Worst body job ever

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Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
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Belleville Canada
Well guys I thought i would keep this to myself over the winter but I cant anymore.I took my car to a body guy that works at a well known body shop to do the body work. Then send it to were he works to have it painted in a down draft booth.Now the guy that painted it did an almost perfect job no runs,even paint.almost no orange peel.The body guy well, not even stright, missed a big dent, doors and fenders not lined up good,he painted under the hood and in the engine bay with single stage paint looks like crap was to be base clear.The shop he works at he gave them the paint coad and they did not get it wright its a little darker than under the hood its base clear at least. I cant go to shows and pop my hood.I for see taking the shop that painted it to court if the do not do something here.O took the car back to the body guy to fix the dent well its better but now lots of dust in the paint.when we first complained to him about our concerns he said I AM NOT REDOING THE CAR.So court case for him to. when we paid him I had him put in wrighting all work guaranteed one year.sorry its long.I should of got everything in writting befor he started but a fellow member said look at my car and see for yourself the work he does and his Duster is good.Mad very sad and depressed.
that sucks dude,,,,,not sure what to tell you....some of the dust will wash out...or buff out...
That is lame. If it has not been a year he has to keep his end of the bargain. Take him to court if he doesn't. He is legally binded to do so.
Not To Get Involved But Snake You Asked For A Good Driver. The Price You Paid Reflects The Job You Get. Yes He Missed The Dent. He Fixed It For You His Dime Not Yours. I Have Way More In My Body Job Than My Brother Charged You For Yours. And I Did Half The Work. This Took Two Years For Mine Not 6 Weeks. It Looked Real Good When I Was There At The Shop On Sunday. Don't Forget That Was Not A Restoration Job But A Good Driver. Not Trying To Stir Anything Up But He Is Family. Plus Mine Was In Far Better Shape. All You Need To Do Is A Sand And Buff. Mine Is Getting Done This Year As Well.
This is why i learn to do as much as i can myself. I've been there with a Mach 1 Mustang i once owned. They skip the bodywork and just put on new paint and hope your satisfied. I learned that is the difference between (most) bodyshops as compared to Restoration shops.

just a question did you go and look at the work from time to time to see how it was coming out? When i had a body shop do my Duster, i knew the guy but still went atleast once a week to make sure they were welding metal and not loading in bondo.
I know 10 years ago I paid $2200 on a Gutlass Supreme just for re-paint(and a little bondo under the mirrors)I considered that a deal!Not sure how much$$you paid?

