Would you sell the Scamp?



Slammed 1
May 10, 2009
Reaction score
Lisle Illinois
So I've been contemplating various moves with the Scamp because I'm losing my storage. I have 2 months to get her driveable and then I need to drag her home. I don't have room at the house but I think I may be able to get her into a driving project state maybe not with the hemi/T-56 combo but with a carbed motor and an auto. Been offered money but I don't feel right selling her to someone who won't finish her to my specs. Put yourself in my shoes would you move on or finish her? I could always take all of my good parts and put together a different body I guess.
if its worth the money to you then sell it. its a car ,there are many more out there. only you can answer that question, you are the one who has the blood sweat tears and dollars into it. if there is a way to keep it and you really want to keep it , you will find a way.
It's a very hard choice for me and if I do it I would make it very difficult for someone to buy it. I would needto get enough money to buy a driver tthat's for sure. I really want to finish her and many are relying on me to do so but having nowhere to keep the car that won't take mod money away from me is the other side of the coin.
You would be losing a lot of time and energy that has been invested to sell the scamp now. Looks like you still have a lot of miscellaneous work left to do. That's a tough call, If you still have the passion to finish, I say keep it.
With all the great work you have done up until now that is is alot of labor and by the way great work.
There is no way I would sell after doing all that. But again it is your work if my cars become a burden I sell and down size then when things improve I start again.
That is a real work of art on your fab skills .
the lucky person to pick it up just may get it done beyond your expectations. you just never know, they may never get it done, its just the chance you take unfortunately. if you have no where to put it, maybe someone here could store it for you for a while. life sometimes just has a way of screwing things up. been there for sure.
where theres a will, theres a way you,ve come a long ways on the scamp,my vote is keep it and finish it the way you originally intended start looking now and you are sure to find someplace to keep it
nice car! if you cant keep it sell it and dont look back. Its there choice how to build it once sold. Those were your dreams not nec. others dreams. IMO good luck
You could just say at the shop you were working at and not have this problem. You could move to a place that you could have your car when your lease runs out. Once you sell it then it is no longer any of your business what the new owner does with it and he could even put something like a Chevy drive train it it. You have other choices too so it is just a matter of finding the option that suites you best.
JMO....... If I was 37 years of age and put my hart and soul in a build like yours I would do my best to store it for another day :thumleft:
Here in my area I could put it in dry storage (gated security) along with my parts for $1.25 a day about $47.00 a month to keep it. That is a work of art and one of a kind you have built :cheers: who knows :smile: an opportunity could arise soon to get it back in a shop and keep moving forward on her :coffee2:
But like most have said here only you know what would be best at this time in your life, I hope you continue moving forward even if you have to wait a year to get back to her :glasses7:
Another way to look at it- is this your dream car and if so do what ever you need to to keep it. If not sell it, keep your good parts and use them on your dream car in the future. JMO
The reason I say this is that I have had cars in the past that I really didn't want to part with but life got in the way. In the end I ended up with the car I wanted all along so it ended well for me but there were some bumps along the way!!
So I've been contemplating various moves with the Scamp because I'm losing my storage. I have 2 months to get her driveable and then I need to drag her home. I don't have room at the house but I think I may be able to get her into a driving project state maybe not with the hemi/T-56 combo but with a carbed motor and an auto. Been offered money but I don't feel right selling her to someone who won't finish her to my specs. Put yourself in my shoes would you move on or finish her? I could always take all of my good parts and put together a different body I guess.

I would need to get enough money to buy a driver that's for sure. I really want to finish her and many are relying on me to do so but having nowhere to keep the car that won't take mod money away from me is the other side of the coin.

Is your current storage free? I'm just asking because if you need to sell her to buy another car, it looks like you've got more going on that a lack of storage. Of course you want the next owner to be in the same vision of thought you are, but that's kinduva pie-in-the-sky pipe dream. To me, when it's time for a project to go, it's time to go, and I don't care what the next owner has in mind for it......because it's HIS. I know, it's a hard decision all the way around. So, if you could find some free storage, you'd keep it?
After following your build I would try my damnedest to keep it! Wish I was closer I'd let you store it. I know you have spent tons of time on it so I guess I'd be thinking do I want to go through it again. Your call some times we have to part with the ones we love.
Current storage space is free. I didn't have a choice on my transfer and I got the powers that be to let me bring it to my new shop pending a July 1st removal date. I really want to do what I can to keep it so if I have to drop a 318/904 in her for now I will. Just have a good deal of little things that need attention on her right now.
If push came to shove, I'd sell, but, before I did, I would make sure I had exhausted every other option and possibility, first.

The "I'll never sell" attitude is idealistic, selfish, and not very a realistic approach. Especially if there family members to consider.
Depends on the money. It's only a car. Can always buy/build another.

Me if I could I would fi d a box stock motor and trans to stick in it. Screw it drive it unfinished and have fun.
Depends on the money. It's only a car. Can always buy/build another.

Me if I could I would fi d a box stock motor and trans to stick in it. Screw it drive it unfinished and have fun.

Small brakes, carbed motor automatic throw the glass in her bolt the drivers seat down call it a day.
After viewing your thread...NO! No sale. finish it! I am inspired.
Do whatever you gotta do whenever you gotta do it!

Like stated earlier it is only a car and there are plenty out there when you are ready for sale if it comes to that.