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  1. DavyZ

    Health care reform doctors view

    The ending was like a cherry atop a sundae! :D
  2. DavyZ

    Possibly the funniest car videos ever...

    ...and I would take them over the Yugo my friend's roommate drove back in college! That car was the pits! :tongue2:
  3. DavyZ

    The War on Terror: A New Direction

    Even if a repeat, this deserves a second look! The War on Terror: a New Direction Idea: Send Service Vets over 60 I am over 60, and the Armed Forces thinks I'm too old to track down terrorists. You can't be older than 42 to join the military. They've got the whole thing ***-backwards...
  4. DavyZ

    You know you grew up in the 80's if....

    ....You wore black or blue eyeliner, teased your hair way way up using Final Net harispray, wore 'parachute pants' or even a whole dang 'parachute' jumper in some bright color, sported bright red obnoxious Reeboks, wore a single earring in your left ear, wore a bejeweled broach or medal, smoked...
  5. DavyZ

    Ricer eat's 340 alive!!! beware

    I believe Paul Ruschman at Rusch Motorsports in OR was the gent who built that car. You want torque induced oversteer?!?? We got in spades!!! :mrgreen: Yep, the car is a monster. Davy
  6. DavyZ

    Old Dogs

    LOVED IT!!!! That was excellent :mrgreen:
  7. DavyZ

    Deaf Bookkeeper

    Oh man, that's too funny! :D
  8. DavyZ

    Redneck Catholic

    WAHAHAHAHAA! That's great!! I gotta write that down... :D Davy
  9. DavyZ

    Ricer eat's 340 alive!!! beware

    Many thanks! I just joined since I just aquired the Duster. I have been looking for a good Mopar site to learn from and I fortunately found this one. I truly love A-bodies. This Duster is the first true muscle car I have owned--I love the thickness of the steel since it is more sturdy than I...
  10. DavyZ

    Ricer eat's 340 alive!!! beware

    The funny thing is that the 300 you see in the pic isn't nearly as fast as the 240Z cars with the V8 conversions. The 240Zs are the lightest and fastest by nature, followed by the 260Z, 280Z, 300...and so on. The newer the car, the better the ride, but the heavier the car. The car pictured...