cutlass 006.jpg
I`ve had similar luck with a body shop. I took the car back three times, each time they kept the car longer than the previous visit. After 3 times there was still trash in the paint. I decided to just repair what I could on my own. There`s no telling what that shop was doing to my car after so many visits so I figured that while it still had oil pressure I would quit.
Sorry to hear about this. I had a few issues w/bodyshop, writing them down seemed to help. They made good. Not perfect but acceptable. The 'missed' dent...I can't get my head around that. How can that be justified? Hope you can get this worked out.
Ya, I've dealt with body shop nightmares. And The "missed" dent is totally unacceptable. But the dude did fix it. I've put a little thought into this, and I guess it all depends on how much money was paid for what kind of work. You do get what you pay for. And sometimes, some people are NEVER satisfied. No matter what they get. So me, being on the outside of all this, I'm real glad I just do everything myself.
I'd like to see pic's of this paint job before and after and the price tag.who took the car apart and who reassembled it?It would be hard to pass judgement without more info and really they might have done a better job than you paid for but who's to say, :worthles:
You are correct Waggin,Kutos to you for doing that dusty,dirty,filthy,rusty job for 30 years!You must enjoy that line of work to carry on!Me,I,m a grease monkey and hate bodywork!
This is exactly the reason my Dart has been in primer for 10 years now LOL....I'm too impatient for bodywork, and for the amount of money I have to spend on a paint job, I know for sure it won't look as good as I want it! Maybe when the kids are a little older and I have some help sanding...
Oh I don't do that for a living any more thank gosh,I jump around as much as possible doing what I can to put these old cars back to life.I can;t breath all that stuff no more than I have too.I hope the best for him on this but without pic's and price it would be hard to say one way or another.it sounds like at least 3000$ worth of work here in the states depending on how much body work was involved,but it wouldn't be going away without wetsanding and buffing and the panels aligned,and that would be just the labor,but you can bet he'd be able to pop his hood anywhere he wanted to.thats why Im a grasemonkeyelecticianbodyworkinpartsfabricatinfixyurlawnmowerandwashingmachineandmowyuryardandpickupsomegrocery's kinda guy!!!cause I aint breathin that crap everyday of my life no mo!It ain't worth it!!!
I agree that price makes a big difference...if your not paying top dollar these days for bodywork and paint, your usually not going to get a good job...when it comes to my car i do everything myself because im broke and its fun, but also because you know exactly what flaws there are...by no means am i saying this guy is a hack because i havent seen the job done or the price you paid, but with alot of body shops they will just do a half *** job...i think you realistically need to ask yourself how much you scrutinize...i did all the bodywork to my car and was told atleast 5k to finish it, and that was for measly blocking the epoxy and laying down paint! my dad payed 5k for a similar paint job that he had brought in at a similar stage to what my car was at...you get what you pay for these days unfortunatly...however, missing a dent i find kinda funky? wasnt he using guidecoat?
It Was Not A Dent. The Quarter Was In A Little. He Did Miss It But Fixed It. No Problems There. Don Was At The Shop At A Regular Pace And Seen All The Work Done In Stages. This Was A Body Job Done For Less Than $3000. I Think The Price Was 2800. The Car Looks Great. I Have Seen It Up Close. Yes Don Have Some Pics Put Up. Then The Guys Here Can Rea sure You That You Did Get A Good Body Job And Paint. Don't Forget You And Your Wife Had Done A Inspection On The Car Just Before It Was Painted. You Said It Look Good. The Problem Don Is You Paid Way Too Much In My Opinion To Start With For What Car You Got.$8500 For A 318 Dart That Needed A Restoration. Then There Were The Front End Problems. Like Waggin Said Show The Pics. Shops Are Charging For Restorations 40-50 Bucks Per Hour And There Is No Time Limit. You Pay What It Cost. A Friend Of Mine Has $10000 In Body Work Alone. Not Even Blocked Out Yet.
when i took my coronet for paint he eyeballed it and showed me the unacceptable spots and showed me a low spot with a straitedge. then i had the choice of paying to get it perfect or paint as is.this was after the bodyman was done,.If work is subpar it should be pointed out by painter before paint is laid. and i did not see the defects. the painter had to point them out.not being in the buisness you cant tell.
(The Problem Don Is You Paid Way Too Much In My Opinion To Start With For What Car You Got.$8500 For A 318 Dart That Needed A Restoration)

WOW!!! Does this make any sense? "Sir the reason for my shotty bodywork is because you paid to much for the car" That was a cheap and unnecessary dig
Moparwedden, Why Do You Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word? That Is Rather Irritating!
This happen to me last year..Caps lock button stuck then missing(kids got a hold off and dissappearred with it..Also Moparwedden did say the bodyman is family?Snake this is the first you,ve mentioned your paint being a poor job?When you picked up the car,did you not go over it?To see if it was appropriate for price paid,that is when you should say something,not 6 months later!
well if you had the chance to look it over before being painted, even if you arent trained to the eye, you should atleast try to figure out what to look for (atleast i would?)...but for the price i think you kinda got what you payed for...like i said most shops now adays want upwards of 7k for bodywork and paint, and that is at an awesome deal! its an expensive business man, so you gotta be willing to dish out, do it yourself, or take it i guess...but hey, ive seen pics of your car and it looked good to me- care to show us the problem spots?
What ever I have paid 4 grand less than 4 years ago and no dust and very stright.Yes we did see it in primer no way to tell if it is srtight untill it is painted.Price for the dart was wright on i think.Wayne Rowe in Ottawa and outhers want that kind of money for good suorthern cars.This ant done.Ps your brouther came to the house and said I can get it stright and look good.....all outhers quotes were maybe 500 more than his,and had thoes shops do my work befor with very little negitve feedback.
Yes we did see it in primer no way to tell if it is srtight untill it is painted..

Untrue. Primer does hide a lot but if its blocked using guide coat any low spots will show. But for under $3000 I wouldnt expect laser straight. Sorry.
It was 2800 just for the body work anouther 1100 for paint so thats 3800. I know some spend over 5 grand for work,but my thing is like I said I have spent no more than 4500 for cars that were worst off than this dart. even had rear Quarters done on outher cars for that price.I think he rushed it .Moparwedden you told me that it cost you 1800 for your car seeing it was your brouther family deal i guess.
Lowest bidder paint/body work......$1100 for paint? no color sand/buff I'm guessing. What kind of materials did they use for $1100? How many hours were billed for $2800 or was it straight $2800 for the job? Did that include re-assembly? Door jambs?

For this thread to hold water you gotta post some pics...otherwise lock it now
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