You are not cinderella

So i worked in a ford dealership a few years back. Bay next to me was the Diesel tech. Big Guy-6’4”
260 lbs.
one saturday service writer brings his daughter to work. The little 3 or 4 year old shouts out PRINCESS!! Who was she calling? The bug guy,who takes crap from no man. It was priceless.

So its true, diesel techs are delicate....
So i worked in a ford dealership a few years back. Bay next to me was the Diesel tech. Big Guy-6’4”
260 lbs.
one saturday service writer brings his daughter to work. The little 3 or 4 year old shouts out PRINCESS!! Who was she calling? The bug guy,who takes crap from no man. It was priceless.

So its true, diesel techs are delicate....
Even the biggest tough guy will melt when there is a child around. (in most cases anyway)
Life is not a fairytale
if you lose a shoe at midnight
you are Drunk
I can relate... I woke up in a motel room at Myrtle Beach with a major hangover. Start getting my clothes on and WTF? Were is my other shoe? Maybe its in the car.
So when the gal and I go out to her minivan I see the right front hubcap missing. Some memory of the night before comes back. While rolling down the highway toward the coast she dropped that side off the shoulder and that hubcap took off across a field. I threw my shoe out the window at it. ( I can't say this happened at the stroke of midnight ) She was now recalling this too and we both knew we had been waaaaay too drunk. I say "oh well. I'll buy some flip flops". She says, "Don't know what I'll tell my husband".
We found a matching hubcap in a hospital parking lot. End of my Cinderfella story.
I had a friend tell me a story about going to Fredericksburg, Texas. Fredericksburg is famous for their peaches. Anyway my friend was looking to go there an get some peaches (my friend lived out of town). He was told that there was one place that had the best peaches in Fredericksburg. He was told to ask for a guy named "Peaches" at this particular peach orchard. So my friend went there and approached the counter (where they sold the peaches) and asked for peaches. The nice lady at the counter asked him, "What type of peaches would you like to buy?" "No" my friend said loudly, "I mean I need to speak to peaches!!" About this time this extremely large dude (6'5" 285 lbs) was walking from the back area to the counter with a case of peaches on each shoulder. My friend, now confused says, "I was told to ask for "Peaches" does he work here or not??" Well by this time the large dude was standing (towering over everyone) behind the counter still holding the 2 cases of peaches. The big dude gave my friend a very dirty look dropped the cases on the ground and walked off. My friend asks, "What's going on, that guy looked at me like he wanted to kill me??" The lady at the counter says, "I'm sorry, but that's my son and he works here of course. He's been working here since grade school and all his friends always called him "Peaches" (behind his back) because he's always worked here". "But he simply hates the nick name that he was given by his friends and NOBODY calls him that name to his face!!!! "Now before he comes back....please tell me what type of peach would you like to buy???"

Every guy is looking for a Cinderella; she's young, petite (small shoe only she fits do is most likely really cute / hot ), no family & a hard worked.