wow just got offerd a great deal! must look



Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Reaction score
Eureka,Ca Humboldt
i was coming out of cvs and this old man walked up to me as i was getting in the valiant and he said he had a valiant for sale.he said its a 273 bored over to 312 v8 auto tranny both rebuilt with tri components in a re upulsterd 1966 valiant v200 wagon heres the kickerruns and only thing wrong is a brake line broke so he parked it.said he wont take less then 400 dollars
its a scam...let me know where he lives and I
ll fly over there and take care of him. You'll never be scammed like that again!

Ha! Grab it!

Cool. After you get it, we sure would like to see some pics.
It's like those wagons search each other out and want to live together :)

Complete and running, how can you go wrong?

Dam.............I like to get that for the wife. 2 66's would be sweet.
Yep,at least go look at it.I find my best deals drivin around th dart.People just walk up and start talkin.Found a $400 340 driveline a few years back.runnin and everything.
well the guy lives in the boonies out of my area by 45mins but if i dont get it my dad might wanna look at it. id have to wait till my tax return idk if he would hod it or not.
Go look at it anyway and share your findings here, if you or your Dad don't want it, you might be able to make another member's dream come true. What if you didn't have your wagon already, wouldn't it be nice if a member helped you find one? Don't be a tease lol!
Go get it! Thats a great deal. It would only cost a few bucks to fix the brakes. Heck, If you know someone with AAA you can have it towed to your house free.

66 is a great lookin wagon!
Here is one I found on google:

well i guess i could gas is a killer here tho

Holy cow 63, do I have to send you $20 for gas so you can go get this thing already!:cheers: You are killing us, at least go look at the thing! That old man didn't approach you for nothing, it was meant to be...
i know but absolutly no money till tax returns i got his number. i may call him and ask if he would wait or ask my dad if he wants it i alrdy have a v8 wagon i like the 66 front better tho
You live in Eureka, and HE is in the boonies? How far are we talking? What kind of mileage are you getting in the wagon? Your dad might lend you the money till your tax return comes in. Especially if you tell him you can fix the brakes and resell it for $1200