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  1. 68cuda408

    Duster front chin spoiler/ air splitter

    They are unique to SC's. The a43 kit cars are similar but different. the Roadrunners and R/t's are also different. Doing a search on ffmjbo ,there was a guy reproducing fine examples in glass (all 5 pieces) who has since departed. The spoiler only fits with the flairs as it's integral. The car...
  2. toolmanmike

    Hey yall! Thanks for the welcome

    Welcome to the group. Your Scamp is a beauty!
  3. DC 340

    Valve Clearance on Larger Camshaft and Flat Top Pistons

    I am gonna jump back in here: "Measure with a depth gage of your choice". That's the issue IMO. Failproof? I don't think so. What is that magical gage that can measure a clay indent on a piston? I tried that method a long time ago. I ended up with a bunch of pie slices I could not get a...
  4. RS23VOA

    Thermoquad Identification Help

    hotstuff1, do you still have this carb for sale?
  5. Dustdevl340

    What are you listening to ?

  6. scamp fan

    Hey yall! Thanks for the welcome

    Thanks. I’m sure I’m going to have a pile of fun with this one. Currently swapping the rear differential out for an 8.75 with a 3.23 suregrip. Should make it a bit more fun than the little diff with long legs in it lol
  7. 318willrun

    Hey yall! Thanks for the welcome

    Welcome! Nice car!
  8. C

    [WANTED] 340 engine id pie tin plate

    Do you want orange or red?
  9. scamp fan

    Hey yall! Thanks for the welcome

    Hi everyone. Thanks for the ad to the forum. Hoping to find a pile of answers to a pile of upcoming questions I’m sure I’ll come up with. Just picked up my first a body. A freshly rotisseried 76 scamp. Currently running a healthy 360 and a 904 for the time being. That will change with time I’m...
  10. 318willrun

    1978 Chrysler Le Baron Slant Six powered. Would you buy or not?

    I've personally owned several Volare/Aspen/Diplomat types of cars. I really think they are cool and have potential. I have a '79 Magnum now. Reminds me, my wife and I took a '77 Aspen R/T out to her folks in '94. It was about a 2000 mile round trip. I think it's a great way to get into a...
  11. K

    [FOR SALE] 1970 dated small block timing cover

    Late 1970 dated small block timing cover. Good shape, part #2951698. Fresh off a 8-17-70 , 1971 360. $50 plus shipping from 40165. Thanks
  12. cudamark

    Convertible fluid

    The manual says to use type A, but, good luck finding that stuff easily. I've used both Dexron and P/S fluid without a problem.
  13. 340six

    1978 Chrysler Le Baron Slant Six powered. Would you buy or not?

    Most cars of that era sucked. The guy that lived across dads home bought a brand new K car. Electricity was a nightmare. And slow, was at dealer countless times. He ended up trading it in. Got a car made in Japan. There is a reason Japan got such a foot hold in the marketplace. 2st was...
  14. moparmarks

    NHL 2024-25

    So when it comes to hockey most of you guys are way above my pay scale. You guys grew up watching and playing hockey as where I grew up watching and playing American football. I'm from the high desert on the west side of the state where there hasn't been much hockey. We do have college and...
  15. Dne007

    63 Dodge Dart, now let me see;)

    I've never measured Glen, It's stock pipe that I bought from Ray. ;)
  16. toolmanmike

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    I'm not cooking tonight. Left over pizza is good.
  17. DartGT55

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Hope your having fun Mitch starting to get warm back home car shows should be starting up soon
  18. WAYNE0


    yep i want to do them also
  19. Capt46

    [FOR SALE] 1969 barracuda deluxe seat medallions

    $200 shipped PayPal F&F The front seat (6) have great posts and backing. The rear seat (4) that are left backing’s are there but 2 out of the 4 are probably salvageable.
  20. toolmanmike

    Midwest Mopars in the Park 2025 Farmington, Minnesota

    Bump. Reservations made and looking forward to the show. Something new to show this year. I hope I can park between the B and A body guys this year.
  21. GGs66GT

    63 Dodge Dart, now let me see;)

    That is 2 1/4” exhaust pipe you are running right.
  22. 318willrun

    1978 Chrysler Le Baron Slant Six powered. Would you buy or not?

    Like @slantsixdan said.... they were plagued by 2.45 gears, a real tight stall, heavy cars with impact bumpers, and smog junk with odd spark control. Results were gutless cars but actually rode nice! But, again, in todays world all that fixes pretty easy. B-body 8.75 rear end and pick your...
  23. 4

    66 vs 67 A Body bucket seats.

    The law was Jan 1, 1969. From 1967 model year to December 31, 1968 they were optional as far as the govt was concerned.
  24. Capt46

    [FOR TRADE] 1969 barracuda deluxe seat medallions

    I’ll put them up for sale next bump
  25. WV64Signet

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

  26. T

    Setup Suregrip tight like a spool?

    I'm currently in the middle of rebuilding a spare 742 case 8 3/4 for drag strip use. I was torn between going with a spool or rebuilding the already installed (and well used) Suregrip and was looking for some opinions of those that have been there, done that, with what I'm currently considering...
  27. WV64Signet

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Hey Mitch
  28. fatoldguy

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

  29. a68postcar

    73 Scamp

    Then goes on the clear.
  30. 408 swinger

    46RH connections

    Yes. I didn't read his response correctly.