
my buddy just had his right hand operated on for carpal tunnel 5 weeks ago. he said it wasn't bad, and he only hurts now when he uses' it too much. the doc. said that will go away in a few weeks. hopefully everything goes well for ya.
Be prayin for a great outcome and recovery.
Good luck. I had both of mine done 10 years ago and have no side effects. Both hands work great. Took 7 wks to recover. Im an auto mechanic so I use my hands alot. Surgery takes only like an hour.
Good luck Doug I hope all goes well.

Ummn if doesn't can I have your car and gun collection?:toothy10:
My hopes and prayers are with you Ink,
After all you have been through with your wife and all, if anyone needs a break, it's you.
Here's to a speedy recovery.
When I had mine done(both)they did the right first(worse),waited 3 months,then did the left.I was out riding my RM500 dirtbike at the end of the month.Good luck Inkjunkie.:-D

P.S Had mine done 24 yrs ago.
" carpal TUnnel" is that like ***** enlargement? or is that caused by playing with it too much? LOLOLOL you will be just peachy.....godspeed thru the long as you can hold a beer when they are done...all is good!!!!
Take care ink....this too shall pass
Good luck Doug I hope all goes well.

Ummn if doesn't can I have your car and gun collection?:toothy10:
You would have to talk to Ernie about that....:axe:

" carpal TUnnel" is that like ***** enlargement? or is that caused by playing with it too much?
[-([-([-([-(No comment....[-([-([-([-(.....well...ummm......uuhhhhhhh...never mind......The left side is far worse than the right, after we get her potential cancer issue dealt with will be looking into the right side. Then down the road, depending on how I feel and how much things improve after some more weight loss I am hoping they can do something about the ruptured discs and the stenosis going on in my back....
Sending positive energy for a fast recovery.............
I am back home. Getting knocked out is strange. One minute your talking to the doc next your are waking up. Surgery pain is starting to creep in, time for some more drugs....
The hurts part is the good thing. Means everything is still connected. Say, that isn't the hand you use for........nevermind......