Your opinions on good dog breeds please

boston terrier very intelligent, well mannered and only bark when they need too. i own 3 and my oldest is the best dog ive ever owned. all i need is for them to let me know whats going on outside and i take care of it. lived in country all my life had a few intruders, nothing got gone. its been my experience thieves dont like any kind of noise/attention, and are gutless thats why they steal . but check out local shelter there are plenty of dogs looking for work. i believe a heinz 57 was mentioned. thats just a mix like the rest of us. i used to have papers, but give that up. good luck and remember it is a commitment.
hey it does touch a lot of people because a lot of those folks include them pups as family it does make feel good to read all the responses happy 4th
Thanks for everyone's stories and comments I appreciate it. I like reading these and hear y'alls side of the story. As I mentioned I will be in college, but when I go to school its just for class then i'm straight back home usually. I don't go out partying and everything so I'm pretty sure I have a good commitment to owning one. I have a blue heeler back at home (9 yrs old) so this wouldn't be new to me.

I am living in an apartment, but the dog will be over at my gf's house basically 24/7 anyway unless she is out of town. It will be a full size house with a nice back yard, she owns a warlock dobbie ( little over a year old) so I think it would like to have a nice play pal as well.

The local shelter here in my college town (which I have volunteered at before) has new dogs coming in everyday, lots of full breeds as well. Like someone mentioned they do have a play room for puppies and they have an outside area to play with full sized dogs. This shelter is one that WILL NOT adopt out pit bulls and chows, for fear people will use them in wrong reasons. so i would have to buy one from a breeder or something.
too bad so far away i just welcomed 7 puppies on fathers day and looking for good homes i have 4 dogs already dont need 11
Get a female rottie. I never would've said this until I found out that you had a dog before as these breeds really aren't for a first time dog owner. They do pretty well in apartments but need brushing twice a week. She'll probably eat you out of house and home though.... They are protective but fine with friends once they get to know them. If she doesn't like a particular friend, take heed. There's a reason.

They don't really bark much unless there's a reason and one good look at her will just plain stop most people in thier tracks. Don't leave her alone around small children, just as with any large dog.

Like someone said, you must be totally dedicated to this dog. You've got to be home to feed and walk the dog every single day, no exceptions. You also have to put aside at least an hour a day for training and play if you get a Rott. You must have absolute control too. If you don't take control, she will. It's just the way they work and an out of control Rott is bad news all the way around. You'll get sued or in the hospital, all rott owners will look bad and we'll have another "vicous breed ban".

On the plus side, you'll have a friend for life that's well behaved and incredibly intelligent. :) These dogs are truly the "big block" of dogdom, lol.