Search results for query: *

  1. R

    Bow Hunters???

    I shoot a Martin Fury. It's five or six years old and is probably obsolete now. It was considered really fast a couple years ago. As others said, bow tech jumps so fast, like electronics. A bow can be obolete in a couple years. A friend actually gave me this one because he couldn't sell it. All...
  2. R

    LOOK at what I called in.

    Good luck opening day. It would take me several years to put 1000lbs in the freezer. Although in MD we have unlimited doe, so I guess I could shoot ten doe in one day, but it's just not the same, Joe.
  3. R

    Old Tags

    thanks, Joe.
  4. R

    Old Tags

    A while back someone was looking for old tags. I have a MD plate that's red with white borders from 1973. On our big trucks we used to have to get a "Montgomery County MD Incinerator and Landfill Permit". It cost $1 per year and you got a new steel plate, standard size, that had to be on the...
  5. R

    Time for your PSA test

    My dad died of PC. They found it in his mid 70's and treated it till he died at 81. Up untill a few months before he died he was in better shape than me. He drove, split fire wood, hunted, shoveled snow. He did it all and was still strong as a horse. I think they should have taken it out when...
  6. R

    Family Heirloom Guns Lost!!!

    Yes, she got the proceeds, and all of the contact info of the winning bidders. She said she would try and contact them and buy them back. I don't think he was a crook, just shrewd. I think he sold them the way he did so there would not be any conflct over them. With the economy the way it is in...
  7. R

    Family Heirloom Guns Lost!!!

    I don't want to slam him, I think he did every thing on the up and up. I think he told Ernies wife he'd found them, I'm not sure. It just sucks to lose them. We went out a couple weeks ago to get my 58 Zodiac. My one brother in law went with me to help with the car. He was going through the...
  8. R

    what a maniac

    A few years back I saw a couple guy's from down south some where that had been building V8 bikes long before the Boss Hoss bikes. Their's all had flat head Fords on them. Not nearly as powerfull , but I thought they looked better. Much lower and they would lean to the side farther with the old...
  9. R

    Family Heirloom Guns Lost!!!

    Long story short, my wifes uncle's house and belongings were sold at auction last weekend. The family had been looking for 3 pistols that were in his house. Some how, at the last minute, the auctioneer found them. I was told he knew we were looking for them. He took them home and sold them on...
  10. R

    9th Annual UPS Car Classic, Metro DC Area

    Our UPS car show is coming up on Oct 17th. This is a big all make show. We've been averaging well over 1000 cars for about 4 or 5 years now. We're located at the Laurel/Burtonsville UPS facillity at the intersection of I95 and rt198 in Laurel, MD. Pre registration is $20 cars/$10 Motorcycle, at...
  11. R


    My nose runs in the winter when it's cold, in the spring with the pollen and in the fall with the ragweed. I only get a few dripless months in the summer. I get up and go to the rest room or step out the front door to blow my nose. People look at you like you're nuts. I've also lost most of my...
  12. R

    Posting Pics

    OK, I've got them on my photobucket account now so I'll post them from there for now and I'll figure out what I'm doing wrong with the manage accachements thing later, Joe.
  13. R

    Posting Pics

    I thought of that and I don't see any thing saying "Log In". In the corner the screen says "Welcome Rarefish" so I thought I was logged in automatically. Boy, I'm starting to feel like I'm missing something right in front of me. Joe.
  14. R

    Posting Pics

    I knew I was missing something. I'm not getting that "manage attachments" box. If I scroll to the botom of the quick reply box I have options, with "quote message in reply" and that's all. If I scroll farther I have posting rules and then Similar Threads. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, Joe.
  15. R

    Posting Pics

    I thought I had this down but it looks like I'm wrong. Can I post pics straight from my computer or do I have to go to Photobucket? I thought I found directions before but I don't seem to see them now. I know how to do it from photobucket so I guess I'll get to work on getting them over there...
  16. R

    I'm Back

    Got an email that I was missed. Been kinda busy. My son and I went to Philmont, New Mexico with the Scouts on a 10 day wilderness hike. My feet have never hurt so bad in my life. The day after we got home my Daughter left for 2 weeks in Africa. The Day after she left I got a message from My...
  17. R

    1968 car color?

    I have a 58 English Ford Zodiak that's 2 tone red and black, original paint. The red looks as pink as pink can be. Metalic Mauve was a one year only offering '66, but I saw a 69 Swinger 340 painted in that color, and it looked factory, Joe.
  18. R

    How Many Posts

    That's not exactly what I expected, but it works for now, Joe.
  19. R

    How Many Posts OK, if this worked here are some pics of my 68 where I found it, and the day after I got it home, Joe.
  20. R

    How Many Posts

    Ok, I think I've got it. Those are the blue plastic strips chazram needs for his Dart. I hope. Now a couple of my project.
  21. R

    How Many Posts

    I'll get my son to help me, Joe.
  22. R

    How Many Posts

    How many posts do I have to have before I can post pics? I've got lots of them, Joe.
  23. R

    Chrysler Sunbeam

    As 65 Val said it's pretty tight in there. I read that the demise of the Sunbeam Tiger was Chrysler bought out Sunbeam and had to do warranty work on the 289 Ford motors in them. They couldn't fit a 273 in one so they did away with the Tiger. But, where ther's a will, and a cutting torch...
  24. R

    Yeah Good News

    I over reacted when my friend told me all the old Mopars were gone from my little treasure chest. The ownner told me he was goning to start crushing them "soon", so I took for granted he did. My friend didn't walk down the hill far enough, they are still there! Off the top of my head, here are...
  25. R

    Sorry guy's, bad news

    Now I feel a little foolish. I told my friend to get up there quick because the crusher man said he was gonna crush them "soon". I stopped by this morning to see how bad the damage was. My friend didn't walk down the hill far enough, they're still there. I'm gonna start a new post under "good...
  26. R

    Sorry guy's, bad news

    I,ve been a member of Big Block Dart for a couple years. When I found a local junk yard that had several early A-bobies in it some of the members over there told me to check you guys out and let you know. I posted pics over there, and we were able to get some nice parts to members. Last week I...
  27. R

    Guys Im sick....

    My cousin and a good friend at work have MS. My buddy at work was advised to quit and draw SS. He refused and was able to work about 10 years after the doctors told him to quit. We are delivery drivers for UPS. They had no idea how he was able to maintain the pace for all those years. As some...