Search results for query: v8 throttle cable

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  1. vallianted

    [WANTED] throttle cable

    hey all.looking for a throttle cable for a 65 valiant v8 car.
  2. Oldmanmopar

    Throttle cable suggestions

    There are three different A-body factory throttle cable lengths, V8 4bbl being the shortest , V8 2bbl in the middle and slant 6 being the longest. I used a V8 2bbl on this high intake. slant 6 is much longer. I like using factory throttle cables I find them to be more durable.
  3. cudamark

    [WANTED] Carb throttle stud, return springs

    The throttle cable to carb stud is the same for pretty much all V8 models from '67 and up. The springs will depend on year, engine size, intake, and carb.
  4. G

    [WANTED] Carb throttle stud, return springs

    72 340 Thermoquad, thanks
  5. Rapid Robert

    throttle bracket/cable interchange?

    63 dart was a /6. has the 3 mounting holes in the firewall roughly in a triangle. will a 64-66 A body V8 throttle bracket/cable bolt into the same holes? thank you for your time. RR
  6. dart_68

    Correct length V8 throttle cable

    I have an OE throttle cable that is only 18" long. I thought it came out of a Duster that had a 318. However, looking up replacement cables shows a length of ~24". Is 24" correct and if so...what did an 18" cable fit? Thanks.
  7. halfafish

    [SOLD] Early A V8 Engine Mounts

    Tha K-frame in an early A is the same for all but slant and V8 engine mounts are different. If you make this swap you will likely also need the steering center link and throttle cable/pedal from a V8 car. Some have managed a small block with the slant center link but YMMV. As info, this swap...
  8. JoePole1

    904 Shift selector & kick down lever

    OMM......Do you have a picture of A V8 4bbl throttle bracket? I changed my car over from a 318 2bbl column shift to 360 4bbl slap stik (B body). I made the original multi down rod work but want to make it right. I have the 1 piece V8 down rod and multiple throttle brackets but don't know the...
  9. Dartvader440gt

    Slant 6 throttle cable

    I'm having a tough time trying to locate a /6 throttle cable for a 1965 B-body. I need the extra length over the v8 cables. Are the A-body cable the same length? Stock v8 cables are 20" on the b-body. Con someone post the length of theirs? Thanks.
  10. vallianted

    [WANTED] throttle cable bracket

    Hey all.putting a small block in our 65 Valliant and was wondering what bracket I should's a 600 holley carb and original v8 throttle cable. Ted

    Help identifying differential 65 Barracuda V8

    Hey FABO! Looking for some help in identifying the rear end on our 65 Barracuda/273 V8. I can’t seem to find a tag anywhere or any other numbers other than what’s pictured. When I grabbed the flange I immediately noticed some “play” (i have not measured the backlash with a dial indicator yet...
  12. vallianted

    [WANTED] Cable.

    Looking for a 65 Valliant v8 throttle cable.
  13. moparmat2000

    A500 42RH Crossmember template?

    I used 3/8" preformed transmission lines from a 1999 ram van 3500 model, I cut the ends at the front and used a 37° flare and AN-6 B nuts. I made flexible steel braded nylon coated hoses to transfer to the frame. A Derale transmission cooler thermostat valve on a home made custom bracket. A...
  14. Professor Fate

    Slant six transplant ‘64 Barracuda

    Easier than slant to V8. Hunt down the early A slant 6 motor mounts/brackets. The early A transmission crossmember will work fine with the later 904 trans. The later oil pan *should* fit fine and have clearance, since you have a drop center V8 centerlink in the car already. The special pan was...
  15. niceolddart

    46rh issues

    I had that trans. in my 95 V8 Dakota & had similar problems & wouldn't shift out of 2nd gear until about 3600 RPM when it was not warmed up. There were no major leaks but, I added a bottle (8oz.) ATP brand AT-205 Re-seal & within 20 miles it was working great. It even chirped 2nd gear when I got...
  16. moparmat2000

    US Car Tool A518 Cross member

    I ran into a few issues routing the cable for the kickdown away from the rear cooler line. To this end, I picked a couple cable support brackets out of the boneyard and believe that the dakota cable works best with the B350 ram van cable bracket, kickdown lever and springs at the trans end The...
  17. 318willrun

    Coverting from a slant 6 to a 360.

