WILL happen. :burnout:MT
This is the operating system designed for "the cloud" The cloud is the system being built right now to put ALL storage on Cloud servers, NO info will be stored locally. NO pics, no banking info, NOTHING will be secret. You ever wonder what LTE stands for on your phone? Long Term Enterprise. This will be the backbone of the gigabit wieless network that will enable this. I am recently retired from AT&T in the part of the company that is implementing this plan. It WILL happen. :burnout:MT

I thought it stood for "Long Term Evolution"...
I just checked and it does indeed stand for Evolution, BUT when it was rolling out it stood for Enterprise. Must not liked how it sounded. It could have been slang in the industry tho. The phone company LOVES acronyms. Either way, it spells the end of the internet we all know and love. Or hate. END of hacking, they say.
Still hackable Like everything else.
End of privacy
End of you being the owner of "your" stuff.
More domestic terrorist charges due to more intrusion.
More government oversight into what you are doing online.

Ever see that movie where the government arrests people because they saw them commit a crime in the future?
They would LOVE to be able to do that, but this is as close as they can get so far.

Ask yourself this one question.
(When has Microsoft EVER given ANTHING away for free?)
All I know is I hate 8.1, over xp.
They over complicated everything. I thought they had enough complaints that made them come up with 10 so soon, to resemble xp again? false?
It will be closed code, on secure servers, with no way to look at any code. Unhackable by todays standards. And I know who is paying for this "upgrade", WE ARE! the government is paying billions to launch this Gigabit network. Free updates in deed. They will change software at will just like they do on your cell phone.
All I know is I hate 8.1, over xp.
They over complicated everything. I thought they had enough complaints that made them come up with 10 so soon, to resemble xp again? false?

Totally false.
I would recommend using the classic shell program from
It lets you choose how your icons and menu's look and act.

If you set it for Windows 7 style it skips all that charms start page crap and gives you a normal desktop with icons and menu's like you are used to having when you turn your computer on.

Lots of our customers use it.

I also have a small entry for win8 that makes that stupid lock screen go away if you want it.
Totally false.
I would recommend using the classic shell program from
It lets you choose how your icons and menu's look and act.

If you set it for Windows 7 style it skips all that charms start page crap and gives you a normal desktop with icons and menu's like you are used to having when you turn your computer on.

Lots of our customers use it.

I also have a small entry for win8 that makes that stupid lock screen go away if you want it.
Just wait till you cant run programs on you computer, NO local data storage. No access to the source code. Get it?
Sir, you have stolen my copyrighted line. You must immediately sent me a Small Phenomenal fee

Surely I have a tab with you by now. :D

(Especially after that Google post awhile back)
I hope you know I was just poking fun at you when I posted that, because as far as electrical issue's go, you might as well be FABO's Google. :D
Of course, LOL I DID get busy the other day and hack through MS ridiculous site and downloaded the ISOs for W10, both 32 and 64 bit. Thought I'd better "have the files" if nothing else.

Hell, I don't even like SLEVEN, much lest Ha-eight. I was "perfectly happy" with Xtra Putrid.
Just wait till you cant run programs on you computer, NO local data storage. No access to the source code. Get it?

That is when I will stop using computers. End of story.
I've upgraded my wife's computer from Windows 7 to 10, and have really had no issues. If anything, it seems to load faster than before. It still has the Windows 7 type start-up page. I have kept MY Windows 7 computer on 7 though, at least for now!
I just checked and it does indeed stand for Evolution, BUT when it was rolling out it stood for Enterprise. Must not liked how it sounded. It could have been slang in the industry tho. The phone company LOVES acronyms. Either way, it spells the end of the internet we all know and love. Or hate. END of hacking, they say.

I don't believe they will ever be able to rid the internet of hackers. Heck the NSA,CIA, FBI, and DIA are supposed to have the best hackers in the world yet they can't even protect their own websites. Coming from AT&T though I am sure you know about Weev and the email "hacks".

In my opinion there are tons of bad hackers that want nothing more than personal gain. Then you have hacktivist which personally I think do a lot of good and a lot of bad. They perform the service of keeping these agencies in check every once in a while by showing how easily they can get in.

Anyways back on topic, stay away away from windows 10. I know that nothing involving the internet is private unless run through proxies but why take the chance with windows ten and why help it gain popularity.
I don't believe they will ever be able to rid the internet of hackers. Heck the NSA,CIA, FBI, and DIA are supposed to have the best hackers in the world yet they can't even protect their own websites. Coming from AT&T though I am sure you know about Weev and the email "hacks".

In my opinion there are tons of bad hackers that want nothing more than personal gain. Then you have hacktivist which personally I think do a lot of good and a lot of bad. They perform the service of keeping these agencies in check every once in a while by showing how easily they can get in.

Anyways back on topic, stay away away from windows 10. I know that nothing involving the internet is private unless run through proxies but why take the chance with windows ten and why help it gain popularity.

Another way of explaining what Mopar Tim is saying is that the system will be a read only type thing. (can't be modified)
I've upgraded my wife's computer from Windows 7 to 10, and have really had no issues. If anything, it seems to load faster than before. It still has the Windows 7 type start-up page. I have kept MY Windows 7 computer on 7 though, at least for now!

The fact that whether or not it actually functions and speed has really, not much to do with the issues I have. If you REALLY Google around on this you'll find that this "free" system just about as nice as allowing strangers to sleep in your home.