WTF!!! $3.45 gallon for low test?!

It got as low as 3.12 a gallon and know it is 3.41 here in Northeast Arkansas
Was down to $2.99 last week. Same day shot up to $3.89. said something about a oil line spill in IL.
Then a refinery caught fire earlier this week, so that should justify the increase and add another .75 to it I figure.
It has been going up across the nation. This is unusual for a election year because it tends to go down until the election.

The Saudis released a bunch of oil a couple months ago when the news media (who love oboma) were all in a tizzy over high gas prices and it was being blamed on their boy king. They bailed his *** out but now that he is supporting the iranian s who are stirring up trouble in Syria they stopped the flow. This election will have high gas as a backdrop. High food too unless they cut out this jokenol and bio diesel crap.
3.85 here.
We have a refinery on the other side of the bay refining oil piped in from Canada. Go figure.:dontknow::scratch:
I'm happy with the prices here in the U.S.

It could be worse.

" In London, gas was $8.17 per gallon in March, and in Istanbul, Turkey the price was $9.63, according to DailyFinance. "
Most expensive gas in U.S probably right here in the San Juan Islands 4.41 for Reg unleaded . We did get down to 4.26 though .

I hear ya. I just came from fidalgo island visiting family for a couple weeks. It was 3.89 last time i filled up. Not as bad as the islands up north but still pretty bad
In Mexico gas is $2 something, some places have gas cheaper yet but the media just talks about those countries with higher fuel prices

Saudi Arabia gas is 20 - 30 cents a gallon, so cheap they buy and ship our muscle cars over there. Big 1970's cars are very popular in Saudi Arabia

Big oil is earning billions in profits each quarter in part by ripping us off
Just paid 3.80, thats with my discount card which drops It by .05,...Puttin a lot of miles on the Caliber,...glad its not a diesel,... haven't driven the Ram in weeks...
Saudi Arabia

Price per gallon of premium gasoline: $0.61
Most expensive gas ranking: #54
Pain at the pump ranking: #52

Saudi Arabia, which holds one-fifth of the world's oil reserves, is pursuing wind, solar and nuclear power to help cut in half the crude and natural gas it burns to generate its electricity. The country wants to generate a third of its electricity from alternate energy sources within two decades, according to government officials.

Persian Gulf oil producers are seeking new ways to generate power because they prefer selling their expensive crude to gas-hungry countries, rather than burning it. Saudi Arabia is OPEC's biggest producer and heavily subsidizes the price of gasoline.

The average daily income is $55. The share of a day's wages needed to buy a gallon of gas is 1.1 percent.

United States

Price per gallon of premium gasoline: $4.19
Most expensive gas ranking: #44
Pain at the pump ranking: #50

As summer travel season approaches, the U.S. has little to complain about relative to many other nations. The price per gallon is among the world's lowest, and Americans' high average income insulates them compared with poorer countries. Only six nations hurt less at the pump than Americans do -- three of them are members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

The U.S. paid about $4.2 billion in 2010 to subsidize oil production and consumption. Gasoline taxes account for just 11 percent of the retail price of the fuel, compared with 60 percent in Britain.

The cost of a barrel of crude, at around $100 a barrel, may seem painful but is less than half the $213 cost of a barrel in January 1981 during Iranian shipment disruptions, adjusted for real growth in disposable income. The average daily income in the U.S. is $134, and daily wages needed to buy a gallon of gas is 3.1 percent.



WHAT...who earns $134 a day...nobody I know of, least not anymore
$3.98 at the corner Chevron station near my neighborhood.
And it's going to get quite a bit higher very quickly, with the Chevron refinery catching fire, in Richmond, California a few days ago.
$3.79/gal Arco 87 yesterday in north OC. $3.55/gal last week and $3.49/gal the week before.
Prices are higher in south OC where home prices are also higher.
What gets me is we can put a probe on Mars but we can't drill for our own oil here in the states. From my understanding there is enough oil under our states that there is no way we will ever use it up! Heck by the time we use half of the oil we will be flying around in electric cars! Doesnt make since to me but I bet all of it is planned. It's all about the money now and forever!
I hate the price fluctuations and increases here in the US too.
And yes the past 6 or 7 weeks seems ridiculous.
Why they can't stabilize pricing seems to be bullsh!t too.
That said... Let's hope we actually have some smart mofos at the top of this crap... We can't drill, we can't frack... Whatever...
Just maybe we are protecting our own assets?
I don't know ****, but maybe somebody out there does?
Continue using "others" overpriced resources long enough, and once we drain them we sit high on the hog, with vast reserves we only recently realized we have (haha)???
Just a thought...(not that I have that much faith in our higher ups):coffee2:
I'm happy with the prices here in the U.S.

It could be worse.

" In London, gas was $8.17 per gallon in March, and in Istanbul, Turkey the price was $9.63, according to DailyFinance. "

IMHO this is a poor comparison. We are not some little island nation or some backwards wanna-be country that has to import most, if not all their oil. We have plenty of our own oil, as someone stated, and should be able to use it. Damn tree huggers.:angry5:
IMHO this is a poor comparison. We are not some little island nation or some backwards wanna-be country that has to import most, if not all their oil. We have plenty of our own oil, as someone stated, and should be able to use it. Damn tree huggers.:angry5:

Well it is what it is and like I mentioned we are sitting on all oil that we will never use.
Let's not forget our skyrocketing gas prices happened after 9/11. When we invaded Afganistan and Iraq, it pissed off the middle easterners and their way to stick it to us is raise the price per barrel. Well our wonderful oil companies followed suit and now we are here today. If our oil companies dropped the barrel price to an acceptable price, middle east oil would sit on the shelves and have to drop their price to unload it. After all we consume the majority of all gas used. But hey, the oil companies have been making RECORD profits now for, what over 16 quarters. Thanks Big Oil, you have helped jack up EVERY price tag in America with your greediness.