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  1. Bodyperson

    340 X heads

    I've heard of that too. I have to wonder if there is any consistency as to which side got the J head.
  2. L

    [WANTED] 65 Barracuda turn signal switch

    try Rock Auto for new. She-Mar is the manufacturer. Should be available there.
  3. harrisonm

    340 X heads

    I agree.
  4. Valman

    Camshafts and Compression

    Update of sorts.. I’ve been trying a few things, first I took the carb off and noticed this green, slimy crap oozing out of various places. This is when I sprayed carb cleaner through the passages. Look at the brass acc.pump cap, you can see the green-ish colour on it. Got it idling better...
  5. C

    340 X heads

    One of the mopar neighbors called the car "Bastard" because of the heads. :lol:
  6. dowboy1970

    340 X heads

    9th month, 29th day 1969. 1970 car 340.
  7. harrisonm

    leaf filter or leaf guard?

    $9,000??? wow! I have a 1800 ranch house with an attached garage, and I didn't pay anything close to that. I seem to remember that it was around $3500-4000.
  8. RustyRatRod

    Testing the HiRev 7500

    I get twat you're sayin.
  9. ryan1964

    340 X heads

    That's cool I've heard that could happen
  10. C

    340 X heads

    X heads were used as the switch over was happening in 1970 model year. That's a late casting date for the period. My 70 swinger with a a dec build engine had a x on one side, J on the other.
  11. RustyRatRod

    Testing the HiRev 7500

    I absolutely agree 100% that with some cases, there's more than the box in play. No doubt about it. But the only way to know it to TEST! It depends on the type box and how crappy it is. Some actually have high RPM retard designed it to help protect against detonation at high RPM.
  12. ryan1964

    Video of My 340 Idling with Comp XE 268 Cam

    Ok thank you
  13. G

    340 X heads

    As my elder mind seems to recall, X heads were only on 68 and 69 model that I have ever seen. The 70 models that I have ever seen were J or U.

    Something Sounds Suspicious Here

    An 80 year old man is having his annual check-up. The doctor asks him how he's feeling. "I've never been better!. he replies. "I've got an eighteen year old bride who's pregnant and having my child! What do you think about that"? The doctor considers this for a moment, then says, "Well, let...
  15. harrisonm

    Video of My 340 Idling with Comp XE 268 Cam

    Sorry. No idea. It's been at least 15 years since I put it in. Give Comp a call.
  16. 92b

    Testing the HiRev 7500

    Kind of the opposite in my experience. Most of the retard comes below 4000ish and less above that. I don't know why that is. It seems like it should be linear. I don't test very many engines above 7500 .
  17. G

    Will a reaar end, springs and driveshaft from a 70 Dart 2dr fit in a 66 2dr?

    As I recall, everything should fit fine although the driveshaft will probably need to be shorten some. I believe the 66 Darts are still 106 ( ? ) while the 70 are 108 or 111 depending on the model as my elderly mind seems to recall.
  18. 92b

    Testing the HiRev 7500

    I'm not saying that boxes don't retard but I have seen timing retard go from 6ish degrees of retard to 1ish degree with the same box and two different types of distributors. On running engines not a distributor machine. I don't know for sure but I think the results will be the same on a...
  19. B

    Follow up test with a CDI ignition

    Turk, Not trying to be argumenative, but offering a possible reason for the retardation. Timing lights typically use a Xenon lamp, not sure of the light source in your m/c. Either type, a certain amount of time is reqd for the lamps to come on [ illuminate ]. The crank does twice as many...
  20. G

    Success at Arizona National in Superstock

    Well we are in line for Pomona. Two tire tread separations and one axle bearing replacement. I have got down to the last four in the last three Nationals at Pomona, even though there are at least a dozen guys entered that are clearly better drivers than I am anymore (Mostly former World...

    Testing the HiRev 7500

    That's about where mine would start.
  22. G

    Testing the HiRev 7500

    I think it starts retarding much earlier = perhaps 3000 or 3500.
  23. MopaR&D

    Magnum cooling

    Interesting thread, I'm curious as well to see what you get from dialing in more light-load cruise timing. It really does make a huge difference in the heat output of the engine. It's really nice to have electronic timing control that you can adjust on the fly but like @TT5.9mag said it's easy...
  24. 65 Cuda 340

    Testing the HiRev 7500

    Okay, for us dummies who are struggling to understand this, tell me if this is correct. The timing retard on all these boxes doesn't really become significant until high rpms. 7,000, 7,500, etc. For a motor that only goes to 5500-6,000, it is not a significant problem. Right? Or have I...
  25. ryan1964

    Video of My 340 Idling with Comp XE 268 Cam

    How did you break your cam in I've heard a lot of stories how it went south I just watched a different video from comp cams saying you should pull the inner spring out if you have dual springs is there any truth to that my springs have 100 pounds of seat pressure will they be a problem or can I...
  26. CrossRam65

    65 Cuda Trunk Lid Strut Mount

    The attached pic is of the upper Trunk Lid Strut Mount on my 65 Cuda. Does anyone know if the threaded stud shown is welded in, or can it be knocked back out of the hole in the flange? There's a larger flat disc on the back side and it's hard to tell how it's held in. I have banged on it a...

    Testing the HiRev 7500

    Distributor were msd also
  28. 65 Cuda 340

    Video of My 340 Idling with Comp XE 268 Cam

    Running a Mopar Performance 761 cam, 270/272 duration, .450/.455 lift. Been in the car since the early nineties. Ancient TRW forged pistons, Eddy heads, air gap, Holley 750 vacuum secondary, TTI headers, TTI 2.5 inch exhaust, Sonic Super Turbo mufflers. It sounds louder in person than in the...
  29. jos51700

    What causes this?

    Make DAMN sure you've got the parking brake set and I'd chock the rear wheels, too, before I get under it to check/adjust the shifter.