Would this be a deal breaker?


The "Demau"

Oct 13, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I finally found an actual Demon that is selling for $5500 with its numbers matching 340 and 4 speed. (It currently has a 318 in it). Surprisingly the only MAJOR rust is on the bottom of one door. And on the quarter.

Basically, I know how to replace a quarter, but is this also effecting other areas? And will it be not so complex to fix?

But, most of all, would this make it not a good deal?

Pic: http://images.craigslist.org/00d0d_2B2GxKfoQ8Y_600x450.jpg
With that much rust in the rocker, you can expect to find more in other areas. You are looking at a $5,500 car + $3,000 to $5,000 in rust repair + $5,000 to $10,000 for a re-paint.

Your $5,500 car just turned into a $13,500+ car.
Llike 1968FormulaS340 points out, you're going to need to budget a lot more to get the car where you'd presumably like to see it... but it IS a car worthy of the investment, IMO.

The quarters, rockers and doors seem to go first on these cars but it's a safe bet that the floor and the trunk are in trouble too... definitely lift up the carpet and trunk mat and bang around in there.

On the plus side, the parts are all out there and it sounds like you have the skills to do it yourself which would save a ton of cash.

Then there's the issue of the 318. Obvioulsy a fine engine but NOT what should be there. A nice '71 or '72 vintage 340 is also going to set you back as well.

Dealbreaker? I'm not sure...but my gut tells me that the asking price is a bit high.
Have a very good look at the frame rails and the torsion bar cross member.
If those have holes in them or are just recently undercoated, you probably have a $5,500 parts car. Did you actually determine yourself that the engine and trans are original to that car? Or are you just taking the guy's word for it?
If it's worth it to fix it up is only something you can decide.
Restorations aren't cheap even if you do the majority of the work yourself.
And they are very time and space consuming.
How about more pictures?
Have a very good look at the frame rails and the torsion bar cross member.
If those have holes in them or are just recently undercoated, you probably have a $5,500 parts car. Did you actually determine yourself that the engine and trans are original to that car? Or are you just taking the guy's word for it?
If it's worth it to fix it up is only something you can decide.
Restorations aren't cheap even if you do the majority of the work yourself.
And they are very time and space consuming.
How about more pictures?

Good points, especially about the structural components...THAT would be a dealbreaker, IMO.

If you can climb under there with a flash light, look for the markings in the casting on the side of the block. It will say if it's a 318, 340,360 and the manufacture year.. Who knows, it could be the original 340.
The torsion bar crossmember and the frame rails are fine, the floor pans are also good, looks like a professional floor pan replacement though. The 340 casting number matches the vin of the car and is included with the car. It is disassembled and in stock perfect condition. The owner removed it because he didn't want to ruin the engine in drag racing because he learned it was worth so much. He then stored it in his garage.

I also learned the 4 speed that comes with it is not numbers matching because it was replace by the original owner.

I could easily lower the price some more. He needs to get rid of it to work on another project.
The "Demau";1970351964 said:
The torsion bar crossmember and the frame rails are fine, the floor pans are also good, looks like a professional floor pan replacement though. The 340 casting number matches the vin of the car and is included with the car. It is disassembled and in stock perfect condition. The owner removed it because he didn't want to ruin the engine in drag racing because he learned it was worth so much. He then stored it in his garage.

I also learned the 4 speed that comes with it is not numbers matching because it was replace by the original owner.

I could easily lower the price some more. He needs to get rid of it to work on another project.
The "Demau";1970351902 said:
Hey guys,

I finally found an actual Demon that is selling for $5500 with its numbers matching 340 and 4 speed. (It currently has a 318 in it). Surprisingly the only MAJOR rust is on the bottom of one door. And on the quarter.

Basically, I know how to replace a quarter, but is this also effecting other areas? And will it be not so complex to fix?

But, most of all, would this make it not a good deal?

Pic: http://images.craigslist.org/00d0d_2B2GxKfoQ8Y_600x450.jpg

If you know how to do the bodywork, and weld in the repair pieces it needs then its a good deal, if you have to pay somebody else to do it , not so much. Id take a chance on it, because i can repair all that stuff myself.
Thanks guys! You always mention a lot of information I wouldn't notice. I actually looked at it in person and it seems good. I kind of used your guys points as an extra checklist. If I do buy it you'll see the project here!
WOW, holy rust.. Looks like a parts car to me.

