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  1. Popdart

    Please Pray For my Son

    God bless and prayers sent for the little guy, you, and your family . . .
  2. Popdart

    Victoria Got Struck by Lightening!!!

    Hey memike . . . sorry about the damage. We all know you will resurrect Victoria to be better than she ever was. Your hesitance to accepting the forums "free" generosity is definitely honorable. That just makes one like you more and it is what makes you "memike". These generous people...
  3. Popdart

    Miss airport 2011

    Wow . . . some nice bones there . . . .
  4. Popdart

    How's Cudachick's storm damaged building coming?

    Check here . . . .
  5. Popdart

    Victoria Got Struck by Lightening!!!

    Sending good thoughts your way memike with hopes that everyone is ok and damage is minimal to Victoria.
  6. Popdart

    Tribute To Moms

    Nice pics. You can see where you get your good looks from ABB! You sure do look like her. lol
  7. Popdart

    50's Car Show Game

    Geez I must be old, I got them all!
  8. Popdart

    ABodyBetty & Daisy Delilah's, "SHOW TIME"!

    Congrats ABB!!! You have a sweet ride there in Miss Daisy. :thumblef: Great show and you both covered it perfectly! Glad you two are having fun! :cheers: Rog
  9. Popdart

    ABodyBetty & Daisy Delilah's, "SHOW TIME"!

    Just awesome!!! Morning coffee :coffee2: and great video and pics (even a pic of Lex!), what a great start to a day!! Great job Anna and John . . . you are a lot of fun!! :cheers: Rog
  10. Popdart

    This was a first for me.

    Wow. A good lesson for all of us . . . for the repair guy and owner . . . stay with your car . . . protects both of you, and make sure you don't forget your rags!!
  11. Popdart

    ABodyBetty & Daisy Delilah's, "SHOW TIME"!

    Thanks for the show John!!! Great trip and cars. Even got to see Lex at the beginning! (You too ABB!!). Enjoyed it alot. I guess you'll have to sing to us so you don't have to post any disclaimers!! :rock: Glad you made it home safe. :toothy10::toothy10: Rog
  12. Popdart

    Hey from the Hoosier state from Yard Dawg!

    Hey welcome Yard Dawg!! John speaks highly of you . . . . And any friend of Lex and Vinnies is a friend of mine!!! Welcome!!
  13. Popdart

    CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

    Well, first let me say I'm really sorry for the loss of your friend at the dealer. I say friend, because anytime you start a visit with a smile and leave with one, they must be a friend. Geez so young, I have kids at 40. Yes you are right, get your affairs in order just in case . . . . Now ...
  14. Popdart

    New Roadrunner

    Thanks I loved it
  15. Popdart

    Captainkirk's Duster project

    Great news . . . :thumbup:you have a talent for writing. Be careful and protect yourself. Good luck!! Rog :study:
  16. Popdart


    Glad to hear you are home and on the mend . . . :cheers:
  17. Popdart

    Son of a BI*CH!!!!! I'd Swear Mother Nature Has It Out For Me ........

    So glad you and yours are ok Leanna, I just spotted thi post. Seems Mother Nature or someone dear to you guided that tree down pretty darn good. It could have been so much worse. Glad you are ok sweetie.
  18. Popdart

    CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

    Glad you are busy . . . busy is good. Sure beats the hell out of sitting around watching TV eating popcorn :happy1:. . . well maybe not. Glad the trans was ok, what did it set you back to just get it checked? My wife also loves converts . . . she has a silver PT softtop which she can't wait to...