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  1. L

    Random pictures thread

    Daytona Beach late ‘70s
  2. Frodee

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Home from work and back read just enough to get me into trouble just reading what everyone is posting. Bad boys and girls, you're all grounded. :poke: :poke: :lol:
  3. B

    72 Dart 360 PVC valve issues

    Wondering if anyone can guide me on the proper set up here. Yesterday start having smoking (or steam?) coming from the oil breather you can see it in the video. The PVC valve is on the driver side cover, when I pulled the valve and only stuck the hose back into the grommet the smoke stopped and...
  4. T

    Great day at the dyno!

    I don’t think he’s locked out.
  5. T

    Great day at the dyno!

    So you have 10 degrees at idle and 40 all in before 3500. A 30 degree swing, that seems like a bunch.
  6. 65dartcharger

    65 Dart Wagon Conversion to a Sedan Delivery

    Great work Don! How to fix it to the floor tunnel?
  7. mopowers

    proud daddy... :)

    Congrats Joe!! And Atta girl to Rylee. The Vietnam era Marine sounds like a good dude. I wish more people had that outlook on various aspects in life.
  8. DartGT55

    Saying Goodbye to My Cudagirl

    Sorry for your lose
  9. B

    Saying Goodbye to My Cudagirl

    So sorry the loss of your beautiful daughter... heart-felt prayers for you and your family.
  10. A

    Great day at the dyno!

    I started at 35° timing. I got best power with 40° timing and left it at 40°. The whole power curve showed an increase at all RPMs with 40° advance. I have a Fluidamper style harmonic balancer and TDC does coincide with the timing marks at 0°. At low idle timing drops to about 10° BTC.
  11. AJ/FormS

    A potential problem with Super Sixing my 1973 Duster.

    If yur looking for more power, with the two-barrel, with no other mods, I can tell you that I was very disappointed in the change, per dollar spent. If yur looking for better fuel economy, same answer. I finally pumped my 225 up to 9.5 Scr, and that was worth every cent I spent.
  12. N

    [FOR SALE] 73 Duster Part Out

    Wrong person, I am not looking for a center link sir.
  13. Docmcg

    Oil Filter Relocation for Slant 6

    I like the idea of a remote mount so much, I did my own take on it. I had a similar setup on my race car and it worked very well. BB 440 has similar filter mount and made filter changes a mess. I bought a remote mount kit from Summit (I think) and here’s what I ended up with. Goes in the A100 in...
  14. CLAY72dart

    318 with 360 heads and compcam build help

    I guess bigger isn’t always better.
  15. missing linc

    Hi All, Just got my first classic mopar

    :welcome: from :canada:
  16. CLAY72dart

    318 with 360 heads and compcam build help

    273 numbers are 2806030-1 Heads are what looks like 2843675-12 P
  17. 273

    318 with 360 heads and compcam build help

    Sounds like your 90% the way there, just make sure you got decent cr around 9:1 and I would shop for cams with a intake duration around 205 to 212 @ 0.050". Pick a few and people can help you narrow it from there, when in doubt buy the smaller one.
  18. Scott_ 69HemiDart

    Thanks for the add

    Welcome from West Virginia......................... :thumbsup:
  19. PRH

    318 build with dyno session

    The CR and cam choice will big players in the final numbers. Sure, that’s true for any build……… but I feel like as the heads get bigger, relative to the cubes, it’s even more true.
  20. CLAY72dart

    318 with 360 heads and compcam build help

    Got no clue but I got a welder and commitment. And the driveshaft will have to be cut either way because the customs driveshaft was longer I think.
  21. 66fs

    318 with 360 heads and compcam build help

    What will it take to run the 9" Ford? Is it custom built for an A-Body Mopar? Custom drive shaft? 273 sounds funky is 273 cast in the outside of the block?
  22. N

    Great day at the dyno!

    Just so I’m clear, you have 35 degrees of timing at idle. Is that correct?
  23. W

    Thanks for the add

    First car was a 66 dart. Was looking for a convertible that momma and I could run the grandkids around in. And found a 273 dart GT convertible in the same color.
  24. niceolddart

    [WANTED] Manual Steering Box Mounting Bolts 71 Duster

    I have these two sets. The 12-point bolts are from a 69 Dart GTS with manual steering. The other set is from a 74 Duster with power steering. Both bolts are identical except the heads. Both are the same length & diameter. If you know which ones are correct, I'll sell a set for $47 shipped to you.
  25. J

    [FOR SALE] 72 dart swinger

    sorry if I jumped to apologies but it sounded as you we're calling me a lier...and it's a mopar they don't make you..
  26. 1MeanA

    New Red 340 air cleaner pie tins avalible @ summit racing.

    I emailed Direct Connection and they say they will not be reproducing the 340 engine pie tin and they will be phasing out some of the vintage parts. :cry:
  27. CLAY72dart

    318 with 360 heads and compcam build help

    I don’t I can get the numbers off the 273 today it’s a little weird it’s got 318 written on it and the stamped crossed out and 273 stamped next to it but I will get the numbers for you. No adjustable rockers. I’m set on the ford 9in rear vs a 7 1/4 rear. I have the original ignition but I want...
  28. A

    Great day at the dyno!

    I was tuning for best power. The jets could be a little bigger but I didn't have any jets larger that 98. Power went down a little when timing was set at 42°. I backed it down to 40° BTC.
  29. T

    [FOR SALE] 72 dart swinger

    Perhaps you should calm down a bit.."friend" ...all I wrote was "good luck with your sale." How in any way is that negative?? I could have written that your car is a piece of crap, now that would have been negative.