Woman fined after hanging Canadian flags on her backyard frence

Stupid people, stupid government!! Doesn't anybody have anything better to do than stick their noses in other people's business!! So, what are they hurting again?? Maybe the neighbor is getting his jollies watching them swim???
So, a Mexican flag waving above an American flag in the same flag pole is OK. A Nazi flag is OK., Even flags of Muslim terrorist organizations banner is OK, but a Canadian flag is an issue?

That woman is pretty stupid. She says she's gonna fight it in court. Even if the court decides the flags are not part of the fence, the lattice underneath surely is. And that's definitely over the city code's limit as well. I'd laugh if the court said the flags can stay but the lattice fence extension on all sides of the property need to come down.
That woman is pretty stupid. She says she's gonna fight it in court. Even if the court decides the flags are not part of the fence, the lattice underneath surely is. And that's definitely over the city code's limit as well. I'd laugh if the court said the flags can stay but the lattice fence extension on all sides of the property need to come down.

COde issues like fence height are a different issue all together. Are you saying that if she set the flags at legal fence height that they would be able to remain?

If that's the case, it's a different issue, altogether.
Well, it sounds to me like they are using the city's fence height code as a means to get her to take the flags down. I think it's bullshit, but rules are rules. I just think she's stupid because she's already violating the city's code by having an extended lattice above the fence. Then she goes and hangs all those flags drawing a bunch of attention...
It wouldn't matter if they were tarps instead of flags because they are against the ordinance and they just happen to be flags. All she needs to do is lower them under the 6'6" law and enjoy them at the legal height.
It wouldn't matter if they were tarps instead of flags because they are against the ordinance and they just happen to be flags. All she needs to do is lower them under the 66" law and enjoy them at the legal height.

Thanks for the Clarification.
What do you expect from one of the most liberal states in the union?
This is not much different than some of these homeowner's outfits, Nazis in disguise. There's been many issues with people wanting to have flagpoles in their yards to display the flag.

One guy I know claimed no law anywhere could prevent you from displaying the US flag. Well, yes it can.
That woman is pretty stupid. She says she's gonna fight it in court. Even if the court decides the flags are not part of the fence, the lattice underneath surely is. And that's definitely over the city code's limit as well. I'd laugh if the court said the flags can stay but the lattice fence extension on all sides of the property need to come down.

Nothing stupid about fighting to show patriotism for your country.
If they started a petition, she would defiantly get a lot of signature's mine included.
And as was said the fence is another issue.
UN REAL.WE have a guy they call Canadian Bob in my home town his bike is covered with Canadian flags hesssssssssssss not bothered.
..who was the silly tard who said fences could only be so high..it it is a subdivision , if it is a covenant, is not enforceable...

Do they also have to have 3 kids, drive a Saturn and eat out an micky dD's once a week...

Reminds me of the movie "over the hedge"..

I live in a very high covenanted subdivion..the first person who moved in a built a house broke a bunch of them...so much for that..

Neighbours should mind their own business...
..who was the silly tard who said fences could only be so high..it it is a subdivision , if it is a covenant, is not enforceable...

If it's a covenant, and you were given a copy of it when you purchased the property, you were (probably ) also asked to sign it. IF you did, it is a binding contract, it is enforceable, and you are responsible to follow the rules you agreed to when you signed it.
..who was the silly tard who said fences could only be so high..it it is a subdivision , if it is a covenant, is not enforceable...

Do they also have to have 3 kids, drive a Saturn and eat out an micky dD's once a week...

Reminds me of the movie "over the hedge"..

I live in a very high covenanted subdivion..the first person who moved in a built a house broke a bunch of them...so much for that..

Neighbours should mind their own business...

Look at it this way... The fence is 10' tall with having the flags on it and it is only to be a maximum of 6'6" by code. The flags may be blocking needed sunlight that the neighbor wants for his garden or the lack of sunlight may be depressing. What right does she have to violate the code? She has already exceeded the legal fence height and now she wants even more.

My guess is that she chose to use the flags because she though she could get away with the fence being 10'. If it is just about the flags lower them down to the 6'6" height at the top and the flag problem will go away.

If she is so worried about people seeing the pool, install another 6'6" fence right at the edge of the pool. That will reduce the sight triangle drastically.

I would hate to have her as my neighbor, that is for sure.
Google up our esteemed former woman candidate for VP from AK and her 20-some-ft-high fence sometime.
I liked one of the comments..

"they should move to Mississauga … you neighbour can attach their laundry line to your fence and hang a 3 tiered laundry line ofr underware and socks for weeks at a time and the city with simply suggest you move!!!"
Not covenant..which didn't make sense..BTW, I went to a lawyer about the covenants that were attached to our property and he said they had no teeth..

one of the conveants was no clotheslines..we all have them..or we did until I pulled ours down.. :)

but this is municipal code...so some twit decided that home owners can only put fences to some artificial height... sounds like a rights violation..

I didn't think you guys liked being told what you can/ cannot do with your land ?

The woman is obviously in the wrong. It's sad that she chose to hide behind our flag while breaking the rules. That's not patriotism.

If I hung a canadian flag across the back window of my car it would be a violation just the same as any other material that blocked the vision. How is this any different.

I love this country and our flag. I respect our flag but we are a free country so you can step on it, you can do a burnout on it, light it on fire or even wipe your butt with it but you can't break the law with it.

I think this is her 5 minutes of fame. Sad

I didn't think you guys liked being told what you can/ cannot do with your land ?

I don't so I don't live in a housing edition. We own an unrestricted piece of land that is deep and outside the city limits. I still have to live by county, state and federal laws though. From the frontage road they can only see about the first 700' feet of my property since all the rest is over the hill. Two sides of my property are agriculture, the third side is woods and I have multiple established businesses that they will have to grandfather in should they ever manage to annex me in to the city limits.
Not covenant..which didn't make sense..BTW, I went to a lawyer about the covenants that were attached to our property and he said they had no teeth..

one of the conveants was no clotheslines..we all have them..or we did until I pulled ours down.. :)

but this is municipal code...so some twit decided that home owners can only put fences to some artificial height... sounds like a rights violation..

I didn't think you guys liked being told what you can/ cannot do with your land ?
We don't, but, if you agree to it in a covenant, or buy property where the ordinance dis-allows something, that on you. No one is forcing you to buy property with those restrictions, it's something you decided to do. When you made that decision you also agreed to those rules. like it or not.
I wonder if she could plant a tree that would in time grow higher then the 6'6" fence height and hang the flags from it ?

and I just have to ask how big a patriot can she be if she isn't even living in her native country?

at the count of three everyone



[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8Nk43SXJac"]that 70s show 3x23 canadian road trip - YouTube[/ame]