Ask yourself if you can afford a 30,000 build and if you ever sell 20,000. That's your best case scenario.

Pentastarnut is offering you a life saving offer.
Yea once you start digging I have a feeling that car is going to be a nightmare. Of course it could be done. Price out all the necessary sheet metal you will need from AMD and see where you are at, at that point. For 5,500 he's real proud of that car. If it had the original 340 then yea it would be more worth it. Get a screw driver and poke the **** out of that car everywhere. The trunk floors are probably shot even if you can't tell exactly where. If the car runs and drives, find a place that has a lift give them 20 bucks to put it on there for 30 min and really go through it.
The "Demau";1970352020 said:
Thanks guys! You always mention a lot of information I wouldn't notice. I actually looked at it in person and it seems good. I kind of used your guys points as an extra checklist. If I do buy it you'll see the project here!

Did you find out what size engine is actually in it? Is it a numbers matching engine?
Need more pictures of the car. I know rust is always twice as bad as it looks once you get into it.
Ouch! My Duster did not even look tha tbad when I started with it and I ended up doing both inner and outer rockers, both 1/4's , outer trunk pan, floor pans and the torsion bar/ trans crossmember. We had over 200 hours of cutting welding and fabing parts.
If it was me I would get a car from the West Coast
While we are focusing on the body work , lets keep in mind that the 340 needs a rebuild , so your looking at another 2 grand or more there and a clutch assembly for another $ 500.00 or so Pentanut is offering a very good deal . this car is a deal at 2 to 3 grand range
While we are focusing on the body work , lets keep in mind that the 340 needs a rebuild , so your looking at another 2 grand or more there and a clutch assembly for another $ 500.00 or so Pentanut is offering a very good deal . this car is a deal at 2 to 3 grand range

2 grand for a rebuild. :0 I need the number of your machinest!!
I would say it's tempting,but,seems to have a few issues,how much cant really tell,it is also complete running driving car with # matching engine,also has a 4spd and several other parts along with it,all tho 4 spd might be the OD type,which you could use or get an original type down the road,at 5500 it may or may not be too high or too low thats for you to decide,whatever fits your budget is what works for you,realistically if you could afford the 13,500 offer car already done would be wiser,but if you are just trying to get one and dont mind the resto part[which gets costly real quik]then by all means do it,I understand being in the same boat as being only able to afford the project car and fix up as you go plan will cost more time and money in the long run but sometimes it's the only way to afford it and the deals may not come your way again[availability and financially]Since you think you can push him down on the price then thats what I would do,My personal opinion would be in the3-4k range,I mean you can drive it while you fix it and all the components that go with it,but it is and takes real dedication and a love for these cars to accomplish it and the road can be long and costly...they dont make them anymore and stuff is getting scarcer by the yr,I did such a project and after 8 yrs and 13k still aint finished and mine was a /6 car now 440 and was rust free and have done most all the work myself,will I ever come close to getting my money out of it?prob not ,but I will drive it,have it,have fun with it and all that jazz,for me it aint about the money or the worth it's the satisfaction and the gratification and the totall bad-***-ery[as Rob says] of the car and getting it to where my dreams of it become a reality,that said,not everybody is going to have the same opinion,not everyone has the same finances or the ability to work/skills or the place to work on them or the tools/knowledge to do so,hence these are the decisions YOU must consider and make for what fits YOU...and do you have what it takes to get it done and the resources/dedication? or get it and let it sit and rust all the way out cause you cant afford it or aint got the time and it was kool at the time to own one,or buy it ,drive it,fix it up and make into something kick ***? Only you know that answer....good luck
That car is for sale right here on this sight...... Another thing to consider, notice the hacked up stripe? that was probally done after a repaint...if that car shows THAT much rust now, imagine how much is covered up... I made a very fair offer on that car a couple months ago, never got a response. I would pass on it....
I would also pass. There are some nice cars out there. Save your moolah and wait for the right one to come along.