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  1. hellion_locdogg

    Which one would you drive ?

    I would drive the wheels off of that slanty pumpkin Dart...
  2. hellion_locdogg

    Car show question

    I never have and don't think I will enter a car of mine, I really could care less if other people like my car or not, I do.
  3. hellion_locdogg

    Steele Rubber Rant.. I am PO'd big time

    I have rear rubber for a '72.
  4. hellion_locdogg

    Panic & Anxiety Attacks

    I was told that my anxiety stems from a chemical dependancy of Adrenaline which my PTSD did not help much. Which actually makes a ton of sence considering all my hobbies and extreme activities. I was told to take it down a notch and try not to feed my adrenaline fix when I feel the urge. It's...
  5. hellion_locdogg

    Panic & Anxiety Attacks

    Celexa or lexapro, Celexa worked for my PTSD, never be too proud. A person with Diabetes for example can't just wish it away, so if you need help just get it.
  6. hellion_locdogg

    Arizona Now Has An Official State Gun

    I love Az and my guns. I actually have a new project I'll be starting on a Yugo SKS I'm buying from a friend. Can you say BULLPUP?
  7. hellion_locdogg

    1950's Auto Test

    73% , shouldn't have second guessed myself on some. :crybaby:
  8. hellion_locdogg

    Im so nervous

    The one thing that helped me when I was in basic training was to think "they can't kill me", they being my DI nad by can't I mean not legaly. lol
  9. hellion_locdogg

    Counterfeit Cars on FABO!!!

    You have to change more than a tag to "redefine" a car though. Savy buyers know what to look for. And I guess that's what con's prey on is the buyers that don't. I went to buy a 63 Fury 440 car, NOTHING jived and the owner was a known sheister form meeting him months previous. He was a bit...
  10. hellion_locdogg

    Any aircraft mechanics on here?

    Does an aerospace machinist count? I work at Honeywell machinig turbine engine gears. Boring monotonous job but it pays the bills.
  11. hellion_locdogg

    ohioan visiting phoenix

    Here ya go ;
  12. hellion_locdogg

    !!! NO !! NOT!!! "The Thunder Charger"!!!!!!!

    If Evil Kenevil drove cars that would be something he crashed for sure. I do love the a lot of the Barris models though.
  13. hellion_locdogg

    Any weed-eater guru's out there?

    Don't most people smoke their weed instead of eat it?
  14. hellion_locdogg

    Family time...

    I need to get my damn boat on the water...
  15. hellion_locdogg

    More Pics from MATS 2011

    Nice man, thanks for the pics. How'd you like the snow? lol
  16. hellion_locdogg


  17. hellion_locdogg

    Rat Rods

    What a bunch of Negative Nancies...
  18. hellion_locdogg

    Rat Rods

    Here is a Slanted one a guy from did, hope he doesn't mind. Click the title to view. Cassandra - a set on Flickr
  19. hellion_locdogg

    Favorite Cover Song

    Damn all of you and your Youtubes, I can't watch that a work...
  20. hellion_locdogg

    Favorite Cover Song

    Summer Breeze by Type O Negative
  21. hellion_locdogg

    Hefe Weizen

    LOL probably not...
  22. hellion_locdogg

    Hefe Weizen

    With a thumb up instead of your index or else you get two... Thought it was strange to get two drinks every time I ordered one with my index finger.
  23. hellion_locdogg

    Hefe Weizen

    I've been wanting to brew some dark ales for a while now, just "haven't gotten around to it".
  24. hellion_locdogg

    Hefe Weizen

    Hefe is a wheat beer, cloudy in color and very filling. I too was stationed in Germany, Jack Daniels and I hung out together often, not a fan of Hefe. Blue Moon is a very popular Hefe here in the states, most any place has it too.
  25. hellion_locdogg

    Memike Mopar Enthusiast article

    That's awesome, never knew the story before.
  26. hellion_locdogg

    For you Cummins drivers.......
  27. hellion_locdogg

    Question for Vets...

    I remember the times I was promoted all too well, now they have sew on rank... lol And the one that pisses me off the most and is a lack of discipline is no shine boots. I hated the new uniforms when I got out and went Reserve a few years later. As far as some doober with chevrons tatted I'd...
  28. hellion_locdogg

    You guys/gals are gonna be sick of me...

    You guys are right, salery sucks... lol