    Welcome to the site! To put the the V8 in there, you'll need adapting motor mounts/or a V8 K-frame. You'll need a form of V8 exhaust (be it manifolds or headers). The slant six electrical wiring will work (distributor, oil pressure gage, alt wires, etc) but the lengths may not be exact...
  18. 65 Cuda 340

    Does this look like correct gas pedal assembly?

    Well, a V8 cable would be shorter than a slant six cable I believe. I think I used a V8 cable on the four barrel slant six that used to be in my 67 Barracuda, but I was also using a V8 throttle bracket bolted to the carb base (or somewhere close to the carb base - we're talking 30+ years ago)...
  19. Professor Fate

    273 or 225?

    If you swap it, this particular combination is going to present more issues than just the heads. Assuming that they're both automatics, the '65 is going to be a cable-shift transmission, and your '66 is a mechanical linkage trans. Which means you'd have to switch to dash mounted push buttons or...
  20. Magnumforce1987

    46rh issues

    Gotcha! Both my lock up and overdrive solenoid grounds were melted onto the exhaust pipe and grounding and activating the solenoids, they were always activated, the only problem I got now is the overdrive is solenoid is turning on and off, gonna inspect the connector. Hopefully it’s not a...
  21. moparmat2000

    US Car Tool A518 Cross member

    heres an overview of pix from my google archives on this trans install. No floorpan in the way so I reinforced the crossmember with 1/8" steel after trimming it. I also have pix of the 3/8 trans line, and kickdown cable setup, as well as how I modified the shifter rod for Mike and myself. I'm...
  22. J

    Coverting from a slant 6 to a 360.

    I appreciate any info. I have access to a 360 truck engine with an automatic crank, so I know i'll need a bushing for the trans output shaft and probably a bell housing for a manual shifter. I'm pretty green when it comes to this.
  23. 73smallblock

    Throttle Cable

    Just broke my throttle cable on my second time trail. Does anyone make a better cable that's the same as a stock one? I believe that the one on my car is from a /6 because with the jegs bracket and a single plane intake, the v8 one was to short.
  24. grimreaper

    1962 VALIANT/6 to V8 SWAP

    As mentioned above early A motor mounts, exhaust manifolds or headers, dropped V8 center link, cable throttle assembly, a notch put into the transmission crossmember and a V8 transmission or bellhousing. Several years ago there was a 62 Valiant in Salt Lake City that had a 416 under the hood...
  25. 64whiteghost

    Correct Throttle cable and bracket for my 340 swap into a 1964 plymouth valiant

    The bracket I have as taken off of a 64 dart V8 2 bbl. I didnt take a picture and im not at the car right now. But I will take one tomorrow. The picture you posted of the braket you think I need works with FST Carbs ?
  26. W

    Slant 6 throttle cable

    The 65 B-body Slant 6 accelerator pedal is a special animal. I believe that you need one of these expensive cables. (Maybe someone has a reasonable OEM unit?) Mopar Throttle Cable NEW 64 65 1964 1965 B Body V8 TC6465BV8 | eBay
  27. D

    Will a 77 Charger 360 fit in a 65 Valiant Slant Six Painlessly?

    Wasn't '64 the last year for the push button shift?
  28. Professor Fate

    Will a 77 Charger 360 fit in a 65 Valiant Slant Six Painlessly?

    Painlessly? Nope, but it depends on your tolerance for pain. Is the Charger transmission a 904 or a 727? 904 will fit, 727 may need some tunnel massaging at the pinchweld, as already stated. '65 trans is cable/pushbutton shift, '77 is mechanical linkage, either column or floor shift- you'll...
  29. 65 Dartman

    [FOR SALE] Early A body Mechanical parts at Carlisle

    Hi Frank - I’ll see you tomorrow- put the early A V8 throttle cable aside - consider it sold